Venus retro approacheth, Spring is Coming,.., Mercury Jiggy Jig, Artichokes,.., 2010 Kick Off,.., Ecliptude,.., Cornerstones,.., Mid Year Action, BP Boycott, WWW, Mass Actions, Stalwarts Abound, the Art of Astrology"/>

22 September 2010

Venus retro approacheth

Again its Thursdays and Fridays and Saturdays where we are finding the fault lines in our lives,.. big days coming up are the 23rd of September and the 1st of October,..

You should all have noticed that rather bright star in the sunset sky of late,. This is the result of Venus passing us by in her orbit around the Sun. 29th of October she will be in line with the Sun and the Earth. March April 2009 we saw that last and September 2007 before that.
Prior recent passings of importance was the midyear 2004 passing that actually eclipsed the Sun. Every 125yrs that occurs and 8yrs apart Venus eclipses the Sun thereafter,.. Thats 2012 that the second eclipse of that cycle will take place,.. Flooding is on record back in the 1800's when last this occurred and in the Missisippi. So nothing new there, just a few million more inhabitants extra that could up the odds of folks being involved.

Also, the late 2007 Venus passing is the start of our great bankster credit swindle circus, so we have a history of easily observable effects accompanying these recent passings.

This time around she is in the sign of Scorpio, so Scorchio it could very well be. To practice your own independent predictive savvy then, why not look around in your own life,. Who is the unstable or a well determined emotional type in your vicinity, who is on the verge of a bit of a emotional disruption of sorts.

September31st through October 1st are the big decider dates of the last few and enxt few months. This is the big Bob Mugabe factor we have been watching all these years, the recent raising of Zuma doubts etc. But yes, initially it speaks of dad or the investor in any relationship and their final decision on many of the discussions that have been going on of late. Is it a yes or a no? I think its a no, sorry, but with all the stress about, even if it is a yes, there are limits involved, austerity is in remember, the money was off the table last we checked. 1st through 7th of October will show much pace as we head for the next big moon cycle, that of the Spring Equinox. Pretty much adds up seeing as a few days later we get Venus turning retrograde and in Scorpio. 4th through the 8th of October should see the results of this big decision coming out in the lesser parties involved and it may not be that polite, even handed or above board.

This Spring Equinox chart then speaks of a great year for independent minded folks, some great breaks for some and some vast setbacks for others. This is fighter territory this and there could be a few surprises next six months with issues being exposed with great vigour. Also to note we are just over 22yrs from the floods of 1987, if you recall i predicted floods at the beginning of the year for this year. Well, Jupiter into Pisces says it may be so. We have seen a bit of rain in the northern hemisphere recently, and yes, the 1987 floods were in spring, so we may not be so surprised if such recurs on the solar seasons 11yr ticker here.

I can honestly see some moving about even from the big decisions this next month, some rather unhappy partners. If anything, it is still part of the dire ramifications of the last few years, this credit habshwab is by no means over folks,. Count your pennies and keep the rainy day fund well stocked. How seriously can one say it, the relationship wheel is broken of late. The Unions may have won their apparent goals, but honestly at what cost to their doting dependents. All this is exposing is the dark belly of the beast, no one is winning in terms of the masses over the bourgeoisie, such is an illusion to the actual bottom line of late. Effects will still be visible for years hereafter.
the Art of Astrology

08 September 2010

Spring is Coming,..

Right, so what is in the skies at the moment? Pretty much every weekend now the Moon has been hitting on positions critical to the whole Pluto Saturn Uranus Jupiter Square setup. Every month beginning, like this Friday 3rd September, it presents itself as a whole square perfect to the degree in the skies about us. Hence we have this boxed in arrangement in many situations on the ground. No room for movement a very critical relationship juncture here.
This is obviously evident in the newspapers of late and yes, you can see as i have been saying, how long this actual pattern in the sky is thus persisting for, near on as long as the union strike one could say. Interesting to say September is strike month for September is Virgo month, the sign of service and staff factions. Add to this that we are having a Mercury retrograde in Virgo, well, this is the tooing and fringe of that darn agreement while everyone else fishes. Mercury also ruling over the health and education sectors where we have seen much of the anxiety then.
Astrology is not about being a fortune teller really, not in my view anyway. It is more about accurately understanding what we have currently on any given table. In any given situation. The ability to consider then the whole of a situation, to ask the relevant questions that might yield fruitful answers to the solution of the situation as a whole. Neither are the elements of any given situation ever separate, all being part of the same whole. Really, most of this then that we can foresee is a very 'odds are' sort of forward sight and lets be honest, most about us is based on 'odds are' statistical arguments. What are the odds your teenager will ask to go out for the weekend. Hmmm, pretty good actually! Depending on their 'phase' relationship with the world around them is what one would consider next. Again if one simply observes the issues/persons in their world, such phase relationships become obvious. As in, it is becoming obvious that the seasons are moving into spring and we can make so many more observations thereafter. Even to the point that your kids could really be falling in love at present. Admittedly i am running on the fact that Venus and Mars are both with each other of late and will be close to each other for a few weeks yet. Observable looking west at sunset, in the sign of Libra, that of relationships, but yes. As we head to Spring, this is a natural phenomena, so with both of these features, yes, one should really be observing such at present. Its just statistical odds really, and they are high regards at present.

We even then see trust issues emerging for the young couple, now by 9th of September, the girl will seemingly become darker, more secretive, more introverted. Either this is the trust issue of relationships exposed or it is the girl falling deeper in love. 11th September is a biggie here arounds, so expect some head over heals emotions with your kids there. By Wednesday the 15th Sept it gets darker for the guy as well, again either deeper into the love or soul retreat of it all or further the trust separation issue. Fact of the matter, big relationship issues for young couples in the headlights.

Very interesting that, the contrast of the parents and the kids relationships at present. Mom and Dad being opposed whilst the Boy and Girl are together. So as such similar to, as kids we are experiencing the drive of our dreams, as adults we are seriously considering the issues at hand. So a sort of duality there, even to the possibility of attempting feats of escapism! Hmmm, a problem then, so yes, as much as the kids want to be in love, the serious environment the parents are in may override. There is a warning here regards deeper ties, there is great emotional strain up ahead, we will definitely chat more regards next time around, lets just say, the girl is in for some real reversals.

Thats in effect the same as what the government[serious parents] are saying to the strikers[emotional kids]. Financial situation is as it is, and thats the facts. Take the chemical emotional reactions and well, handle with real care, their doors may be closed on all ends and looking to burn a hole in the chamber that carries them.
the Art of Astrology

03 September 2010

Mercury Jiggy Jig

In the skies over the next while we are taken back to mercury’s follies. Reverse action that has us warn again of logistics issues, delays, communications failures. Last time around in April we saw European airspace being closed down as a result of volcanic ash cast into the air. This time around we are seeing more a cultural cold shoulder if i am seeing correctly. Case in point, Blackberry RIM’s operations in India and the United Arab Emirates being threatened, reasons given, cultural, religious. Imagine that, in 2010 a religion forcing surveillance of data traffic through servers. So yes, reversal indeed and communications the department. Where the deep religious core fits in is with the tectonic forces resident in the volcano imagery of last retrograde.
One has to be aware how the energies have changed, science Mr Obama, the Plutonian references really are abounding. A bust oil well, under the ocean. See Pluto is modern ruler of Scorpio, remember, hiding under the rock, Scorpio contents always hidden under something,. A rock, the water, the earth crust or mantle. Under this layer, pressure builds up, any surface cracks etc and you get a kaboom.
So now, we all recall my New Year predictions regards August month in SA and the COSATU and ANC alliance. Its seems our layers of bourgeoisie are quarreling with each other. BEE in the spotlight like never before how glorious for all to see what an absolute crook fest we are having in this country. Reading ANC today just gets more and more humorous as these chaps explain themselves away. Even environmental assessments of mines involving your favorite black elite families names has become forbidden talk, ministers are mum, the public cannot know we have been stuffing ourselves in the farmhouse kitchen all this while.

But yes, do take care this Mercury retrograde. Official dates are August 21 through September 13. Expect delays.

Friday 27th August is a biggie, as well as the 3rd of September. We have noticed the elder women and their great struggle all this time, hard at it, fighting all the way. Pity in some cases folks just really don't see how they are the common problematic factor. Energies being so intense at present, folks taking things so personally. Really, kick up a fire storm in a empty warehouse, what do you get. More of a vacuum. Silence, are you the only one fighting!?
If anything, more fun to speak about at present is how dad should still keep his lips shut. The kids know full well what is going on, the kids surely know all our dirty secrets. So yes, talking all bravado in their eyes is their license to manipulate. The younger couple should then be in the shadows secretly plotting this month, many of the tricks up Mercuries sleeve could be their doing.

Both Mom and Dad are encouraged to take it one step at a time at this point, no big shows, just solid supportive gestures. I have been almost anxious for the moms this last while as really, one big blast is all it takes and all that time and energy wasted. Of restriction, our entire being is restricted within our skin, if it were not for restriction we would be a soup on the floor. So much for ideas of liberation then, sometimes folks just want it for the excuse value. So what i'm seeing lately is great guise to put it the way one wants to believe it, believe on, busy busy busy, funny the world is so fraught with difficulty. Think again, it is us who are fraught with such difficulties as we use the world as our screen, a canvass of our inner selves.
the Art of Astrology

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Hi again folks, well the pressure surely is on in many a situation. The bases are literally loaded in the skies as we mentioned far back already, August 2010 would be a touch one. So really, overriding advice this entire period, see it for what it is, if toucan put the stress off for now i would advise it,. the decision, however seemingly urgent, there is nothing new here. The character forced to engage is the one caught with their pants down. So the advice on all counts is to settle it all back down.

An unfortunately perfect piece to complement is in the recent release of 10's of thousands of documents from the Afghanistan Conflict by one Julian Assange. The Pentagon goes on to say that through his actions, he now has blood on his hands. As Julian goes on to rebut, as if they are not wading in blood themselves. This is how the ANC and the regular old USA are in see same boat all together. As in Mugabe threatening European unity whilst naming his departed Nestle supporting sister a national hero. The ANC will pull the same parlance to our faces.
I know, i know, stay away from politics, i am not talking politics, i was talking skies pointing to tense standoffs of late in our daily lives.

I think the fact that there is any political edge is the fact that there is something to this Emperor in fact being naked. Maybe the word 'politics' implies secrets and lies, hence the fact that it seems to get well dark rather shortly on emerging in any political discussion.

Maybe we just always do things in brotherhoods, in groups. Bowls is played in groups for goodness sakes, its a natural function, a healthy and important function. Well, we'll just call politicians blatant crooks then, heck, why be coy, especially when they are after everything one holds dear.

So much of retarded children about as well lately, haven't you noticed? I mean my child certainly has a learning disability, a processing coefficient malfunction i would say. Really battles to keep up with my Computer, my Car, the TV, Radio, damn he's slow. In fact, maybe my child is in fact faster than gridlock traffic perhaps, hmmm maybe dad at the pub swell. You get the point and i make it for we have even been calling bad dreams lately and the vast array we have been seeing. The kids are not machines, they are indeed live human biological material. Which, fancy that, exhibits emotional capacity! Wow, emotional capacity, once thought to be an advantage over other species and machines in general. Can you believe it, this is our very downfall. Dang child has an opinion, shut him up. May as well be born with an 'insert ritalin here' lable on them.

I believe it's the reality that in the last few decades computers have come such a long way speeding up so many of our basic communications functions that indeed, it is making other areas of processing seem slower than before. It is a relative effect, relevant to technological development.

You know, you get the situation where my child has a learning disability but he still kicks the pants off me on those dang computer games. Chuckle, yes, kids do come from the future and well, some big organizations 'representing' our social interests are well afraid of that. You know how it goes, you come up with something pretty cool the corporation jumps all over it, commercializing the heck out of it, turning it from cool to a bland normal sleeping arbitrary yesterdays profit. Once they wedge a gap between you and your child, well, is it the corporation or the state that now influences your child, not you surely, you just feed it and drug it. So busy that you are, slaving away, yes get that, slaving away. Funny that, it was supposed to be your life wasn't it?

Dare i say, wrest back control of ye lives. I comment on these for the clients is see experience these issues. It's the dang emperor you have to start ignoring. The U.S. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), the one that brought us passive aggressive, Bi polar, ADD and other non starter psychiatric conditions is to get some revisions in 2013 and guess what. Childhood Temper Tantrums and Teenage anxiety are now classified as Psychiatric disorders that need pharmaceutical drug concoctions to resolve. Who are you going to believe the freak in a white jacket or your own parents wisdom? You know the world is simple, it's the snake oil salesman that complicate it because we can't call them crooks, we have to put up with their squid like vampirism of our societies. Early in my relationship with my editor here at the Caxton group i was asked not to preach, for that was the job of catholic pedophiliac priests, hmmm, you can see how seriously i took that suggestion. Truth is, it’s them or us and we need community over snake oil any day!
the Art of Astrology

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2010 Kick Off,..

Hi folks, we are now all over the biggest skies really one might see in quite some time. Unfortunately in the past we have seen this upcoming two weeks as greatly conducive to the start of the next phase of warfare on this planet. I might say, 'world war', but i wonder if the term actually applies because in any war as such, very many silent partners are at play anyhow, it is hard not to call any war, not part of an ongoing world war.

So yes, these two weeks we expect to find the gun in the villains hand as such giving us members of the 'free' world all the rights we deem fit to smash and grab natural assets as we please. Enough politics from me though for surely you too have eyes and can see.

Friday 30th of July is our big day for the while as really there are some arguments that are looking at getting settled once and for all. If i am accurate it looks like the mighty take the leading hand in the discussions and well, freedoms are rescinded by the meek. The recent potential for new laws in SA regards journalistic freedoms, this is a classic along these lines. For goodness sakes, is the media that complicit nowadays, soon its role will be advertorials everywhere you look.
But yes, point being, sometimes the truth has to be fought for as the liars just actually put up a better show, i mean one would consider such obvious, seeing as they have so much to defend.

Right, so the next mega date we could scoop would be the 7th of August, One of the most insane collections of planets here as the moon fulfils the pattern on the day.

For Mom, Dad, Boetie en Sussie, lets see where this all comes out. Moms could really be as feisty as ever at this stage, real war waging on the tips of their tounges. Great new dynamics in their lives yes, career moves etc, although with much pressure, so as such, possibly give Mom an easier time if possible as really, she may look look she is doing swell, possibly a little anxious really under the surface. Dad looks like there is a new fish in town that he is after, He does seem to have gained a little more grace of late, could even be speaking in a far fairer tone. As we say though, there is a new excitement coming to him in the medium term now, vigour and energy. So we may find his patience straining now shortly as he moves from slow to quick in response, as if recently awaking from his winter nap. So we should be seeing great new enthusiasms for serious Dad. Brother and sister seem to be siding with Dad in the short term now as Mom could really be on the odd rant or two. So as such, we expect issues with theta way indeed it is that our children exercise their tv abridged vocabularies. But of course it their friends or teachers fault, not that incessant tv that never turns off. As such then, we may see diciplinaries and well Sister could be getting off better if i am seeing correctly.
So an odd patch coming up where the guys and girls both will be seemingly serious and well, possibly think a little before they leap. One may even find acute respiratory symptoms coming up in August.
If you look back at what i am saying here in a more lateral way, you can classically see how the skies tell their story through many stories. As such, the boys and girls coming into trouble for the things they utter, this is the media recently, whistleblowers etc. Then the limits from big papa, well this is obviously the state actually passing such laws regards. As such, the stories are congruent and if we observed this life a little differently we could actually grasp how these aires shift over time, whats popular today in the mainstream, really does exert its influence through our close personal lives.


Hi again folks, been quite a break we have had. Although the issues about are still so strong and rather depressing at times, i do suppose i should rise up in some way and use my voice responsibly. As we have mentioned in the recent columns, these are probably the hardest skies we will see in many years. Prior to the Iceland volcanos explosion, we mentioned hows times were similar to 2001 and the world trade centre experience. Earth element being anogluous to banking and finance, one can see obviously how these houses of finance in the USA are still the target in the skies scopes. The world finance then too.

Folks might like to hope that none of this really affects them, but in truth, as in the local RICA act, we are ever more being corralled slowly into a tighter and tighter pen. A new world order as such? However one might prefer a more indigenous landscaping. Anyone with a fair english literature backdrop can understand how squealer the pig will dance about event after event spinning great tunes regards how we are to digest the events about us, although really, your shopping trolly is ever more emptier, as is your tank on refilling. No this does not pertain to all of our society. I really do recommend a documentary by one of the Johnson and Johnson grand children in which he interviews many elites etc including one of Warren Buffets grandkids for instance. Now these are people who will never have to work a day in their lives. Trust-afarians they are humorously referred to. The film is called 'the One Percent' and documents the issues of 1% of the population owning more than the remaining 99% combined. Folks like Milton Friedman are present in the documentary as well, so really, it has some great references as this youngster uses his family name to get behind doors that most could only dream about.

As such, this is fact, one can see it in our politico as the real aim of our African Renaissance as obviously seen to amply provide for a black bourgeois class who really, as dare we forget him already, whats his name? Jelly baby? Juju? Ah, Malema. But yes, he referred many times to how the working class need some new wealthy successful black socialite images to invigorate their youth to slave away daily. Even if he has no actual accounting as to how he came upon such worldly riches. As such, if you do your reading again, one finds how over a few months in the early 1990's, certain obviously placed 'freedom fighters' that were in near rags, were transformed into wealthy suit wearing elites by their new corporate paymasters. Wonder why there is so much infighting in South African politics? Possibly to keep the favors of their corporate sponsors? I wonder, what would Squeeler have us believe. Wondering how successful ICASA will be at reducing cellphone interconnect rates? Think again, as Orwell's piggies are working overtime in the farmhouse kitchen to see what spin doctor Squealer can rationale as to why this cannot 'rationally' occur. Folks, when the corporates own the politicians as is so easy to do in rural Africa. Leading the masses to the corporate feeding trough, this is fascism, point blank. Expect more police state tactics employed on the voter base after this world cup.

Looking back to the start of this copy, about using my voice for some actual good. Folks, honestly, become politically active about issues like the current ICASA drive, in numbers we can remind our politicos that really we are not feed at the corporate trough. Both Vodacom and MTN have literally threatened us that the economy whole of the country will suffer at the hands of such interconnect reductions. Folks, this is Squealer on a vuvuzela, if you believe that, then well, you may as well believe your salary has kept up with inflation all these years.

In parting, dare i remind us all, we are a part of nature and have all an equal share in it's upkeep and fruits.


Much to be said about the recent moves for mom in the sky. As we said, this could be blistering indeed and really have a good number of years attached to it. I would start throwing numbers at it, but really the current skies offer such junctures of various spanning cycles that i could offer such barrage of periods we should rather focus on how great a phase this is really for many women of late and that they should consider the longer term implications of such now possibly in preparation for what will come.

Basically then, underway, we have a massive shift and in a while we could see a real new wave of self preservation on the part of these characters. I do wonder if some poor husbands have it in their near future that their wives will be finished with years worth of hassles and really wanting to move on. For them this is a pioneering phase of great energy. At this point, there could be little left of sympathies from the past as really, this is now feels to be her time. We would obviously have to keep all the self self self interests at bay as usually things have their give and take and well, if mum wants it all her own way, well, single is where it's at, which as such, knowing the Dad end of the spectrum has had its recent financial setbacks again. It could be a bit much punching him while he is down? Easy to do yes, but as such, there are differing spans of time we are dealing with here and as short term gains help the long term picture we need to keep perspective as such.

Like a painting without a backdrop one may not seem so stunning after all. Perspective is the binding paste, as we are all involved here for the long run, and no one knows how long the run will be, so as such. Buttons on sleeves displaying ones personal prides aren't really called for at present, we are well aware that it takes all types to press ahead in life.

As such, for this, lets look to the political landscape for evidence of these traits in the near term shall we, i expect a brazen female politician to raise her head then in this period. If so, really, some mums should call a few of their horses back for a little, pace is of the essence.

By the way, i haven't been keen on playing the pundit of late, really there are things currently on the go that are hallmarked, timeless as such and really who am i to paste my impressions upon them. Time itself at this point is setting folks to the left or right of its trajectory. Time knows their place however they may feel regards, whatever they may know regards. If you ask me, well, let me hold my tongue there again,. lets rather not ask me. Our best recourse would be the news possibly and a little look into the near term heavenly movements.

26th of June is our big date, a Full Moon eclipse as such and one of the most difficult we could see for decades. So really the week before and the week after, take full care of your loved ones etc. Take time in making decisions as we are now in the knee jerk phase as a further eclipse will pass around the 11th of July, observe more, react less.

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Mid Year Action

Hi again folks, a busy two weeks up ahead. Apart from the world cup and school holidays, the sky is action packed as well.
For the family characters then we have, Mom's new chapter in life emerging. Sisters new found creativity and self awareness. Dads new resolve at efforts to prop up the families income and the young sons emerging injuries through acts of arrogance.
Well, what a nutshell we can put it all in, right though, to fill in some details for you all, lets go a little further there.
For the mums and women with dependents, recall we have been mentioning the depression aspects, the social depression, or let down by friends aspects of the last two years. Well it seems she is now off in June to find her new pastures. New adventures, new horizons, new ambition etc etc. If you ask me where the issue is, i would say this is in her single pointed approach, there is something naive if not aggressive with her approaches to the new scenarios. As such, over all this time we see restrictions, as such, the new environment is also restricted, so holding to ones own beliefs etc does not hold any weight here, no good being personally ambitious when the environment is so clogged up with overdue responsibilities and the like. So really, we can see frustration ahead for this candidate group and really, the world appears to others as well and they have all the same rights as yourself, so moderation should well be required by many ambitions around this time.
For the dads, we would see this previous re-consideration of the lay of the financial landscape to be coming to completion now and his application of new techniques should be underway. As such, the budget could still be tight, but there are approaches which when their course is run, there should be productive outcome. It may change the relationship landscape a little, but nothing for nothing, so everyone has to pay their dues here, don't blame dad for being the layer down of the laws.

For the boys and girls. By the 14th of June, the girls are leaving their recent moody introversion's and the Sun is the limit, so really new hairdo's, face lifts, new apparel, etc etc, she is looking to take on the world shortly. Expect near tantrums and complaints regards attention being due. She wants attention now, for all the seemingly personal changes, attention is really what she is after. So really here, attempt the middle road, if you are only performing for attention, then really why should we be interested. When the world revolves around the young and beautiful, there vanity and all sorts of perishable values do dwell. Simply put, the time to grow up will be just around the corner, so prima donnas can step down thanks.
For the little guys,. the recent spurt of creativity and great ego display may be coming to an end. By 6th to 9th of June we could expect some big injuries or illness that will surely bring him back down to earth. So as such, we will be dealing with boys with little bruised eggs for a while in the near term. All in all, a good step down from the last few months special attention through great ego displays.

A final warning again regards the tension aspects in the skies through August, really folks, have respect for all that we have acquired thus far and really take little for granted, every response to the world around us is registered in a second and well, lets be conscious of what wee put out there.

BP Boycott

Surely you are all feeling the pressure in the skies of late, really as such we should be boycotting BP products for their continued failure to cap the spilling oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Folks, it's not an oils spill as is being mentioned, its and oil 'spilling' as such for every moment of our last 30+ days, even while we sleep, the oil is gushing out out their broken well. This could well be the start of our 2012 end of the world complex set of events and could well be related to the startup of the CERN Haledron collider in Europe. Recall there were questions from even top scientists as to whether their current project would kick of a set of catastrophic events world wide. Yes folks as we mentioned a while back, in the Two Thousand- teens the world is to become a futurama of events in a rather shore period of time. The long and the short of it being that this will kick off technology in a manner we really have not seen as yet, think bio-computing, organisms that can avert eco catastrophe. Poisons of all kinds are going to have their way here, as we mentioned kicking a beehive or a wasps nest is sure to create a foul cloud indeed. This is the same fouled cloud we have been talking about as in the banking crisis where this literal fouled cloud of funny money is circulating the globe and now apparently showing European nations up to be flat bang bank rut, you heard it folks, unable to pay their bills. In fact then, as i have been trying to put across for a while now. If you are finding it embarrassing regards being so strapped up financially, really folks, this is not about the lender but about the ponzi bankers who are colluding to drive our currencies to ruin. A new banking world order will surely come of this for it has been predicted apparently since the beginning of time. If the beast walks the earth, we are truly beginning to see the ruptures and scars for his strides. I know, who would have ever thought, who would have ever thought i would be alive here now to witness all of this.

Right then, in keeping this copy down to the ground for our local audience, lets focus a little on the skies in your livingroom over the next period. I am sure you have all noticed at this stage the daughter or young girls could be deeply troubled, especially those with a history of physical abuse should be playing up over this period as really their stresses are simply too much to bear. I think for starters, all troubled kids at this stage should actually be listened to for indeed they have a shocking story to tell of how their parents and guardians have failed them. I see some very introvert and ‘left out’ feelings there. If anything, these cramped feelings are the focus of the next period, all the family characters could be feeling this pinch so patience and understanding is advised. Brothers and young boys are as mentioned before, still tarrying with this new spurt of male creativity, so as such some sterling new performances from him to be expected of late, health concerns may appear by the 7th of June so monitor his diet for now. Moms first big break out of this year or so long depression will be coming in early June so really a great period should be on her doorstep although initially I wonder regards shock therapy is in order to help her deal with the change. Dad too is still busy with the financial reshuffling as most of you would have noticed, with the world exchanges back on the skids there is trouble in the land of his investment portfolio.

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Right folks, lets start by mentioning the fact that I am doing a talk a the Dunrobin Nursery in Bothas Hill on the 28th of May. Entrance is R90 and includes breakfast, 8am for 8:30am. Personal queries will be dealt and all are welcome so please do attend or mention to folks you assume could find such valuable.
Next off, my word, what a few weeks it has been, I hope you all have been taking it carefully as really, mayhem persists. The mercury retrograde is coming to a close, yet you can all see the dirty innards that have been exposed and the apparent world recession that was said to be over, well rollercoaster ride, here we come.
In general, I would be to say how yes, this July thru August offers so much stress, at present we can see it formulating in say the ANC and possibly the ANC/Cosatu alliance, The abroad, the EU. Watching how things are at present, I would assume to predict that, the ANC could see more splintering over the period, the Alliance could see a great break up and the EU then too, certain member states are going to be given their marching orders.
The Koreas I assume will definitely erupt into a minor conflict that well could escalate, yet this will remain an eastern battle I assume as the west is really stretched in the mid east. The USA will push further into Pakistan etc. I would see an actual bombing or two in New York etc as a direct result, or any major USA city on the eastern seaboard we would assume. Israel should well take advantage of the situation, either by bombing the USA itself, posing as a regular dodgy type Muslim character, or straight off just attack Iran based on the fact that there is so much chaos elsewhere, they ma as well tuck in themselves.
In SA regards the ANC splitting further, I think we are going to see the front splitting and thence random acts of violence should increase as certain splinter movements aim to stake their claim to what remains of the ‘struggle’. If anything, this is now coming the time where the ANC will exercise police state tactics to appear to be in control to overseas investors and further, to stave off the rest of the locals who now see plainly that politics in SA equals elitist secularism. So many of the kids who supported the ANC may actually break off to earn their stake of the pie. I mean, dare I look ahead too far, but can we see whole mines being taken hostage or run by generals etc as in other African countries, a disturbing thought.
As such, one can see the emerging serfisim on the horizon when Australia seek to impose a mining tax, the same our comrade Malema was suggesting. Then too how the Greeks have been sold out, their land sold from under them for pennies on the dollar. We were warned decades back that the next wars will be economic, yet everyone sleeps at the wheel whilst real assets are stolen, stripped form those who have owned them for generations. Greek is symbolic for that fact that it is such an ancient civilization, I suspect Rome and Portugal and Spain will fall for the same reasons, folks have to grasp the centuries worth of planning that has gone into this miraculous transformation of the new world. Literally, someone will make order out of this, and the nations of the earth will be it’s slaves. World bank tax is on the cards folks.
Suggestions? I may have few at this point other than the one I was punting the whole of last year. We are adults and it is time to act like adults. Latent anxieties have no place in our reactions. The African culture for instance in SA does seek our assistance as white Europeans, it is a fallacy that they want us destroyed, they are simply being played and they can see this for themselves. The problem is that violence needs to be rooted out of their ranks, this will take time, but if we act moderately, it will sort itself out. Think like adults and respond like adults. Free market economy does not mean one massive ponzi scheme, authority has to be earned.

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Mass Actions

Well well well, everyone in the Highway area that follows this column should have little further reason to consider Astrology a crank science. My word has this Mercury retrograde erupted in true Plutonian style. With regards i point to the array of accidents on local freeways these last two weeks and as such the co-incidence where tankers and large fires were co-incident. Now all of this goes rather far regards the imagery i have been mentioning for over a year now. The Exploding Money mountain and the black fouled air that rises out of it, note how Iceland both had a bank recently collapse and now this actual volcano spewing ash. Note that of the same period exactly, we actually have Goldman Sachs being held to fraud charges. The largest bank on the planet at present. Note too the recent foray of fraud cases coming out. I really am amazed at how this is all coming full circle on the simple images we have been discussing so long now. A further point would be regards how emergency services would probably actually have appreciated being on emergency standby for the period. Besides any sort of complicated Astrology, simple things like Mercury Retrograde dates should be more extensively published. Surely this cannot be a far cry, we follow monthly cycles at present. Why not get a 4monthly cycle in there, especially when it is capable of such logistics chaos. Progressive publications where are you!?

With regards to the issues of our country, the mountain in the above is the established South Africa as we know it, infrastructure etc. The explosive force is as the voice of the people. The massive energy that is seemingly repressed by the mores of society, the deep hatred that some feel, and the massive worthlessness of others. I would have to say, looking at events around us in this last few weeks. This is all bad augury for established South Africa. With a heavy heart, i can't not mention this as such. As we know with earth shifts, all takes a long time. If i were queried regards the current Volcanic activities and Earthquakes. I would say that this is more speaking of 2020 side of the world. 2020 through 2026 i would see activity such as that in 1783 where USA suffered snowfall in Summer as a result of that same icelandic volcano spewing its ashes forth. Notice how in 1780’s and +-250yrs prior as Cortez is off the Aztecs shoreline, civilizations are on the move, as the USA had its revolution in that period. We are really looking more like our modern culture may be experiencing setbacks not seen in a long while. Maybe this is actually good as it will ruffle many a corporation and allow for a new economic paradigm to find it's feet. I hope you all realize that this recent volcanic event could be the first real sign that human existence as we know it is in line for some massive shakeups. All we need is a bigger one as in 1700's and we could have a winter for all over an extended period. Just imagine the actual consequences of a blackout of the sun.
Right then, prior to scaring everyone to the point of fleeing the planet, let me ring off until next time with the short reminder. Take extra care these next weeks and really, enjoy what you have for it’s own sake, enjoy yourself and be good to others, one just never knows when they may depart!

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Stalwarts Abound

Hi again Folks, well a truly riveting time it has been. We predicted a violent March month and true to tone, we have seen many a violent March during the month and even to the days we mentioned on our Durban DUT campus. The city police said they were ‘caught off guard’! When folks read this column they should realize that some of these dates I am mentioning of late are all concentrating years worth of factors as long-term planetary patterns have been forming. As the Sun Moon and other faster planets come by and touch off these larger contributors, hence we see action over those periods. As such, folks should understand that we are now in a very precarious place. A rather exciting one as if you recall, i have mentioned June thru August 2010 now for 3 to 4 yrs here in this paper.
A good indication of this is as the “Boer” comment which is in fact a very old concept in this country that really raises many topics. What needs to be considered here too is that Saturn the planet has rulership over Agriculture, Minerals, Male Authority figures as in Statesman. You have all heard me mention this before. So as such, it should be no surprise that as the Sun moves through Aries this year we see all this erupting in South Africa. Tereblanche the figure head there and honestly one could almost suit him alongside Mugabe in terms of eccentricity.

The Chart for his murder speaks of more changes to come by February 2012 and how indeed early 2012 is going to bring up more violence.
As much as I can see and allayed with prior observations, this is all linked to similars as in raised taxes, raised rates, raised eskom basics, raised fuel prices, all sorts of extortionist tactics that will be employed to make life uncomfortable for the old SA whites.

It seems too that the stock exchanges are not reacting as this is all already priced in. Ones land is primarily the land of the ruling party and that is pretty much that. Like it or lump it. The world bank has just condoned the ANC’s behavior by providing the Eskom loan of 20something Billion Rands.
Obviously the actual war will be fought more on the extremities of our provinces, but yes, one can clearly see the same old in our local municipalities. I really would like to draw two aspects here together that folks may not have been noticing. Notice how the eco agenda really does trounce individual rights. Folks bordering any local conservation area will be aware of this. No compensation you will do this for the sake of nature. Notice in the securing of the World Bank loan, three greater nations vetoed the agreement for ecological/coal reasons, nothing to do with corruption or boer genocide etc, we don’t mind that, we mind more folks independent rights to decide for themselves. This is the final target really that all this eco banter aims at.

Two roads ahead in short for this year, great tensions yes, but there will be two differing sets of persons going through here. The one type will be blown out the water and really great difficulties will overcome them during this period. Only the strong will survive here. But those that are together and dedicated, those who have stuck to target for the last decade, they will find this as a resonance point in their progress. With a good clear head, body set to task, ambition keyed to the target. These folks are going to crack through into the next level as such, this will be a crescendo sort of year then for such folks, projects and organizations alike. Right then, last but not least, our dear Mercury is set to retrograde again shortly and lets just put it this way. The whole next moon cycle 14 April to 14 May could be fraught with reversals. If you wish to have a decent period there then, prepare for change in schedules, prepare for odd logistical errors, prepare for hearing unexpected opinions. Double check all details and preparations.
Also then do be ready to take advantage of any changes in scenarios you are engaged in. An interesting time ahead yet.

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