Artichokes,.., the Art of Astrology"/>

03 September 2010


Hi again folks, well the pressure surely is on in many a situation. The bases are literally loaded in the skies as we mentioned far back already, August 2010 would be a touch one. So really, overriding advice this entire period, see it for what it is, if toucan put the stress off for now i would advise it,. the decision, however seemingly urgent, there is nothing new here. The character forced to engage is the one caught with their pants down. So the advice on all counts is to settle it all back down.

An unfortunately perfect piece to complement is in the recent release of 10's of thousands of documents from the Afghanistan Conflict by one Julian Assange. The Pentagon goes on to say that through his actions, he now has blood on his hands. As Julian goes on to rebut, as if they are not wading in blood themselves. This is how the ANC and the regular old USA are in see same boat all together. As in Mugabe threatening European unity whilst naming his departed Nestle supporting sister a national hero. The ANC will pull the same parlance to our faces.
I know, i know, stay away from politics, i am not talking politics, i was talking skies pointing to tense standoffs of late in our daily lives.

I think the fact that there is any political edge is the fact that there is something to this Emperor in fact being naked. Maybe the word 'politics' implies secrets and lies, hence the fact that it seems to get well dark rather shortly on emerging in any political discussion.

Maybe we just always do things in brotherhoods, in groups. Bowls is played in groups for goodness sakes, its a natural function, a healthy and important function. Well, we'll just call politicians blatant crooks then, heck, why be coy, especially when they are after everything one holds dear.

So much of retarded children about as well lately, haven't you noticed? I mean my child certainly has a learning disability, a processing coefficient malfunction i would say. Really battles to keep up with my Computer, my Car, the TV, Radio, damn he's slow. In fact, maybe my child is in fact faster than gridlock traffic perhaps, hmmm maybe dad at the pub swell. You get the point and i make it for we have even been calling bad dreams lately and the vast array we have been seeing. The kids are not machines, they are indeed live human biological material. Which, fancy that, exhibits emotional capacity! Wow, emotional capacity, once thought to be an advantage over other species and machines in general. Can you believe it, this is our very downfall. Dang child has an opinion, shut him up. May as well be born with an 'insert ritalin here' lable on them.

I believe it's the reality that in the last few decades computers have come such a long way speeding up so many of our basic communications functions that indeed, it is making other areas of processing seem slower than before. It is a relative effect, relevant to technological development.

You know, you get the situation where my child has a learning disability but he still kicks the pants off me on those dang computer games. Chuckle, yes, kids do come from the future and well, some big organizations 'representing' our social interests are well afraid of that. You know how it goes, you come up with something pretty cool the corporation jumps all over it, commercializing the heck out of it, turning it from cool to a bland normal sleeping arbitrary yesterdays profit. Once they wedge a gap between you and your child, well, is it the corporation or the state that now influences your child, not you surely, you just feed it and drug it. So busy that you are, slaving away, yes get that, slaving away. Funny that, it was supposed to be your life wasn't it?

Dare i say, wrest back control of ye lives. I comment on these for the clients is see experience these issues. It's the dang emperor you have to start ignoring. The U.S. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), the one that brought us passive aggressive, Bi polar, ADD and other non starter psychiatric conditions is to get some revisions in 2013 and guess what. Childhood Temper Tantrums and Teenage anxiety are now classified as Psychiatric disorders that need pharmaceutical drug concoctions to resolve. Who are you going to believe the freak in a white jacket or your own parents wisdom? You know the world is simple, it's the snake oil salesman that complicate it because we can't call them crooks, we have to put up with their squid like vampirism of our societies. Early in my relationship with my editor here at the Caxton group i was asked not to preach, for that was the job of catholic pedophiliac priests, hmmm, you can see how seriously i took that suggestion. Truth is, it’s them or us and we need community over snake oil any day!
the Art of Astrology

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