The Satan in Santa - Xmas 2013, the Art of Astrology"/>

28 November 2013

The Satan in Santa - Xmas 2013

Hi all, well it's been a while as really everything to date has been
accurate so if folks have been following, there is really little new on
the go out there, December is just going to get way trashier.

Well we kind of have two stories on the go, Venus is about to go retro
in Capricorn near Pluto. Now as such, as per year start, Venus in earth
signs this year has purely been about sacrificing ones body to the
demands of a psychopathic 'civilised' corporate class of hypnotists.
SANRAL eTolling as case in point for instance, literally, rape the
masses folks, why ask one off rape queries in matric exams when you can
smash a nation one time. This is the key underlying in events like Reeva
and Oscar, poor blighter has loved his life under the achievements gun.
His body his own? or a signal of human torment and inequality. I will do
whatever i have to to find physical security in this life,..

And so it is,. Sacrifice the lot, who's happy? Any takers? Zip, it's a
slave camp, internet once deemed a liberatory novelty event, sorry for
you the bankers seem to have created it to err, hook every single comm
or transaction we make and yeah collect enough dirt on us through the
internets biggest data trafficker, pornography,.. Perhaps every single
boss/employers personal relationship is on the line given authorities
have dates and times of inappropriate internet activity. Like an all in
one bad ass brother over your shoulder, no RICA, no life on the grid, no
bank account or sim card,. All whilst real criminals like Krejcir play
007 around the country acting like the good guy, 'do i look evil',. It's
in your face folks this Christmas folks, 100% media/political/corporate
complicity,. But no, if you don't have a bill in your name, sorry, you
cannot bank with us or use a cell phone, nothing to see here, please
keep zzzzzzzzzing,..

So yeah, this Xmas, as Venus turns retro by the 22nd of December i have
been predicting 100% selfishness and perhaps full on psychopathic
pornography unleashed on the masses. Fear porn, you're a consumer item
porn, no way outta here porn,. Fact is broad sweep media's operand is to
help folks castrate from their physical persons,. The physical person
counted in the census, yeap a NYSE unit of SA GDP, so yeah, best you
strip all your kindliness from your person, it ain't gonna sooth you
jack all into the future,..

So yeah,. folks say i can be rather OTT,. Do us a favour and point out
the inconsistencies here in what i say, where am i wrong?.. Since the
manufactured 'Credit Crisis' abroad, bankers in concert with
universities and colleges moved in on the student loans market,.. To the
extent that you can search the net regards kids selling themselves on
street corners to cover their college tuition,.. Talk about learning the
ropes folks, take your little comforts and hold tight, water is no
longer your bodies free right,.. Things are changing far quicker than
any regular commoner can comprehend,. Everybody's smiling and waving
whilst on the tour bus, wait till the conductor boards and demands his
comeuppance,… All this because we won't rescind authority from obviously
forked tongued public servants,.. Really, it's in the Bible, do no
wrong, don't print Nkandla pics please obey the 'law',.. Note the
architects and builders on Nkandla site had 0% Security clearance,.
That's a round 0,.. Fobbing you off they are and with a fat piggy smile
at that,..

Nah, none of this bothers me, i've got mine and up yours if you can't
keep up,. Yeap, roots of psychopathy folks, like SA politics doesn't
resemble George Orwells Animal Farm to any degree,.. Fact is it does to
the nth degree, but no, the media is bought out by various interest
groups, even apparent Mavericks just spin the going spin,.. Want the
truth? Well chaps like David and his pet Chameleons have more news in
store, no more psychics for you lot, they are fare too contentious a

So yes, welcome to December a month of well fiery tongues, and frozen
cold hearts,.. Especially the girls we are assuming will behave in
rather anti-social ways,.. We are just seeing brats, never ending
complaints, want everything, do nothing,..

New years day see's one of the Darkest New Moons in New Years day
history,. Perhaps 260 or so years ago we saw similar,. Fact is it places
2014 in the scopes as a disastrous year indeed,.. We see fallen
economies, perhaps Japans Nuclear jungle gym will finally collapse and
with it Japans economy,. As if it was actually economic with all the
free money the BOJ has been printing all year,..

It's a comedy of errors, a smoked out hall of mirrors, a ship of fools,
a bad joke and unfortunately it's on us 'civil'ians,..When Guerilla
warfare really comes to SA, like it hasn't already,.. Folks will see the
corporate man behind the political puppets, as if Cyril Ram-it-home-son
didn't already display such during the Longmin Marikana saga,.. Zionists
call civilians Goyim, the suckers who take the hits for as greater
commercial political story lines unfold,.. Perhaps a thought why SA
presidents keep building fortresses to protect themselves post
presidency,.. Yeah it's because they love their brothers so,.. Spot the
Satan in Santa this Xmas before he grips his claws into you,..


Blogger dion said...

Christmas Toy Distribution in Pittsburgh Turns into a Mob Scene

7:17 PM  
Blogger dion said...

Up to 400 aggressive teenagers stormed a New York mall, trashing stores, assaulting security guards and terrifying customers and personnel during a so-called game of “knockout” that forced the shopping center to shut down the day after Christmas.

7:13 PM  

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