Spring is Coming,.., the Art of Astrology"/>

08 September 2010

Spring is Coming,..

Right, so what is in the skies at the moment? Pretty much every weekend now the Moon has been hitting on positions critical to the whole Pluto Saturn Uranus Jupiter Square setup. Every month beginning, like this Friday 3rd September, it presents itself as a whole square perfect to the degree in the skies about us. Hence we have this boxed in arrangement in many situations on the ground. No room for movement a very critical relationship juncture here.
This is obviously evident in the newspapers of late and yes, you can see as i have been saying, how long this actual pattern in the sky is thus persisting for, near on as long as the union strike one could say. Interesting to say September is strike month for September is Virgo month, the sign of service and staff factions. Add to this that we are having a Mercury retrograde in Virgo, well, this is the tooing and fringe of that darn agreement while everyone else fishes. Mercury also ruling over the health and education sectors where we have seen much of the anxiety then.
Astrology is not about being a fortune teller really, not in my view anyway. It is more about accurately understanding what we have currently on any given table. In any given situation. The ability to consider then the whole of a situation, to ask the relevant questions that might yield fruitful answers to the solution of the situation as a whole. Neither are the elements of any given situation ever separate, all being part of the same whole. Really, most of this then that we can foresee is a very 'odds are' sort of forward sight and lets be honest, most about us is based on 'odds are' statistical arguments. What are the odds your teenager will ask to go out for the weekend. Hmmm, pretty good actually! Depending on their 'phase' relationship with the world around them is what one would consider next. Again if one simply observes the issues/persons in their world, such phase relationships become obvious. As in, it is becoming obvious that the seasons are moving into spring and we can make so many more observations thereafter. Even to the point that your kids could really be falling in love at present. Admittedly i am running on the fact that Venus and Mars are both with each other of late and will be close to each other for a few weeks yet. Observable looking west at sunset, in the sign of Libra, that of relationships, but yes. As we head to Spring, this is a natural phenomena, so with both of these features, yes, one should really be observing such at present. Its just statistical odds really, and they are high regards at present.

We even then see trust issues emerging for the young couple, now by 9th of September, the girl will seemingly become darker, more secretive, more introverted. Either this is the trust issue of relationships exposed or it is the girl falling deeper in love. 11th September is a biggie here arounds, so expect some head over heals emotions with your kids there. By Wednesday the 15th Sept it gets darker for the guy as well, again either deeper into the love or soul retreat of it all or further the trust separation issue. Fact of the matter, big relationship issues for young couples in the headlights.

Very interesting that, the contrast of the parents and the kids relationships at present. Mom and Dad being opposed whilst the Boy and Girl are together. So as such similar to, as kids we are experiencing the drive of our dreams, as adults we are seriously considering the issues at hand. So a sort of duality there, even to the possibility of attempting feats of escapism! Hmmm, a problem then, so yes, as much as the kids want to be in love, the serious environment the parents are in may override. There is a warning here regards deeper ties, there is great emotional strain up ahead, we will definitely chat more regards next time around, lets just say, the girl is in for some real reversals.

Thats in effect the same as what the government[serious parents] are saying to the strikers[emotional kids]. Financial situation is as it is, and thats the facts. Take the chemical emotional reactions and well, handle with real care, their doors may be closed on all ends and looking to burn a hole in the chamber that carries them.
the Art of Astrology


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