Cornerstones,.., the Art of Astrology"/>

03 September 2010


Much to be said about the recent moves for mom in the sky. As we said, this could be blistering indeed and really have a good number of years attached to it. I would start throwing numbers at it, but really the current skies offer such junctures of various spanning cycles that i could offer such barrage of periods we should rather focus on how great a phase this is really for many women of late and that they should consider the longer term implications of such now possibly in preparation for what will come.

Basically then, underway, we have a massive shift and in a while we could see a real new wave of self preservation on the part of these characters. I do wonder if some poor husbands have it in their near future that their wives will be finished with years worth of hassles and really wanting to move on. For them this is a pioneering phase of great energy. At this point, there could be little left of sympathies from the past as really, this is now feels to be her time. We would obviously have to keep all the self self self interests at bay as usually things have their give and take and well, if mum wants it all her own way, well, single is where it's at, which as such, knowing the Dad end of the spectrum has had its recent financial setbacks again. It could be a bit much punching him while he is down? Easy to do yes, but as such, there are differing spans of time we are dealing with here and as short term gains help the long term picture we need to keep perspective as such.

Like a painting without a backdrop one may not seem so stunning after all. Perspective is the binding paste, as we are all involved here for the long run, and no one knows how long the run will be, so as such. Buttons on sleeves displaying ones personal prides aren't really called for at present, we are well aware that it takes all types to press ahead in life.

As such, for this, lets look to the political landscape for evidence of these traits in the near term shall we, i expect a brazen female politician to raise her head then in this period. If so, really, some mums should call a few of their horses back for a little, pace is of the essence.

By the way, i haven't been keen on playing the pundit of late, really there are things currently on the go that are hallmarked, timeless as such and really who am i to paste my impressions upon them. Time itself at this point is setting folks to the left or right of its trajectory. Time knows their place however they may feel regards, whatever they may know regards. If you ask me, well, let me hold my tongue there again,. lets rather not ask me. Our best recourse would be the news possibly and a little look into the near term heavenly movements.

26th of June is our big date, a Full Moon eclipse as such and one of the most difficult we could see for decades. So really the week before and the week after, take full care of your loved ones etc. Take time in making decisions as we are now in the knee jerk phase as a further eclipse will pass around the 11th of July, observe more, react less.

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