The Sun is certainly on fire recently,.., October 2013,.., the Art of Astrology"/>

28 October 2013

The Sun is certainly on fire recently,..

The Sun is in full form this last week late with some prize sunspots earth facing,. These are some pretty big spots,.

Two X-Class flares on Friday,. This plot after the first of those,.

From the 7th to the 11th, 12th Heliocentric skies suggest some action indeed,.. I would expect some extrovert weather conditions perhaps,.

Follow along with NASA's online blast-o-meter,..

3-day GOES X-ray Flux Monitor

Further on the topic on the great www,.. -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

08 October 2013

October 2013,..

Ok,. so another month in 2013, whew, lets see now,..
Eclipse season is fast approaching and the key character in the firing line is our dear patriarch,.. Since he arrived in Scorpio late last year this is his one year anniversary into the quagmire as such,.
From the Pope to Nelson Mandela to world banks to the monetary system itself,.. The patriarch is in a dark place,. The very foundations of the civilised reductionism experiment are trotting on the boggy marsh here with USA debt levels giving way underfoot once more this month and next,.. Quantative easing as if the flooding of the worlds material capital which produceth such bog itself,..
So yes,. With the eclipses, perhaps expect one or two of these figures to act in somewhat knee jerk a manner,.. I don't expect to see Nelson Mandela jump out of bed, but perhaps someone might get a peek through his curtains perhaps and see with a common mans eyes whether indeed the old man is taking in some satellite telly,..
Dare i forget to add that Mercury too 'retrogrades' over this patriarchal position especially from 30 Oct to 02 Nov,..
As such, we can expect some revelations from the darker side of the curtain as such,.. Recall too we noted prior that when there is one Scorpion, generally there are more to be found in close proximity,.. Need i say more,..

I expect some rude outbursts as such, some rather distasteful sarcasms from this class of gentleman, social establishments themselves,. If anything digging up the dirt on our world authorities should see some vile retorts in November,.. Agang member killed in Mamphela's home town, didn't i mention the heat and potential for political assassinations last month already?..

So yes, we move closer then to the Matriarch and as such November 10th to 13th were her big dates there regards,.. If i was to be suggesting such a serious thing, lets broaden it out again to matriarchs in general,.. By 17th October perhaps they will be perhaps irking the patriarchal male hot dog forces on the planet just that little much,.. Her campaign could start here, the big clean out,.. We could say we see great changes coming to how the mothers express their feelings in Mid October,.. Perhaps she really lets the big cheese know her disdain for him,. This would perhaps precipitate into the most negative action described above by the 13th Nov,. If she has been changing her approach over the last year, by 7th November even she will be cementing the relationship,.. Lets hope the cement isn't a tomb stone as such,..
Difficult time for mothers and patriarchal figures ahead,. Expect setbacks perhaps from 7 November to 8 March 2014,.. March 2014 Financial year start will then coincide with Jupiter's turning direct,. Interesting indication for the markets that,..

Venus has just entered Sagittarius so we can expect a bit of excitement in the air the next while as folks general affections loosen up somewhat,.. For the daughters, sisters and young girls in general this transition would be seen as a coming out of the emotional quagmire as such,.. The last while has seen the young Venusians in quite an emotional place with Father issues perhaps at the fore,.. Here we would see her lightening up perhaps,.. If recent introversions have been dealt with satisfactorily that is,. Else we are going to see the new face of the transformed girl,. Recall last month we debuted the all new Venus Scorpio Miley Cyrus and her jaunt with the old guy on stage,. Well yes,. as per sexual abuse cases, right now as Venus walks out of the tabooful darkness with ol daddyo, literally one can expect one of two prominent scenarios,.. Basically put, either she is haunted and alone with only her gumption to go by or she very much experiences support from her male authorities and can move ahead with a bit of a level head,.. So yes we could be seeing Miley in quite a few young troubled or recently healed girls out there of late,.

Mars and the young lads are in for a brush with the doctor it seems,.. Looks like the recent months fun an arrogance perhaps could give the iron man impression but by 16/17 October that could fade with a blow or two even,.. So yes relationships even could get a little murkier for him or is that the shy silent type emerging again,.. Expect the boys to be behaving rather strangely by 19 October, perhaps its lies or untruths or really he's lifting the carpet on things that have been underfoot for some time,.. Expect wild comments from the boys and perhaps that's the transition into Virgo where he meets his disciplining,.. Big shout out to the founder of the newest political party in the country then,. Mid October could see him really getting his knickers knotted,..

Right so in closing, eclipses which bring threatened reactions to the fore and Mercury retrograde which says, make alternative arrangements, expect delays, double check arrangements and logistics,. Given it's all in Scorpio as well, this is literally perhaps the root of Oscar P's agony we will see here November in his February blazing of an apparent burglar on the toilet,.. Recall we stated year start that this was all about relationship trust issues this year and November was the cracker or source of it all,.. Well Feb was hot enough so whew, October November here we come,..
Do take care,..