WWW, the Art of Astrology"/>

03 September 2010


Right folks, lets start by mentioning the fact that I am doing a talk a the Dunrobin Nursery in Bothas Hill on the 28th of May. Entrance is R90 and includes breakfast, 8am for 8:30am. Personal queries will be dealt and all are welcome so please do attend or mention to folks you assume could find such valuable.
Next off, my word, what a few weeks it has been, I hope you all have been taking it carefully as really, mayhem persists. The mercury retrograde is coming to a close, yet you can all see the dirty innards that have been exposed and the apparent world recession that was said to be over, well rollercoaster ride, here we come.
In general, I would be to say how yes, this July thru August offers so much stress, at present we can see it formulating in say the ANC and possibly the ANC/Cosatu alliance, The abroad, the EU. Watching how things are at present, I would assume to predict that, the ANC could see more splintering over the period, the Alliance could see a great break up and the EU then too, certain member states are going to be given their marching orders.
The Koreas I assume will definitely erupt into a minor conflict that well could escalate, yet this will remain an eastern battle I assume as the west is really stretched in the mid east. The USA will push further into Pakistan etc. I would see an actual bombing or two in New York etc as a direct result, or any major USA city on the eastern seaboard we would assume. Israel should well take advantage of the situation, either by bombing the USA itself, posing as a regular dodgy type Muslim character, or straight off just attack Iran based on the fact that there is so much chaos elsewhere, they ma as well tuck in themselves.
In SA regards the ANC splitting further, I think we are going to see the front splitting and thence random acts of violence should increase as certain splinter movements aim to stake their claim to what remains of the ‘struggle’. If anything, this is now coming the time where the ANC will exercise police state tactics to appear to be in control to overseas investors and further, to stave off the rest of the locals who now see plainly that politics in SA equals elitist secularism. So many of the kids who supported the ANC may actually break off to earn their stake of the pie. I mean, dare I look ahead too far, but can we see whole mines being taken hostage or run by generals etc as in other African countries, a disturbing thought.
As such, one can see the emerging serfisim on the horizon when Australia seek to impose a mining tax, the same our comrade Malema was suggesting. Then too how the Greeks have been sold out, their land sold from under them for pennies on the dollar. We were warned decades back that the next wars will be economic, yet everyone sleeps at the wheel whilst real assets are stolen, stripped form those who have owned them for generations. Greek is symbolic for that fact that it is such an ancient civilization, I suspect Rome and Portugal and Spain will fall for the same reasons, folks have to grasp the centuries worth of planning that has gone into this miraculous transformation of the new world. Literally, someone will make order out of this, and the nations of the earth will be it’s slaves. World bank tax is on the cards folks.
Suggestions? I may have few at this point other than the one I was punting the whole of last year. We are adults and it is time to act like adults. Latent anxieties have no place in our reactions. The African culture for instance in SA does seek our assistance as white Europeans, it is a fallacy that they want us destroyed, they are simply being played and they can see this for themselves. The problem is that violence needs to be rooted out of their ranks, this will take time, but if we act moderately, it will sort itself out. Think like adults and respond like adults. Free market economy does not mean one massive ponzi scheme, authority has to be earned.

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