Venus Moves, Venus Turns, the Art of Astrology"/>

25 October 2010

Venus Moves

Right in the middle of Venus retrograding through Scorpio we are. As i referred to in the prior column, which did not make it to press unfortunately. We had the Chilean Miner rescue which has some exact correlation in the skies of late. The retrograde for starts which usually brings things back up to the surface, then as such the fact that this was in Scorpio, who we all know hides under a cold rock. Pretty much exactly as we saw it then, these chaps being hauled out from under a whole heap of cold rocks, to the week of the start of Venus's backward trek. Most interesting and as usual, a great indication that indeed these actions are on the go in the field of play and you should be able then to see them in your local home environments and or local network of social relations.

Specifically what we are looking for refer to young girls and women without dependants. So classically this is for the daughters, sisters and their girlfriends in your home environment. The action is emotional and as such, rather determined. Initially we could expect things like the young girls reflecting on some serious feelings they have felt for a rather long time. So, the results of some long term decision making could be seen around these last few weeks and as such, a girl who felt a particular way prior, now it becomes clear what indeed has been on her mind. A few shocks possibly, but as i say, these things have been on her mind for a while. If any dire warning is due, i would refer to last year where we had a stage where the youngsters were abnormally engaged in some rather adult behaviour, totally freaking the folks out who apparently assume mother nature has bookkeeping inshore for their growing kids. Scorpio deals often with deeper relationship securities and sexual activity falls under this header. So hence, secretive sexual connotations come tot he fore here. Be honest with your kids regards and you won't be hit with huge surprises.

Further, as this is all in the seriously drastic sign of Scorchio, we really could see some instances of some rather fiery emotional circuitry overloads. As we branch out from the young females, we have to see further how we all bear this inner emotional kingdom and to assume that well, under such skies, our inner resolve and determinations may be tested, if else, rewards for those tests should surely be due, as in our Chilean Miner situation for instance. As such though, Scorchio activity is bound to produce some seriously swinging emotional patterns, one day easy going, the next vehemently wild eyed and seemingly irrational. Honestly, folks who suffer depressions etc,. this is not your time, be wary. Folks who are on any sorts of psychiatric stimulants, which could nowadays include half the kids in the highway area. Expect some rather odd sensory experiences as the finer chemical tunings of your glandular organism bend with the skies moves. Really, much that is going on of late could be in the 'ignore this' category. Otherwise you may find yourself questioning the very fabric of reality, which wouldn't really make for a good sausage factory day now would it. So pack you emotions in that lead iron suitcase and leave your problems at home for a while. This period could get rather hairy so as such, do handle with care. Like low pressure cells in our atmosphere, taboo's, by their very nature are there to be broken, to be unearthed, to be exposed. All of this is normal, we did walk erect out the bush recall, the shadow of primordial man never too far behind us. Allow your kids to explore this zone as it is our collective heritage in deed. Not something to be ashamed of or hide further under the family tree.
the Art of Astrology

18 October 2010

Venus Turns

13 and 14 of October are the big 'stress channel' dates we have been tracking for over a year already, don't buy the pressing scenarios that may arise on those days if you can help it. Remember the bases are still loaded in many situations and Thursdays Fridays and Saturdays are the pressure days each week lately.

The big action in the sky at the moment is the Venus turing to reverse in the heavens. If you have been following that real bright star in the setting sky of recent, notice over the month now how it quickly recedes into the sunset sky and in November climbs up into the Sunrise sky.

The whole move should bring about a change in regular emotional routines. So do work on your emotions here for much can be done to change attitudes from stinky old habits to far more optimistic manners.

As it is Venus in the lights it is your Daughters, sisters and Women without dependants that are specifically in the limelight. Dare i mention the whole teenage sexuality topic that came up last year as well in schools and at home. We expect deep emotions here, misunderstandings etc due to deeply introverted feelings and reactions. Very deep emotional underpinnings here. I really do expect some darker vindictions coming out here, the folks involved would well be those who have had real damage done to them in the past on a social level, so these are folks who feel abandoned or treated badly in instances in their past. Either by groups or individuals. Never the less, they will fight hard for they know how tough the game is. Deep reserves are energy will be called forth, the stench of the ghosts of the past here could become unbearable. We could even be seeing massive trust issues as girlfriends in competition for their friends boyfriends as there feels to be little to loose and revenge to gain.

This may come to be a period where great ego is cemented, so i assume if in regards to power struggles, we can see some real concentrated force being used there and yes, the ego's of these folks will really grow as the results of their determined efforts make it to the surface.

As I was chatting with friends this weekend I realized how i myself walked right into my last columns predictions. Really out of the blue too, as I never knew i had a big signing to decide on and well, an old potential opportunity, literally got fast tracked to the point of rather tough negotiations and finally a workable agreement was achieved. Recall i said the answers to such negotiations were 'odds are' to be a 'no', but that one should play it as easy as possible to try swing the 'yes'. Well after a week of no i managed the yes. This ego factor then i see myself here mentioning for early November, being obviously the results of action and progress in the said forged agreements, lending to such stronger ego function.

28 October is the midpoint of this Venus initiated phase so post October should settle down somewhat, although recall, Northern Rock, the collapsed bank that initiated the credit crisis as we know it, in fact occurred at the end of the phase. So, literally the first week of December would be the similar period with regards. Seeing as that’s the week Mercury slows to turn itself, well, we can all expect a rather upside down year end this year.

In terms of diseases we could possibly see through stories in the papers. I would be interested in bone marrow/white blood cell disorders raise their head at all so let me just mention that there in advance. This fits into the psychological picture we have been describing above as a person who has such negative self worth or image that their bones don't actually produce decent white blood cell counts for example. As such, lending to insufficient defense against further abuses and thus a slow self destruction could be the result.
the Art of Astrology