BTC and the end of an era 2021, the Art of Astrology"/>

04 July 2017

BTC and the end of an era 2021

Ok so bitcoin,.. [rough edit]

Now i do believe in crypto currencies but the story isn't that simple,.

In my eye, rather invest in the technology ;) so like buy some processors and mine the coins yourself, that way you are making the most return for your investment,.. Invest in the tech and not the bubble as such,..

Now remember i predicted the credit crisis 2 years before it started,. I see the next wave starting in December this year and thru 2019 to Jan 2020 massive shock waves to the current financial order,.

So last year Henry Kissinger, after Russia went into Syria,. Kissinger visited Putin,. In fact he is visiting again this very week!..
What's going on? We all thought Putin was anti globalists?..

OPEC is dead and or dying,. see the oil price and November 2015 for details,.

ISIS is Americas hissy fit regards the dollar loosing its footing as the worlds reserve currency,. Two stripes through an S  ... $$ Ancient symbology here people,. ISIS,. Lunar goddess, ruler of silver, the first coins of value, money as we know it,.

This goes all the way to Pluto being demoted and Ceres being promoted to dwarf planet status,. Pluto is fossil fuels and Ceres is a Roman goddess of agriculture,.
From 2008 the corn cobs in our fridges, the food that feeds humans, became a fuel for machines likewise,. The contest began right there,.

Fukushimas ongoing nuclear meltdown added to this underlying reality,.
Robots are the future,. Humans and machines are now fuelled by the same commodity, stock prices reflect this new relationship,. We will compete for machines for fuel source,. Essentially, are we humans or machines now as far as stock exchanges are concerned?..

Worker robots is where i am directing your thoughts here,.

Ok so ,. Putin OPEC Kissinger and Crypto-currencies,..

A new world financial order is in the making, electronic money,.
Quantative Easing QE has imploded the value of money since 2008,. Wiped it off the board in a quantum manner,. The money supply, look at world money supply graphs and see what's been happening since 2008,. BTC is such a sideshow it is scary people,..

Zimbabwe is the result, we've seen this, there's no denying it,..

So now,. Electronic currency is the future and Syria is the sideshow, the whole middle eastern complex is the sideshow and we all know Al-Qaeda and ISIS are a CIA construct,.

Kissinger was the messenger to align Putin to the reality that lets say post 2020, 2021, electronic currencies are the order of the day with USD loosing its OPEC guarantee is failing along with the world paper money supply,.  We have been through these transitions before,. from metal coins of value to paper money now to digits on a screen,.. Why? inflation and the worlds bankers convincing governments that their guarantee is why money stays worth anything,. [the completion of the 2000 Jupiter Saturn conjunction cycle in Taurus/ISIS/Money Zodiac, Nostradamus's prediction is still in play as such,..]

G.W. Bush's 'axis of evil' coincidentally being all countries who's reserve banks are not controlled by the Rothschild's network as such?.. I mean everyone knew Saddam was starting to trade oil in Euros,.
Ghadaffi was creating and African currency the dinar backed by actual gold,. These people had to go,.

I can promise you that no one gets out of here alive,. No one gets a free lunch and if you follow belief systems,. like for instance belief in paper money, i mean the whole of our current civilisations stability is pegged on such a bizarre belief,.. Even to to the advent of negative interest rates?.. Proves that as long as we are all in this together it's all just fine and dandy, no one will notice a thing as the degradation is all relative,..

So,. Bitcoin is, like Facebook, a CIA created test balloon of sorts to see how folks will handle it all,. I mean wtf is Etherium now? this isn't a freaking computer game yo!..  Even if it was just in the original funding that started these projects initially,. See Trump now? See Zuckerberg in the future,. I mean think about it, he, as CEO of FB will know everything about voter behaviour, he will know exactly what cues, keywords etc to use in his campaign, like Trump so elegantly pulled off now recently,.. Anyone could predict this, the Deepstate/corporation WILL rule the people as such,.

If you know ponzis, its a belief engine,. The last ones in pay the first ones out,. I predicted Bernie Madoffs situation to the month back then, this whole thing is a belief engine,. We cant stop working because then we wouldn't be able to quantify all the years we've worked so far,. I mean i worked hard for my house, so if i lose faith in the money system, then what have i been doing all this time,. so its t perfect ehhh, i have to keep going else i will go insane,. the fundaments of my secure reality will crumble,. This is our story,..

So,. all the peeps that climbed into bitcoin say past $100, they are the sheep,.. I mean how did you hear about bitcoin? And i am sure you heard about it from someone who said, yadda yadda, you really have to get in before you lose out,. Yeah, get in on the self perpetuating bubble,..

But what will happen imo, is that they will reset the currency when the paper system crashes or as such, give folks 1c to the bitcoin and start over with a new crypto,. From then onwards crypto's will be the shit but yes, federal reserve shit, banker backed etc etc,..

Right now if one invests in btc, when it moves and you gain, take gains and get out,. Use the cash before its gone,. Its not like owning Xtrata shares which will pay you dividends for 50 years 'guaranteed',. it's not an old order investment as such,.

The best way to be in the driving seat of this thing, imo,.. is to invest in the technology, people are heating their houses with the processing power that's going down mining btc,. The smart people,.. The machines cost only so much, the same price they did when btc started for instance,. But your reward for each coin mined has incremented exponentially,. So anyone can reasonably see the logic in that?.. but few will want to because humans are pack animals and want to be believers rather, followers and buy the lollipop versus the dirty lollipop factory,.. Btc bears the marks of the future,. sustainability, offers access to the small guy, well if you can afford the tech,. all the modern catch words, like new energy products where you can give energy back into the grid, just like crypto mining in packs and teams,. Rooted in a communal past/future,..

But yes people rather want the fads than the facts,..


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