January 2014 - here comes the psychopathic onslaught of corporate 'authorities',.., Part 2 - Exotic Weather back in vogue 29 Dec thru 29 Jan 2014,.. , the Art of Astrology"/>

08 January 2014

January 2014 - here comes the psychopathic onslaught of corporate 'authorities',..

Ok from what it most simply seems to be,. All the tough conditions in the skies early this year mean one thing, when the going gets tough, the tough get going! Psychopaths, otherwise known as 'Snakes in Suits' love the thrill of the fear so when you think folks will surely back down as their teeth are firmly lodged in your buttocks already, think again, they are perhaps just getting going,..

What's this guy on about!?

This New Year/ January 2014 we have the current rack of planetary conditions on the plate,..

Mars Libra 90deg Jupiter Cancer 90deg Uranus Aries 90deg Pluto Capricorn,.
Jupiter Cancer 120deg Saturn Scorpio 120deg Neptune Pisces,.
Venus Retrograde in Capricorn,.
New Moon 0deg Pluto Capricorn,..

All this adds up to, like i say, one hell of a punch,.  Almost as in your face as a president who showers accolades on his political party for the best Matric results in 20 years, 'since the birth of Democracy in South Africa' when in fact all that the psychopaths have done is to lower the bar so low, your 5year old could have passed the dang 'matric' exams,..

Ok,. obviously i'm stretching it somewhat there, but really when you follow the train wreckage to date #sanral #etolls #Marikana #nkandla #guptas #zuma783 #textbooks #deaftranslatorguy wtf!? are these psycho's on about!? Democracy is not tolling a road that has been built many decades ago! Democracy is not going after folks in a stadium that boo you for your obvious corrupt transgressions whilst you allow similar peeps to similarly loudly jeer your political peers,.. Democracy is not POSIB secrecy bills designed to keep your ministers purchases of R1,3million BMW's secret whilst folks are suffering daily,..

Democracy is not turning your own 1952 Freedom Charter into useless trash paper destined for the dump,..

No my friends, all these are clear signs, SANRALS psychopathic behaviour are clear signs this year is going to be the year 'authorities' ram it down your throat in large doses with sane reality, dignity, decency and honesty bulging out the trash can,.
Dare i mention the revelation of a hit list of top police officers destined to be gunned down for being errr, honest hard working fellas,.. To which the police 'chief' in charge responds,. oh no, we have dealt with it, it was patently false a revelation,.. Sure ;) Thanks guy,. No problem we will just go back to getting E-toll billing notifications in provinces far removed from Gauteng when we never even travelled there ever,.. Lol, bills sent to dead people, to learner drivers in different provinces,. Honestly, your 'authorities' are in full control folks,.. Tow the line, yield to 'authority', the meek shall inherit the earth,. NOT!
Hmm so this is supposed to be rant free for the lowest conman denominator,. lol did i just blurb that? The lowest common denominator i mean,..

Regardless to say all that is going on with our outrageous leaders can well be expected in our local lives,. In our neighbourhoods, in our families,. in our workplaces,..

If you think your partner is free of the stink this January, think again,.. Your employer? Likely shmoozing the whoring secretary,.. Your banker, lol he never was an honest man to start with,.

2014 January and April will be conflict central,.. Like pushing a square wheel,. Hear me now, like pushing a square wheel,. The room is full, cram packed and folks are heated, expect anxiety! Heck this January the Sun and Weather too are even predicted to be OTT so really,. you have been warned, it's hard hats on this January 2014,..

To clarify,. if you doubt someone this month, they are lying through their teeth,.. Yeap bonafide snakes,.. No don't wipe your eyes you are seeing true, snakes! Trust yourself and press ahead through the anxious conditions,.. Like E-tolling and SANRAL forced on you by your 'leaders' 'authorities' trusted servants, lying with straight faces to keep their compact with the devil secret,.

Forgive me, but sometimes its just how it is, a spade's a spade no matter how you paint it,.. Mars in Libra January through July guarantees foul arrogant mouths a plenty, the year of the fork tongue most probably then,.. Expect attitude! Expect to have to defend yourself verbally,. Try as hard as you can to keep calm in the midst of blatant lies,..

Saturn though Scorpio since October 2012 has proved the patriarch/male authorities to be patent liars, dead on arrival, scorpions with nothing but secrets to hide,. Philanderers and pedophiles the likes of you wouldn't believe and we predicted it years in advance, don't be naive, he's coming to get you! Silence is a guise, he's watching you and working out his plans to control you further,..

Uranus into Aries, the fire has been lit, they all seem energised by it and rally to the great cause in synchrony,.. The media and society are the devils whore as they are the enablers that won't let folks sleep a decent nights sleep at all,.. Who owns these media houses folks? IOL for instance get this, 'Independent' Online,. is owned chiefly by the ANC and ANC sympathisers,.. No wonder the newslines follow that which they do,. Don't be naive, it's all about money and believers being cowed into submission,.. Yeap you guessed it, as long as the civilians stay civil, cows they are sold to corporate shareholders with no remorse,..

Believe very little these days, stand firm in yourself, if you doubt someone close to you, you are correct in doing so,. Simplify your life this year to bring things into line,. If you have to live with a devil to keep the peace, never let them out of your sight, you can keep the upper hand, just don't be naive about it,. If it was Oscar vs Reeva last year in the psychopathic ceremony of the year,.. This year it is the powers that be, loathsome civil servants versus their own electorate,.. You think i'm kidding? Try play nice this January and see where it gets you ;)

Oh wait i was supposed to mention the positives,.. Now is the time to clear the closet out like never before, that stink that everyone can clearly smell,. Literally the New Moon with Pluto predicts we can exercise one spring clean of note,. That stink can be cleaned out, rooted out for good if only we have the control facets behind us, the gumption to really clean out the trash,.. We have seen it in one two instances already, it takes a firm hand though, resolve to follow through and really search out the night crawling scorpions,.. 2014 could be time to clean out the psychopathic predator class wholesale,.. Goodness do we pray civilites will rise to the cause,. Lord help them if they don't for 2020 skies show all manner of hell if we don't get a grip now,. All this applies to ones personal lives as much as it does the public life,..

Part 2 - Exotic Weather back in vogue 29 Dec thru 29 Jan 2014,..

As predicted,. check that puppy out,.. http://spaceweathergallery.com/indiv_upload.php?upload_id=92536  now that's an event to mail out to mailing lists if you will for me,.   An actual photo of the Sun from someone's backyard, the Sunspot so big it's easily visible,.

All text from http://www.spaceweather.com/

"HUGE SUNSPOT TARGETS EARTH: One of the biggest sunspots in years is crossing the centre of the solar disk, putting Earth in the way of potential eruptions. Rocky Raybell photographed the active region named "AR1944" yesterday from his backyard in Keller, Washington:"


"X-FLARE: Giant sunspot AR1944 erupted on Jan 7th at approximately 1832 UT, producing a powerful X1-class solar flare. First-look coronagraph images from the STEREO-Ahead spacecraft appear to show a coronal mass ejection (CME) emerging from the blast site. If so, the CME is almost certainly heading for Earth. "

Happy 2014, with a mega dose of energy coming our way this year!!