Of sanctions and mediocrity, Fire, Explosions and then Some, the Art of Astrology"/>

09 October 2007

Of sanctions and mediocrity

The next great feature is the spectre of Mercury. Now this is going to be fun to watch playing out on the ground, so you better hold on to your hats!
The actions won't be fun, but the fact that we are getting the opportunity to disclose these in advance, putting my head on the block so to speak, is rather!
12 October through to 2 November we find Mercury retrograde in Scorpio - Black November. Can anyone recall the last few Novembers? Dark days indeed, and for all the budding young couples out there, aghast! don't be mentioning November.

Fire, Explosions and then Some

Every morning for a while now,. Just before sunrise that’s Venus Saturn and Regulus the Alpha of Leo again as we saw two months ago in the evening sky. On the 7th of October specifically look to the eastern skyline early 5am. This will be a great sight as a tight triangle by the Moon Venus and Saturn forms with the Royal star Regulus in the center. Celestial Events like this are truly special for they occur so seldom. The Astronomy world has been buzzing lately after a Conference in Boulder Colorado on the effects of the Sun on our Atmosphere. Simply put,. Data shows Solar storms in 2000 effecting on our ozone levels rather dramatically. By 2005 levels were seen to return to normal. Look it up on the internet,. Our Solar system is indeed alive.