Wasp Mountain, The Shaik Shaiky,.., Serious Sequel,.., the Art of Astrology"/>

29 October 2009

Wasp Mountain

Right, so as Jupiter turns once more to move forward past Neptune, simultaneously we hear rumblings of SA’s water future emerging once more. This I expect will rally further, the middle of November and the later of December we expect to see some more concrete evidence emerging regards.

I mentioned the equinox chart having a 3yr dating to it.
Eskom putting the price of electricity up over 3yrs is now main stream news.
The announcement by the Director-General of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform that his department is "...in the process of reviving discussion" on the Expropriation Bill in order to ‘fast-track' land reform. This further qualifies what I mentioned regards such Equinox chart. As i said folks, we have not seen a Spring equinox chart like this for many a year. Count 3yrs for the fast track on all of these topics to be operational.

Pluto in Capricorn is imagined by me to be the image of a beehive being kicked, or a wasps nest perhaps. Capricorn is an old mountain, a husk made of dead matter, Pluto is plagues of crickets, locusts, flies, tic’s. Ok, so a beehive is not such a good image, lets make them african bees. Thats a little better. So yes, many of the situations nowadays have this mountain of bees/wasps feeling to them, as if all heck could break loose.
On a grand scale, the mountain is rumbling for sure, 9/11, indonesia, katrina, zimbabwe, western banks failing, the dollar collapse.
As we said, Capricorn is the USA as world business leader, Pluto is a native African man leading it for the first time in history. See the can of wasps there as deep feelings are roused in the population. Winning the Nobel Peace Prize of late is a real token gesture, need we remind you Nobel invented Dynamite!? Pluto synonymous with Dynamite.

Regards the recent Lcross mission lunar bombing, that it parallel's Obamas Nobel victory adds further to previous predictions that Obama is going to be the president that announces alien life to the world. If you think that was an experiment to find water, think again, the largest naval presence ever has been floating off the coast of Africa to counter pesky native pirates or so we are told. Satellite's colliding, being shot down, multiple internet cables cut under the ocean? Folks dare i remind you the Roswell incident occurred in the 1940’s, thats how long world leaders are in the loop regards extraterrestrial life. The Lcross mission i believe is part of an ET war that has already begun, hard to believe but lets wait and see there. I know, how bizarre.

I have mentioned prior too how we are 2x246yr parallel Cortes 1500's landing off the coast of South America. Now again,lets be reminded that in the game of ‘civilizations’, wiping the prior fellas as far off the map as possible is key strategy. He brought disease with him, so key fact we can assume in the early 2010's, if there's a pandemic in town, someone sat offshore watching as it ran riot. Great changes to civilization are at hand during this next solar storm maximum.

I also mentioned how this years relationships were going to have a special kind of bomb to them. Enter Brittany Mitchell, the Hilton teenager charged with hiring a hit man to murder her ex-boyfriend's mother. I mentioned how we should watch around those three days too find hints to this 3yr future in our personal lives. Brittany was arrested just 8 or 9 hours after the equinox.
I would use this as an example of what is out there at the moment in terms of strong feelings and yes, the repressed anxieties inherent in Pluto energies can even move one to take the lives of others.
So yes, with regards to control in relationships this year,. be considerate and ask your partner how they feel about control issues in the relationship,.. Both parties could even write down their thoughts on control in their relationships and discuss further. Where they would like more, and where they could concede a little.

Lastly, note the female member or parliament that would come under scrutiny I mentioned it seems Phumzille Ngucka was highlighted shortly thereafter regards fraudulent dealings, also note the health system coming under fire once more.

All in a days work then, enjoy the simplicities of life and most importantly, make adult choices!

04 October 2009

The Shaik Shaiky,..

Dare i venture over to the political again folks but sterling work in our last column. Mo Shaik as intelligence boss is a fine feather in Astrology's cap regards apparently dismal views that indeed turn out to be well on target. As DA’s Theo Coetzee aptly puts it “This appointment has clearly been made to consolidate the Zuma faction's hold over the South African intelligence community.” As i said further in our last column, the use of force by the police etc has a known objective, closing down crime syndicates of the Mbeki order. As Mr. Zuma has now mentioned further, use of lethal force is permitted and advised. Ladies and Gents, portrayed we have for you, syndicated warfare playing out on a political level for all to see.

Next off i see i did not mention much on the Equinox in our last copy. From what i have been seeing there are some very interesting happenings on the horizon and let me say that 1988 is the last time we are seeing something as big as this chart seems to point to. Remember 1988 is precursor to the waves of change in the early 90's. In this instance there seems a distinct three year timing which, at our geographical location, points to late October 2012. If we were 60deg further west, the timing would point directly to December 2012. I am always interested in any events that lend ideas to what is around this well publicized date in history. This chart is of that magnitude to lend precedence to events we will be experiencing then.

First off for our greater location it points to much moving of house and or around the house, It points to the missing/secretive male figure and the girl with the older guy in the money. It points to the missing bit that the father leaves out in his explanation and the whole pack of doubt that will crack in 3yrs.

I would say, apart from what we have seen in recent years, we are in for a heap of relationship stresses this year forward. I see possible breakages of lease agreements even, or at least great strain that will need mediation. I did mention prior how money would be a key factor in relationship agreements further this year and next. I see much dirty laundry coming out, really, the Moon on the equinox was in late Scorpio which is known for its hurling of kitchen sinks.

Some aspects tend to even point to great masses of refugees and mass oppression. I would have to see the South African health picture included there and by July 2010 i would see a female member of parliament in the lights again regarding.

Basically too, i think the money is now off the table, what was offered, can no longer be sustained. There is some great deception at hand, this i would assume to be why so much laundry needs be pulled out. This is similar say to the audit of the federal reserve banks that is looming in some countries.
The three year timing there would be the abandonment of reserve altogether, or the furthering of its powers to near totality.

As i have mentioned, in SA politics, we are see the other picture, the Zumites are seen to be making firm progress. Hence we must further assume that the banks are, and their beloved reserve banks the same in securing their chip in our wrists.

If i were to further these scenarios on the local scene i see a hike in Household Rates, Water and Electricity within three years time again. I assume the Land Bank and land reclamation themes too will be moving full steam ahead. I would assume the National Health Insurance plan to be draconic. Altogether, this chart even lends to a Julius Malema type young male character making further waves in this country by 2012. One has to ask, how is it that all of these characters arrive on the scene in similar consecutive fashion. But yes, this is a very difficult chart as I have not seen in a while. As one can see in the world around us, things are moving rapidly ahead. Control the obvious factor.

Until next time, do take care and enjoy your loved ones.

Serious Sequel,..

I should get into DIY i’ve been hitting so many nails on the head of late. Most obvious dates to watch for in the near term, 25th 26th Sept Moon near Pluto and passing through Capricorn, as in the past months we have noticed the underlying tensions that day, mostly productive of, well, further anxieties really.
21st thru 25th Sept should be a hard emotional week as well, as we start off the equinox with a fresh Moon passing through Scorpio.
Toward the mid term this underlies how, as we approach the equinox can start to notice the theme relationships vs selfishness. Try to regulate excesses here on either side, for you could notice how behaving accordingly over the 21st 22nd 23rd 24th will do you well for the next 12 months then in your relationships.

Why is it always me, but yes, it looks like bad news again for some as relationships seem tied into finances for the year coming. Looks like much mud slinging if i am seeing correctly. Such should be expected given the financially stressed times of late. Looks like tensions persist for a while there then. Note though how the short term themes are shifting though from health to relationships. Maybe tweak your expectations rather as value is really everywhere to be found, give your partners time to find it. They do deserve it, everything we have done thus far is after all mutual.

As for the Mercury retrograde 7th Sept to 29th Sept, from what i have seen, this has been a rather strong one. Virgo and Saturn’s presence adding to that effect one would assume.
And truly, the month of unexpected maintenance it has been.

With our fraud, nepotism and political corruption actions in the sky, Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter, Neptune relationships showing those as i have mentioned prior.
Durban’s recent R600 mill drug bust fits right up many alleys and i wonder who has put the pieces together as yet. Recalling Polokwane 2007, understanding that this was primarily a ‘who’s mates fingers are allowed in the pie’ sort of conference. See the daring Hawks as the active hand of the new hood in town. See the Battery factory band as another part of the Mbekites merry gangster business fraudsters now cut out the pie.

The Public will be dazzled, the leads will lead nowhere, the hawks will get famous and the politicians blessed for their ceaseless fight against corruption, Mbeki era politicians corruption. We can all plainly see how the SAP’s weapons, post Zuma, all miraculously now fire real bullets. Considering it thus, which crooks are this new band of merry men really rounding up? Are they just regular crooks or syndicated crooks? If they get special passes at airports, who through? So it always leads higher really. 25 get away after a mall robbery, so who’s crooks are protected in business now, i urge you to question?

Folks, do note that nearing 2010, there is ‘hardly’ anything new under the sun at this point. If you believe in a moralistic new SA you have got to be born yesterday. Morals can act as social facades, in place to keep the naive well wishing in line, the spectator spectacled. I mean, walking away from your bond is not a moral issue, the bank not a morally bound vendor. MTN steals one’s money in ‘legal’ sms competitions. F1 is queried again to be rigged.
the facts are that 2010 and beyond will be about being an adult, a real adult. Adult enough to say, excuse me, why must i pay carbon tax if there has been no alternative fuel for me to fill up with? If you guys are all so concerned, you have got to be kidding me that there are no alternative technologies available. I tell you the only alternative they are concerned about, alternatives to their monopolies. The world will be driven mad, it is currently being as such, our children have better odds of being reckoned with ‘learning disabilities’ than just being regular kids, ie naughty, restless etc etc.

People flocking to new popular social premises, however ‘organic’ they may appear, be warned this is a recipe for disaster for the global human mind.