Fire, Explosions and then Some, the Art of Astrology"/>

09 October 2007

Fire, Explosions and then Some

Every morning for a while now,. Just before sunrise that’s Venus Saturn and Regulus the Alpha of Leo again as we saw two months ago in the evening sky. On the 7th of October specifically look to the eastern skyline early 5am. This will be a great sight as a tight triangle by the Moon Venus and Saturn forms with the Royal star Regulus in the center. Celestial Events like this are truly special for they occur so seldom. The Astronomy world has been buzzing lately after a Conference in Boulder Colorado on the effects of the Sun on our Atmosphere. Simply put,. Data shows Solar storms in 2000 effecting on our ozone levels rather dramatically. By 2005 levels were seen to return to normal. Look it up on the internet,. Our Solar system is indeed alive.


Blogger dion said...

Covering my tracks a little from previous episodes here, those dates I mentioned 17th to 19th of September,.. Anyone spot the soaring flames,.. What we were truley looking for was an event along the lines of the Island View Oil Depot explosions in Durban on the night of Tuesday the 18th,… Dare I say, I could have lent loose imagery toward what to expect, but for now in our arrangement it’s better we leave that alone,..

Dare we mention in retrospect how these actions over this period are what I was on about regarding our “Mom’s on the Move”,.. Looking into the living room of our local family home. These are the emotional tensions that have been brewing and the Subsequent Explosion thereof,… See here that the oil is the emotions, a fossil fuel, as we mentioned the age of these feelings and their real effects in the present.
And the fire/explosion, the determination and new life in the lives of many Mothers,.. The Reaction or volatility of these emotions.
Hence for the prediction as such I merely alluded to relationship dynamics over that period,. As this is what would have been more important to folks at home,… So, further along the trail are our mom’s, but it does tend toward the more explosive manner of approaching these old emotions,… For many relationships of elder couples at the present,. The chemical spillage in to the harbor/water says that there are some irreconcilable differences here,.. Oil is a thick grubby affair,… Once it has been extracted from it’s natural environment, what else can we do with it but Burn it! So do take it easy on each other,…

Recalling my comments regarding unexpected Maintenance,. You can see why some of my comments seem so out,.. Yet effectively are rather in,…

Wrapping up for the moment I should Remind you of previous issues I mentioned that are still currently on the go,.. Manto and Thabo are setting new Daughter and Daddy parallels,. And Zille Playing the dark child of the family,.. We are looking at trouble guys,. Politically we are seeing the movements,…

Fraud Fraud Fraud has us look at the toppling of Private Banks in Uk and USA,. The Mortgage foreclosures on the go at the moment,… Do us a favor and pay off your debts,. Next Year we should be seeing such a climate tending toward our neck of the woods,..
Further here and I should mention the demise of our sporting world,.. The Tour de France, and the recent Formula 1 goings on,… Tainted tainted tainted,… The skies do mention who is the guilty party is, but it’s not my place to mention such here. Let alone to say, It’s a fraud folks,. And the pearly eyed believers are the fools that keep paying for it,… It’s entertainment,. Lets leave it at that,.. Soon all of our entertainment will be as WWF pro fake wrestling,.. And we still wonder what that odd chap was getting at when he mentioned the “Dissolve of the Heirarchy”,.. Take your Vote back chaps,. Before you’re paying for artificial milk,. Or are you already,.. Hmmm,..

6:17 AM  

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