Winters Deep,.., the Art of Astrology"/>

19 August 2012

Winters Deep,..

Hi again folks, well its no mystery, times are hard. The skies of late offering no remorse as configuration after configuration pass through one after the other. Big moves in the sky that we have mentioned year to date are that of Jupiter moving into Gemini and Saturn into Scorpio. Both very tough for their various reason.

Jupiter is the one we use to track women's affairs, those with dependants or children of their own. As such we mentioned already how given her recent years drive and attempts at physical progress in her life. We wearied how Gemini would be somewhat of a let down as the involvement of peers and neighbours, opinions shared by siblings would open her progress up to too many options which would as such make much of the progress fizzle out here. Too many irons in the fire is always the Geminian thing. So as such this is how many situations of late really are just getting well out of hand. Any attempts at reorganising can turn into balls of tangled wool at this stage and when Jupiter reverses in apparent motion. As folks experienced last September when this happened in finance oriented Taurus. Then we going to see even further mayhem in the siblings, peer groups, ideas and general communications spheres. That's coming in October and really, say less than more, arrange less than more.

Saturn into Scorpio had me mentioning fraud and lies for October, the exposure of these with regards to men with dependants or with children. As such, we have it in clear sight what has been happening with world banks as they get taken to court for engaging in laundering to fudging LIBOR rates which pretty much set everyone back a buck or two these last few years. All in the name of faking economic stability really. So, wow, how we called that one as its found its nest well before October even. Further really, a good tip regards scorpions and rocks, not one but a hive of them to be found hiding under each rock. Mix this with Jupiter in Gemini and we have lies and deceit abounding.

Come to think of it, with Venus in Cancer recently, massive doubt and trust issues amidst the siblings and peer group, especially affecting your daughter's or girls without dependants. Deception issues in your daughter's friends and their peer group. So yes, given Venus has recently shifted from evening sky to morning skies, this fresh stage is often termed the call to war as such, so folk are really driving ahead regards their inner feelings here. Notice how much Union action this has brought about in South Africa the last few months. As Venus was the first to enter the watery sectors, she will be the first to emerge, 7th September being that date. Its into Leo, so be aware of some big personality emerging after this sojourn through her inner feelings. Expect big extroversion after big introversion with around the 12th September being the big shocker there if any.

Mars too goes into a water sign, now on the 24th of August so  further, relationship trust issues abounding for the boys. That sign being Scorpio as well there. Basically we have had an arrangement of last few months that pegs moms and daughter's together and fathers and sons likewise. So really, this is potentially the marker for the kids reacting to the parents in relationship matters. Recall we said at the year start already how dad had something on his mind and was not wavering from his opinion however quiet he was regards his point of view. So now is the time really where this all becomes exposed and the younger planets react to this exposure as such. Well, as its water signs we could say, they don't react externally, rather they introvert, internalising it all.

So do spare a moment this while to get into your kids world and share a little regards human experiences in life.


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