The great trust debate, the Odds are Decade, the Art of Astrology"/>

20 February 2011

The great trust debate

Hi again folks, happy entrance into Pisces the eternal soap opera. Around this time we expect Social deceit or trust issues to be in the greater air somewhat. This is no far stretch when you consider a whole 3weeks of revolutionary protests in Egypt just to be hijacked by the military. In general, don't let the gossip of others set you back, some folks just have nothing better to do and will hardly change in such instance. Lets proceed character by character then as per regular.

Dad still seems to be on the back foot, holding his ground somewhat on various decisions. If anything he is going to get a little moodier or somewhat quieter over the next few weeks. Don't assume that to mean all is well or acceptable, he may simply be allowing folks to fasten their own nooses as such. Which all in all is one of father times best tools in his kit box. We may run and we may hide, we may portend to all sorts of self importance, time will tell more than any loud mouth or avarice. Especially n conditions such as these, what with the recession still in play and all, the tortoise is truly king.

Then for the women, mothers and female employers. Wow, what a time at present. Anxiety could be one of the chief elements really at present to be concerned regards. All the energy from mid 2010 could have returned and as such having a rocket pack on ones back will always make for somewhat a grimace on the face. The pointers are, yes progress, but no haste, allow elements to fall into place rather as really pressing ahead so is just giving others the impression that you are not too sure of all your noble intentions. In most situations the person in control is the one who talks and acts the least. Kinda like father time manner, never about, but in minimal ways, then one day,. plops, his final curtain call and well, who's the boss at that stage. So really, this i currently a bit like the Egyptian people threatening the Military rule that has been bandied over them. What can they actually do about it at this stage. As with last year the bases are loaded. Deal with it creatively, not forcefully as there is an extra factor that will emerge 13 March arounds that will hopefully be in your favour, well depending on how many folks you have burn't till this stage. I think in all of this we can see the new IFP being formed by Zanele Magwaza-Msibi. Classically she fits this description of late and thence many a woman can find her trials to be of solace regards their own.

The young girls, sisters, girlfriends etc. My word are they on some sort of anti authoritarian mission from hell at present? First she was anti Mom and raising all fury there, now she appears to be anti Dad this last week, although with less fury it would seem. Seems to be very selfish, possibly maturing, but initially there is simply too much anxiety and gumpf which must come forth peer group wants. In other circumstances we could be seeing young girls rising out of some very dark circumstances, responsibly taking up the challenges and really, against all odds coming into her own over this period, i surely hope so. Funny how the predictions are different for the 'wealthy' vs the 'poor', for the poor its always a case of actually developing further personal mettle, for the wealthy its often just sloth, malice and spite. So much for civility.

Then regard the young guys, boyfriends and sons in general. We have the trust issue debate flying its colours across the sky. He is about to become somewhat subdued as amidst the group of friends, male friends, there are comments surfacing that could make him really try his own way for a while. Music and the arts could fill his time for a while now in his purgatory of solitude. This should be obviously encouraged as he can walk out of this phase a far more whole individual relying on others to a far lesser extent for his individual worth.

Till next time, do take care and follow dion786 on Twitter if you like. I post more day to day sorts of commentary there, oriented at ironing out the creases in our daily lives.

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08 February 2011

the Odds are Decade

Hi again, wells we are seeing from our very first prediction of the decade. As this is an odd decade as in, similar to the 50's the 70's the 90's etc. Yes, this will be a peoples decade. The even decades are known for social passivity, in terms of music, fashion etc, these are the kinda boring decades. 60's Hippies, 70's Punks, 80's Pop, 90's Electronic dance and so it goes. The odd decades however are the ones we find the real punches in and as we can see already by the revolutions ongoing in the North of Africa, sure does look to be heading that way.

If anything then, expect less of the same and more of something totally off the charts. Dare i get serious a while here but really this 'peoples' revolution in Egypt is under massive threat of being hijacked by selfish global interests who sponsor the state party, the opposition party and the military by the way. So the people really have to keep their wits about them if they want to get the country back into their hands. Dare i add, our own example is stellar here, a 'peoples' revolution we did go through yes, but did the people actually benefit at all, well huge debate that is it not. I will leave it up to you to decide there for fear of being edited. March and April could well see our own peoples coming back t the table to get their fair share of the pie. We can only hope.

So then yes, through June now we are going to be experiencing this real energetic wave,. especially mothers and those females with dependants as i have mentioned before.

I wouldn't say there is too much specific action over the next fortnight, we do see how the young gores have entered a very capitalistic sort of phase. Money rules in their world and possessions are their target. So we could expect some real cold hearted suggestions byte he girls over this period. A week or two back it would have been seen as a grande once off frustrated gesture. so i would not write off fits or tantrums, but definitely demanding girls of late to say the least. As if they are firmly aware of what they want and deserve. By the 20th of February the girls could really be in an argumentative mood. Daddy, money and responsibilities are the target.

For the Guys, we see a group of them, seems great friendships may hit a bit of a stammer in the near term, the guys themselves going through trust issues it seems. By around the 20th of February we may see more there with one of the fellows in the group really going out of his way to blur the boundaries of friendship which really leave the others reeling. In fact spot them now as the ones with the most socially attractive goodies,. odds are its them who are loosing touch with the reality of human relationships.

For the dad's, still taking a back seat in the family for now. The whole show is seeming to be lodging up against them though, so as such, they should really take this time to get with some fundamental stabilizers. Sounds like i am advising the Egyptian president here. So yes, that old bugger, he does seem to be handling it all rather well. Go easy on him if he is the father of your household, March and April he may have pity on you when he wields his iron will. Till next time do take care, anxiety is high on the cards at present.

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