Introspection time again!, the Art of Astrology"/>

22 February 2013

Introspection time again!

Kindly note that this is copy rendered for local newspapers that literally doesn't allow me one iota of actual 'saying it like it is' for fear that their corporate media sponsors will quiver in their boots if we advise folks against wanton random consumer splurging and/or sanctioning of regular social norms that provide for 'safe' 'happy' civilians,. If you have read any of my recent prior posts you will surely be able to read between the lines here,. Sincerely, Dion,.

Hi again folks, 23 February through 18 March see's Mercury apparently moving backwards from evening star to morning once more. Regularly during this phase we are prone to find communications and logistics irregularities. Most commonly communications experience greater difficulties than usual as elements that are regularly hidden or under the surface are easier to access and more regularly brought to the surface here. Slips of the tongue are to be expected or persons in relationships telling one exactly how they really feel, i see a deeply emotional period here immediately ahead. Family or age old sensitivities need to bear utmost consideration over the period.

As communications and transport are considered similarly in Astrology, cars, trains, busses etc all means of transportation and transport infrastructure are regularly under the spotlight as well then. The simplest advice here is to expect delays, double check travel arrangements and any logistics that affect ones dealings over the period.

Looking at the four character classes we usually follow, guys girls mothers and fathers. The action of late has very much been as we see it played out in the press. Understand then that one can very often take such a template and place it over the family hierarchy and find similar happening to such characters.

For mums and other female authority figures we classically have Mamphela Ramphele as key recent example there as to how the difficulties experienced since October should be ironing out here now and the path ahead is starting to formulate itself. Movement and progress for women with dependants plans are now to be expected to start moving forward again. One of the elements bringing in difficulties has been that of too many peer group opinions or influences. If she has been accepting of these, she may well find herself rather exposed with too many irons in the fire as such. So key advice is to simplify all the options down here and move ahead with the long term agendas. March will be a big month for these persons with perhaps much reshuffling in the career space, health may very well play a negative part again as it did a few months ago.

Fathers are still in their mire of dark emotional introverted silence with bills accruing and trust in rather short supply. In some cases we have seen the fathers or men with dependants actually settling down quite nicely into homely routines. Greater empathy and understanding in their dealings with the family, greater interest int he home life altogether. Although on the most part we are still seeing more of the darker features playing out, financial anxiety, emotional failure and the predominance of secrets and lies.
The Pope could be a classic example here what with his early retirement, sexual scandals and the homey staying within the confines of the vatican to protect himself from the legal issues that would face him if he were to leave.

In the young girls instance, i have been talking in January already about how with venus passing Pluto in Capricorn for many socially positioned modern women these days there is a situation dawning regards how much one can put up with in relationships for money and social position. It seems many situations are coming up where such women have had to make the choice recently as to how much physical abuse they are willing to endure. Judy Sexwale and others are timely candidates in that light. From the 26th of February we will see friendship and social trust issues emerging for the young ladies and further emotional introversion through partaking in negative relationships.

For the young guys, it is probably best to not mention any names again but yes, we have been detailing for a while already with Mars's entrance into Pisces with Neptune there how a very deep and sensitive introversion has the young males behaving rather badly at this stage. In some cases it's just too many tears, in others its wayward storytelling, but at the roots of it it is an incessant insecurity that literally has the guys living on another planet all together. Guys really need to pull themselves to wards themselves here as we have said prior with more of their secrets to be coming out of the closet as Mercury performs its retreat in Pisces.

Do take care over the period,.

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