Tungsten for all,.., Almanac in the making,.., the Art of Astrology"/>

19 October 2012

Tungsten for all,..

Hi again folks, well the weather certainly has found its form again this year, lightening storms abounding so soon already. As mentioned before, seeing as the 11yr solar output cycle has now been picking up some time already, The next few years we really are in for hot summers. There is contention amongst scientists over the intensity of this Solar Cycle, but nevertheless we have witnessed some good old rowdy storms this Spring already. There should be an overall increase in storms then one assumes this year versus the last 4 or 5. Advice regards residential lots and insurance climate 'change' losses would proffer cutting down all those old overhanging trees on residential lots. Next year and the year after will definitely also be pretty wild i would imagine.

So when the heavens do open next, remember, its a big electrical solar system we live in, everything to its cycle. We near on 'predicted' the decade of strikes and riots back when we turned 2011, how right were we there what with the full on final kaput of the 'Rainbow Nation' recently in Marikana. The MSM will leap over to 2012 end of the world derelictions, to which our only retort is, its not already in progress? Understanding that 72years is one degree of precession! Whatever cusp we are moving past, that's effectively a 72 year lead in and a 72yr lead out we are talking about. For evidence on a 'novelty-habit' wave theory basis, i would point to great big habitual financial ponzi bust up of 2008. [Pluto into Capricorn 245yr return] This one i believe is even perhaps mentioned in revelations with the opening of the abyss. See Iceland 2011 for confirmation there. We did after all have a 'star' fall out the sky that year 2008. The Macondo oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico 2010. [Neptune into Pisces 164yrs] Habitual neglect lending to a whole fault line that is now apparently leaking. [Chiron Neptune Pisces] The 'ongoing to this very day' Fukushima Nuclear accident. [Uranus Aries 84yrs] where an estimated 35% of local children to the province have cysts on their thyroid glands. Apparently a result of very irresponsible rumour mongers, apparently spreading worry and stress give one symptoms of radiation exposure these days. If Hitler was the first to deploy the media in a full scale war, could the next one not be so perfectly psychologically machined so as to take place right under our very noses without 'us' noticing it. Neither of these events are obviously of 'immediate' threat to ones health. The oceans unfortunately are not so lucky what with tar balls the size of a bus turning up, inquiring minds are wondering when the leviathan will truly emerge from the north Pacific.

With great media dossiers aimed at ebbing the tide of utter panic as truly, our biosphere is under massive threat here by rampant psychopathic corporations with their puppet show caravans with them political jesters inside. Whoever falls for the Pussy Riot does so at their own peril, the technocrats 'velvet glove' transitional policy definitely does come with a whole media detachment these days. 'These days', we mentioned Hitler back there, 'these days' are stretching on some now.

Well, a great attempt at an easy going column thus far, whew. How to not be political when the world is being robbed of it's every last value reserve, get your tungsten filled gold bars here. After all, Why pay more!?

Closer to home, a rather hard November coming up emotionally speaking. We see large issues looming for the father figures by the 25th 26th of October.[Moon Neptune Pisces 120 Sun Saturn Scorpio] In South Africa this could have a great effect on candidates put forward as potentials to take over Jacob Zuma's leadership of the ANC. The presidencies seem to be won by ANC members at the top of the tender fraud pile. The ones that service their corporate developers best, which means, to look to the most expensive development contracts. I can't help but wonder about Joeggemat Pettersson's French award when Areva is a French Nuclear Corporation. Her threats on land expropriation, i would heed them looking at her nativity.

Unfortunately, the fathers have to take what comes here and literally, secrets don't necessarily have to come out when other sacrifices can be made. So November will be a very trying month regards trying to bleed rocks which aren't regularly known to pass liquids. Empathy will go a begging this November. The mothers and females with dependants are still in reverse gear here going deeper within for a while to come. By late October though we should see them voicing their frustrations somewhat, else just experiencing a tad bit of rage regards recent development hitches. Venus enters Libra very late October there as well, so as such, we can expect some vocalising on the younger gals side thereabouts. Heaven forbid, more relationship drama ahead as they really realise here that no matter how smart the tongue may be, the physical realities persist. We see her engaged in some rather tough debate the first week of November with the 4th of November specifically being anxiety filled. As i say, resolution is probably in this instance, that she should well not have been there in the first place. Are our youngsters equipped to deal with faster physical maturation and a media that edges them on, we think not.

Mercury goes backwards from the 7th of November, so i warn again. November will be oddly chaotic. I see there is an eclipse of the Sun too in November so as such, all sorts of anxieties will persist here regards being cut out or left out with knee-jerk responses being the order of the day. Be aware there regards and when you feel the heat approaching, simply apply time before fueling anxieties further.

17th November Mars goes into Capricorn which should bring the guys back to their fiery normal after such a dark period they have been through last quarter thus far.
In overt cases, certain fellas may find themselves up against a brick wall as their enthusiasm ends in a hard thump, most probably through health issues or material responsibilities. Boy to man growth and development processes in full swing here.
Take care this October November folks as strains press themselves upon us from all sides here.

Worst case idiotic 'prediction' for this November, a financial event that spells massive uncertainty in the USA calling for Mr Obama to instate a state of emergency, thereby hijacking the election with his wall street buddies at the helm,.. This October November seems poised for a stock market crash,. Again, this is a worst case novelty prediction, not necessarily my opinion or final impression on the matter, just a wee look at the worst a sky could deliver given the planets and situations converging up ahead,..

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09 October 2012

Almanac in the making,..

Time Zone: +02:00:00
 2.09.2012    7:37 > Inspired personal drives,..
 4.09.2012   17:41 > Weighing up personal value amidst the peer/sibling base,..
 7.09.2012    6:10 > Considerations of ones person in respect to sibling/peers,..
 9.09.2012   18:49 > Deeper sentiments regards personal home/love feelings,.
12.09.2012    5:00 > Inspired relationship drives,..
14.09.2012   11:30 > Weighing up relationship value,.
16.09.2012   14:55 > Considerations of ones relationship with partners,..
18.09.2012   16:46 > Deeper sentiments regards future relationship feelings,.
20.09.2012   18:34 > Inspired communal drives,..
22.09.2012   21:20 > Weighing up communal value,.
25.09.2012    1:32 > Considerations of ones communal networks,..
27.09.2012    7:23 > Deeper sentiments regards past communal feelings,.
29.09.2012   15:14 > Inspired personal drives,..
 2.10.2012    1:26 > Weighing up personal value amidst the peer/sibling base,..
 4.10.2012   13:46 > Considerations of ones person in respect to sibling/peers,..
 7.10.2012    2:45 > Deeper sentiments regards personal home/love feelings,.
 9.10.2012   13:55 > Inspired relationship drives,..
11.10.2012   21:23 > Weighing up relationship value,.
14.10.2012    1:02 > Considerations of ones relationship with partners,..
16.10.2012    2:06 > Deeper sentiments regards future relationship feelings,.
18.10.2012    2:26 > Inspired communal drives,..
20.10.2012    3:41 > Weighing up communal value,.
22.10.2012    7:02 > Considerations of ones communal networks,..
24.10.2012   13:00 > Deeper sentiments regards past communal feelings,.
26.10.2012   21:31 > Inspired personal drives,..
29.10.2012    8:15 > Weighing up personal value amidst the peer/sibling base,..
31.10.2012   20:40 > Considerations of ones person in respect to sibling/peers,..
 3.11.2012    9:43 > Deeper sentiments regards personal home/love feelings,.
 5.11.2012   21:39 > Inspired relationship drives,..
 8.11.2012    6:35 > Weighing up relationship value,.
10.11.2012   11:35 > Considerations of ones relationship with partners,..
12.11.2012   13:10 > Deeper sentiments regards future relationship feelings,.
14.11.2012   12:52 > Inspired communal drives,..
16.11.2012   12:35 > Weighing up communal value,.
18.11.2012   14:10 > Considerations of ones communal networks,..
20.11.2012   18:55 > Deeper sentiments regards past communal feelings,.
23.11.2012    3:11 > Inspired personal drives,..
25.11.2012   14:18 > Weighing up personal value amidst the peer/sibling base,..
28.11.2012    2:58 > Considerations of ones person in respect to sibling/peers,..
30.11.2012   15:55 > Deeper sentiments regards personal home/love feelings,.
 3.12.2012    3:57 > Inspired relationship drives,..
 5.12.2012   13:51 > Weighing up relationship value,.
 7.12.2012   20:35 > Considerations of ones relationship with partners,..
 9.12.2012   23:51 > Deeper sentiments regards future relationship feelings,.
12.12.2012    0:22 > Inspired communal drives,..
13.12.2012   23:42 > Weighing up communal value,.
15.12.2012   23:53 > Considerations of ones communal networks,..
18.12.2012    2:48 > Deeper sentiments regards past communal feelings,.
20.12.2012    9:43 > Inspired personal drives,..
22.12.2012   20:25 > Weighing up personal value amidst the peer/sibling base,..
25.12.2012    9:13 > Considerations of ones person in respect to sibling/peers,..
27.12.2012   22:06 > Deeper sentiments regards personal home/love feelings,.
30.12.2012    9:45 > Inspired relationship drives,..

Generally speaking, in any overt form,.. The above list describes in simple keyword format how we collectively are bound to behave over the short term periods noted, not necessarily how we ought to behave,..

If you find these are the key themes over any said period and the situation is perhaps getting a little too much to bear, you can pretty much know they are illusory conditions being experienced by situations participants,..

In most overt situations it can be considered the result of illusory historic duress being experienced upon the individuals involved,.