Solstice Fresheners, Equinox 2011, the Art of Astrology"/>

27 September 2011

Solstice Fresheners

Hi folks, in chatting about the stars at present as we are on an equinox crossing, much of the following can be said for the next six months in general. There seems to be restriction as in the 'new deal' we have been mentioning, yet too the charts speak of a relief agent most probably in the form of a young male, or very dazzling show indeed.

The boys at present there should be a coming out of the bedroom and out into the garden air. He should or could be less teary regards issues amongst his friends and more capable of playful interaction. Any boys that have been through a spell of introversion or depression in August and September and are still not through with it should be kept a look out for as they are still laboring on quite a patch which many felt back in August. The young males have big accomplishments on their minds this next while as well, almost reflections of our team in New Zealand at present. So there is even this feature of long distance male friends and associates to be had. But yes, charged guys, plenty of energy, possibly territorial issues so boundaries are going to be the concern. Note all i have mentioned here fits under the recent Nigerian University Scandal Incident, so really its a big factor and needs some attention regards boundaries for sure.

The Girls look either like they are in daddies pockets this recent while or they are at serious altercation with responsibility itself. All though 30 Sept this persists so actually its not too far to go now. Issues observed surfacing over the 20th, 21st September arounds could well resurface By the 10th of October no matter what the current reassurances are that are being give. If anything 10 October is when the economy may begin to bleed again. Before that though expect your daughter to delve in a deluge of tears about how she just cannot take the stress and pressure. Back to the introversion of the bedroom for her this October! I really would watch the teen sex thing as skies have been month for month showing the incidences where Uranus comes more into play than before where kids are loosing less and less social compunction regards basic sexual intercourse. Probably most simply put given the innuendo in planetary namings, yes that means kinky and or looking for a kick.

Dads may be appearing that somewhat fairer at present themselves. Probably softened up somewhat at the thought of loosing wealth and status at a pace not experienced by any a 'modern' before. So yes, that much more gracious and accepting at present our dads may well be. The boys could even be looking fairer in their eyes of late and further through October. Lots of fun to be had in amidst the madness of recent stress so pops is probably keen to get out and let his hair down. I pretty much recommend this for now as October 2012 looks like it will still wipe the floor out so may as well enjoy the time yet.

Moms are still experiencing deep aggravations which may be being experienced as moods or spats of anger, frustration weighs heavily. I would go as far as to suspect skin and digestion symptoms arising but i didn't mention hearts for dads so why go the extra yard here?

Mars in Leo would be attention to hearts and the price of Gold for that matter, whereas Pluto Capricorn and Jupiter Taurus is even more so throat, thyroid, teeth, knees, bones and skin.

Some serious repressed rage issues then for the moms i can imagine over this next while further. If anything, who is the bust up of capitalism going to hurt more, the cushions or the sofa? Well, there’s always going to be a sofa, even if there are no cushions on it. Early November still shows peaks to this graph so hold the phone on that call as mom could still well loose her cool. Massage is recommended for a mum near you this October! Handbag rights through airports come to mind.

13 September 2011

Equinox 2011

As we head into this years spring equinox some stark truths are emerging that will hold the rest of the year firmly in their grasp. If we could call it the new deal, if we knew which deal in fact we were talking about? We could dub it the new deal, but so far as to say it. We are all involved now in this new deal. In the new deal, we are told there is no room for error, collectively we are responsible for the waste of a few and if the whole economic platform has changed as a result, well thats life. Seems the guy with the buck nowadays may as well be the guy with a gun. He makes the rules and given the last 2 years have been solely oriented at refilling the coffers of those who misspent our moneys. Well, folks really, if you give the gun holder more respect and control, how does this make for steps to remove the very gun from his hand?

As with our new constitutional judge, we may as well have satan himself at the helm of this decade. Honestly folks, i see no good coming from this. As we look abroad to the bankers and legislators, see how similar it all is to our own capital and political class. Now folks warn me of being political, fact is Astrology is a macro/microcosmic art, it stipulates that if the pattern is soiled, then we will see it at all layers of society. So, if we target legislators and capital, then in your local school, its the finance and admin departments. Its in your office up there at management level, its in your church. these effects are to be found in every management sector of near on every enterprise. Its not a few bad apples. It is happening from the top down. This is what we call the degradation of society, which is coming home to roost in a big way now. Honestly, if not for our vague historical notions of civility, what remnants are there about to witness today? Very few i think.

Understand folks, i am here coming from the position where the worlds most experienced investors, the likes of Warren Buffet of Berkshire Hathaway. Who told us in 2008, "when the tide goes out you see who has been swimming without a costume". Literally this last month, they have bought billions of dollars worth of shares in certain stocks only to see them massively hit the very next week. So much so that bankruptcy is back on the cards for the companies concerned. Albeit this is a small column in a small newspaper, there is no denying the obvious truths. Buckle up folks, the second phase of this new world experiment is well upon us. Stop spending frivolously now!

So back to our Equinox crossing and the year ahead, tight as nuts n bolts really. The new deal is in and if you don't like it, im afraid there is very little we can do about it now. Its been coming for so long now, we allowed it every step of the way and now it seems our oven timer is set to spring. So really, if you wonder why papa has such a foul look of consternation on his brow, really, its never been this tough before in the world of economics and future planning. Expect "No's". He's not mad with you or angry, he just has no room to move. Paying for all the soft and cuddlies, keeping the kids from the harsh realities all this time will warrant its toll in the long run.

If anything i see a massive crisis up ahead this year on par with the last two years events. As such, i expect a massive fiscal crisis between the Euro, US dollar, Jap Yen being driven to such an extent that a world currency is thence foisted upon a flag staff as the saviour for all modern mankind. Really, if you think that sounds bizarre, wait till you are reading it on the front page of major papers. At which point it will all seem so economically feasible whilst now i sound like a tin foil hat sales rep. Time we have a plenty, what honest folks don't realise is that dishonest white collar criminals engage daily in their crimes. In other words, they act with intent whist we wait about expecting normality to return.
