Box em up, Box em quick,.., chasin em jones's,…, the Art of Astrology"/>

20 June 2011

Box em up, Box em quick,..

Hi again folks, i trust you are all well having well averted all the rabblry of the last few weeks. As evinced personally, i found many a situation where the said, 'knee-jerk' reactions were in the field of play and in some cases, really, just 'over the top' to the point that, especially given the 'predicted' reality of it all, just phooey really. What one really comes to understand through astrology is that on any day of the week we really can splash our wares all over whomever or whatever situation we so please. The facts are that we are the ones who make that choice, we are the responsible parties. It is up to us to change the future or breathe in that sooty smog of past experience.

Facts are, this whole experience feels very real for it is fashioned widely around our unique personal perceptions. To cut through some understanding here, note white SA for instance as a group, yes, past exposure to racial anxieties. So hence, whats the most common response from a white south african in an overtly multiracial situation. Yeap, you can see the anxiety clearly in their responses. So for every party on this planet, the daily task is really to rub the gunk from our eyes and hearts, all that residue from the past. All we know is what we have been exposed to, these are the facts really and all we have to respond thence is with our collected data or experience.

Why i mention this again is for we truly believe we can change the world without changing ourselves, which really, ain't gonna happen! The longer we strive in vain for modern concepts like 'happiness' the longer we will be preyed on collectively by more organised classes and structures.

We have a very rapid two weeks approaching. Much of the last few years negotiations in many spheres could find their roost by early July 2011. How does it look for the IFP at this stage, the Greeks, SA media freedom and the likes. Yes these are all pretty much catered for in the same planetary arrangement at present and as one can see by how well the Zulu IFP nation was sold down the river recently, the Greeks don't stand a chance either, nor does SA media freedom. SANRAL will follow through with their tolling shortly in Gauteng and for the less observant, note 'we' are already erecting our first electronic polling plaza just after the current Marianhill Toll Plaza. In many an instance this 'square' in the sky is becoming as obvious as the towns squares, where all the people have been crammed into this tight and thus obviously very agitated arrangement.

So yes, currently we have a very nifty 'put them all in the same box' sort of feature in the sky and playing out on land. No, there is not much space left in the said box, so to cram them in will be the most likely result. In other words, expect some very uneasy relationships or agreements over the next while. Furthermore if deliberations are still on the go, being free from anxiety will help you greatly, further, if you are able to restructure as much as possible, the current really is untenable however much it will be forced through. If you have a chance yet, exercise your freedoms by even just walking away! Good Luck!

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06 June 2011

chasin em jones's,…

Gemini month we are in with a series of eclipses we are passing through. Eclipses regularly are seen over a duration of days, not necessarily to the day minute or hour. So as such, in observing their effects in and around your lives, it is due to be noted that really there will just be a little more of a certain sort of effect in your affairs over the period. Essentially, simply put, the effect of feeling left out, cut out, the threat of being cut out, covered up, washed over. “I’m really not being heard around here am i?” We know how much people love to kick up dirt in life, so generally this feeling of anguish tends to some sort action, or reaction shall we say. Now again, it's not to say that you are anxious or anything, but look about you, possibly one or two persons in your day or week have seemed a little anxious regards having their wings clipped of late. Very interesting how the plot on the ground literally follows the metaphor of the skies actions above literally as one body passing in front of another that the other cannot be seen any longer. Why in real life some things may pass away for years and not just a few minutes as in the duration of the actual eclipse. This is for astrology's use of timing ratios. As in 1minute = 1 year. Most commonly we apply a ratio of 2 hours to one Month as Moses mentions in the European Bible. There he tells us that for each day there will be a year. As such, the 90 days around our birth are of massive interest to our lives in real time for they are representative of the 90 years of our lives. Go back and look for news headlines of your day of birth, or events around your birth, very often there is correlation through facets of your life

Some folks wonder the point of these complicated essays. The point is it is all dearly special. Every ray of light in our day, the difference of days in amidst the year. The amount of time we have to express our love for the people in our lives.

As we are in Gemini this month of eclipses, the themes tend towards siblings, neighbours, peers and colleagues, communications and transport mechanisms. This is proverbial known as 'the bandwagon'. Getting caught up along with 'the bandwagon' can be one heck of a ride. Come what may, various said band wagons pass these ways. Historically Hillcrest for instance, just a one-stop town under another big hill on the way to Pietermaritsburg, on the way to Egoli, the city of gold, Johannes’s-burg.

As we strive every day for what we know not, happiness, a good show, more money? As the last reveling observers leave the comrades road side. There is really nothing much to watch as trucks traffic goods to Egoli and back. Lets just all idly roll around a worship gold then? One letter apart from God. L for Lie, being the intruding letter. What security did Gold offer Johannes’s-burg? Geminian neighbours are very quick to lust after your goods and loot you of your lolly. If one stretches time out and uses the comrades day and route as metaphor for the great carving of the road to Johannesburg, we may as well be hanging around on the road side after a comrades marathon advertising Nike trainers. The fact that the race is factually over in this metaphor is even further comedy flying in our apparently adult faces. Fact of the matter here is that the Boers have been robbed just as the Zulus are in the process of being robbed. Literally stolen from. All the whilst we stand around cheering the thing on. Folks left standing staring at the gormlessness of the process as the ANC drive us back into a racist hell. The media secrecy bill is this eclipse in Gemini to the letter. Cutting out communications to the people. The captain of the ship wants none of the shipmates to know the condition of the hull. Who could be a happy sailor in these conditions, even if a ship of fools!? Must be one hell of a party for everyone to just be ignoring the reality. We are definitely not in Rome, lets keep our heads on about this all shall we. Do take care.

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