Jupiter tears its way,..
Early birds would have noticed a fabulous cluster of stars in the morning sky these last few weeks. Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, and Mars in the pack, Jupiter and Venus competing for size and brightness. What does it mean in the world at large? As far as i can see it is showing up as our passion for inflation as such as an indirect means of feeding the more privileged established corporate classes. All that this bout of inflation, loss of pensions, austerity cuts is. Well glossed with 'economist' magazines, editorials and all. You want to believe that what you ave. acquired thus far is of any value what so ever? Well go on back to work and work harder now than ever before to prove its actually worth more than the slave labour that cemented its nonmetallic parts together. In this game, we all keep chasing the buck to indeed prove the point that buck are indeed valuable. You will notice what a great job a dazzling marketing team and or copy writer can do you as you sell all the folks into a R3k per month levied 'retirement' estate. Again, mark these words, you have to pay to ensure it maintains its value. It's not like a bag of mielies that is valuable from the day you bought it, even if all you do is sit next to it. Maintenance is another thing, we all understand maintenance. This tax masked as 'inflation' that maintains the state of affairs in our dinkyland. Only locally in Zimbabwe do they realise the actual danger of chasing money down a hole.
So yes, as this group of planets separate, Jupiter the pace setter these last two years is off into Taurus. Which would be all swell, really it would, given he had not just torn a hole in not one but four nuclear reactors, torn hole in the world money bag. Jupiters rip through the last four signs have been a real treat for sure. So as such, dare i be the messenger here, but yes,. Jupiter into Taurus around Early July is sure going to add up to cash cash cash for the white collar crooks of our age. Expect Sanral Gauteng Tolling to come back into the mix. Expect Shell Oil in the Karoo? Expect the rot to break another chunk of the trunk off our monster tree of accumulated world value. So yes, as the american population reach their debt ceiling once more, yep, nice clump of planets in the morning sky ha!?
Again, as there is so much talk regards "the end of the world" lets fill in the recent years pretexts for what we are seeing once more. As the prior peaking Solar Sun-Spot cycle closed out in June 2004, Venus Eclipsed the Sun as part of their 125 year periodic relationship. The second such eclipse is due in 2012, near the peak of the next Solar season. Many 'historic' catastrophes are seen to have fallen in this recent period. The frightful trend seems to be a shift from natural to man made disasters i fear.
Pluto entered Capricorn over xmas2007, a 264 year cycle. With this we saw the ANC's Polokwane conference, the switching of alliances within the ANC. We saw the election of an African-American as president of the USA. While all this is going on, the economies of the world are falling through the breadline. This is on cue with the 11 year Solar low, a quarter part of a 45 year Saturn Uranus cycle. As such, we can see the current low in our Suns output.
This year March, April, May have seen a stellar grouping of planets in Equinoctial Aries. Uranus entered Aries an 84 year cycle, to the day of the Japanese earthquake and Fukushima meltdown. Jupiter is in Aries a 12 year cycle. Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Sun too passed by. So locally even, these recent months really have brought forward events like the Ficksburg beating meted out by ANC government police. In all earnestness, with the BP and TEPCO disasters of late, the world is truly on a cancerous course. The Northern Hemisphere has 8 years for cancer symptoms from this recent fallout to begin emerging. Since eco-fuel legislations have moved the food complex closer to the energy complex on stock exchange markets, our household fridge now technically serves to fuel machines more so than ‘humans’. I believe that post these ‘man assisted disasters’ the age of robots, AI, mechanically assisted and bionic technologies will race forth. Our next question as a ‘civilized’ species, now that we have gone ‘global’, being that of allowing Artificial Intelligence the right of way. Once, years ago, we gave away our autonomy to exist, now in this next age I suspect we give our rights to thought away.
So yes, as this group of planets separate, Jupiter the pace setter these last two years is off into Taurus. Which would be all swell, really it would, given he had not just torn a hole in not one but four nuclear reactors, torn hole in the world money bag. Jupiters rip through the last four signs have been a real treat for sure. So as such, dare i be the messenger here, but yes,. Jupiter into Taurus around Early July is sure going to add up to cash cash cash for the white collar crooks of our age. Expect Sanral Gauteng Tolling to come back into the mix. Expect Shell Oil in the Karoo? Expect the rot to break another chunk of the trunk off our monster tree of accumulated world value. So yes, as the american population reach their debt ceiling once more, yep, nice clump of planets in the morning sky ha!?
Again, as there is so much talk regards "the end of the world" lets fill in the recent years pretexts for what we are seeing once more. As the prior peaking Solar Sun-Spot cycle closed out in June 2004, Venus Eclipsed the Sun as part of their 125 year periodic relationship. The second such eclipse is due in 2012, near the peak of the next Solar season. Many 'historic' catastrophes are seen to have fallen in this recent period. The frightful trend seems to be a shift from natural to man made disasters i fear.
Pluto entered Capricorn over xmas2007, a 264 year cycle. With this we saw the ANC's Polokwane conference, the switching of alliances within the ANC. We saw the election of an African-American as president of the USA. While all this is going on, the economies of the world are falling through the breadline. This is on cue with the 11 year Solar low, a quarter part of a 45 year Saturn Uranus cycle. As such, we can see the current low in our Suns output.
This year March, April, May have seen a stellar grouping of planets in Equinoctial Aries. Uranus entered Aries an 84 year cycle, to the day of the Japanese earthquake and Fukushima meltdown. Jupiter is in Aries a 12 year cycle. Mars, Venus, Mercury, the Sun too passed by. So locally even, these recent months really have brought forward events like the Ficksburg beating meted out by ANC government police. In all earnestness, with the BP and TEPCO disasters of late, the world is truly on a cancerous course. The Northern Hemisphere has 8 years for cancer symptoms from this recent fallout to begin emerging. Since eco-fuel legislations have moved the food complex closer to the energy complex on stock exchange markets, our household fridge now technically serves to fuel machines more so than ‘humans’. I believe that post these ‘man assisted disasters’ the age of robots, AI, mechanically assisted and bionic technologies will race forth. Our next question as a ‘civilized’ species, now that we have gone ‘global’, being that of allowing Artificial Intelligence the right of way. Once, years ago, we gave away our autonomy to exist, now in this next age I suspect we give our rights to thought away.