Serious September, Media Mayhem,..., the Art of Astrology"/>

25 August 2009

Serious September

Well folks if ever there was a dire time, this September could well be it.

September my friends is going to be a back breaker if i am seeing correctly. Indian Astrology might reckon 2007/08 was a day dream compared to what comes next. The Sun has moved into Virgo that dogged maintenance sign. We have followed Saturn's transit through Virgo since this columns inception, Mugabe/Zim, Mbeki, Property Bubble, Credit Crisis etc etc. As such, Indian Astrology would move far further on these regional themes above in this and next year.

Dare i say, this is the advice regards. Have a little fund pool set aside for unexpected maintenance/expenditure. Virgo is the Month of Health and Sickness, so be ready for the Swine flu stats lifting significantly. Also, watch your stress and digestion this month. Folks with any physical difficulties, especially infirmities in the year thus far, expect this September to be of further detriment. Prepare for passings of the frail in your care.

Wow, so as you can see, rather dire as i mentioned prior. Around 7th of September i see much of the real action kicking off, i will detail more there regards next time. For now, lets just say that that is the start of the next Mercury Retrograde which readers will recall being renowned for paperwork, communications, logistical, managerial, anomalies. Being in Virgo, ah yes, we sure can expect mayhem there. What I might see would regard, Leader's, finance institutions, Staff, Unions, I see issues regards repairs and funds for repairs. Goodness, we would have to see further issue with the SA Government Health system. One would see attempts at rewriting of legislations. This too could be the first turning we see from Mr Jacob Zuma from his apparent economic policies and his regard for the impoverished population under his care Watch September October regards.

A bit of a back track as to how to use of me, Caxton and this column. As you have seen all the “Fraud” calls i made late last year coming to pass, really, what a massive shin dig on the go out there. Some folks may enquire, ‘well how do i personally make use of advice in this column?’. Well, you see how i handle topics in a very generic fashion. Besides getting too involved in describing here, lets just say, if you feel you have queries mounting regards personal issues in your life, these guides set forth in these columns may very well apply to your situation. Folks may say, it's a tad too vague as such, tell that to the folks who jumped Tannenbaum's ship based on such 'vague' advice. Surely they will back up such 'generics' here.

To detail, in the ‘Fraud’ scenarios etc. i mentioned. Imagine you were invested with Tannenbaum and were experiencing unfounded feelings regards that you should extract your investment from his care. Well then, in reading such a column as this, if i were mentioning that such conditions were indeed rife at present, as I was near 'Bull Horning'. Well there you have your suspicions affirmed and see how well you would have done to get out of those investments. Apart from mailing me to confirm such suspicions in your personal instances then, this column has real predictive value on it's own.

So yes, furthermore, often this guidance is 'query' specific, in that only really if you have query that falls into the categories i mention, well then there are the answers for you here in the column. Another great example in this period, 'Is MTN scamming me with this latest competition? Is there nepotism involved?'. How concise we have actually been?! Recall i further mentioned the fraud then relating to ‘relationship’ difficulties, from those your children are experiencing, to those your parents or you yourself are, any relationship query fits here at present, recall i mentioned those since 1999 are especially under fire as well as the deceptions found in social/friend groupings.

Till next time, take great care!

09 August 2009

Media Mayhem,...

Hi again folks, glad to be with you again. Some very decent comments coming through from readers in the area. Glad to be of assistance where i can.
One has to understand what a tough job this is really. Recent articles in the main stream press really try as hard as they can to make out that all Astrologers are simply irrational.
As hard as they may try, really, i try to keep my head on my shoulders and my feet on the ground corroborating observations where i can in order to keep track of the general storyline moving through our mass psychology.

Some examples of this campaign, these recent Mars emails doing the rounds again, of Mars rising one evening the size of the Moon. Absolute nonsense really, how on earth could something +-48 million miles away ever appear so large. The mind baffles at the suggestion. These emails come around every +-786 days as the Earth passes Mars in orbits relation. That people then fall for this defamation again and again perturbs one even further.

Next off, a classic example of media disinformation would be regards the recent Solar eclipse, in two ways really. ‘The longest eclipse of the century’, how banal, the century is only 9yrs old, eclipses follow a 19yr repetition cycle, so, ‘longest eclipse in 19yrs’ is really as good as sensationalism can get there. But no, the media has free reign to bash unabated.
Further regards that eclipse, in the news, headlines were quick to state only the most extravagant of Astrologers predictions, especially regards those of Indian culture. Proclaiming them so insidious that ‘the majority of folks no longer listen to Astrology’, bunking it as ‘Superstition’. May i inform folks that as far as 'organized' religion goes, Hinduism is deemed the longest standing. Hindu Astrological calculations even being used by the Jewish religion as the backbone of their lunar calendar. Understand, you bunk Hindu calculations and a whole lot of other religions also start falling apart.
A feature that stood out in the press, how Caesarian sections were deferred to a day before or after the eclipse. This is no superstition folks, it is most obvious with even the slightest research into the matter that Births around eclipses have more difficulties than births during other periods of the year. Even i have seen this and predicted regards and seen to be accurate as well. Often we see birth canal and umbilical cord issues thereabouts. This is more fact than fiction nor superstition people.

Onto the last really revelatory reckoning as to how media deals with reality. Eclipses rarely bring effects other than cellular to the day of the eclipse. What we do see though is that for Solar eclipses, as was the case in August, for each minute of total eclipse, so we count a year in real time. So as such, +-6min30sec was the duration. That then says that the effects of the eclipse would be observable from 6 and a half years before and after such eclipse.
Next off, where the shadow covers the earth, there we will see these effects playing out.
These are ancient Astrological rules.

Count 6 and a half years back from Aug2009 and one arrives at February2003. Dare we recall the mayhem that started in March 2003 in the middle east. The Iraq War. Then to further pierce the side of the pig, the eclipse shadow did indeed pass over that region mid-east over pakistan india and china. It came from the ocean onto the land. Recall the Mumbai terror attacks, where 'terrorists' came in off the ocean. Folks, the true rendition of this eclipse is regards the West’s pressure on the East to render it absolute chaos. More-so it points to a further 6 and a half years of conflict that should see India and China coerced into conflict.
Funny that, it seems the media is not interested in Astrology actually usurping the 'party line' as to what we perceive should be the truth in world affairs. In this vein it becomes clear as to why Capitalism would love Astrologers all to be raving lunatics. However, we persist in attempting down to earth analysis and prediction.
So again, to all of you who do read this column, good for you and thanks for your support.
Till next time then, heads on shoulders, feet on the ground. God Bless.