Venus set to do Battle,.., World Interest, Between Delays and the Deep Green Sea, the Art of Astrology"/>

18 July 2007

Venus set to do Battle,..

Now in starting up again, a good place,. A well observable phenomena to focus our attentions on,... Would be Zimbabwe,.. Then the strikes we have recently been witnessing in our country,...
The skies mention that more of these are on the cards,...

09 July 2007

World Interest

As far as it goes,..
This Central Update page, the South African and World interest pages are the one's to be watching at the moment,...

Between Delays and the Deep Green Sea

Looks like we're back on line Guys,..

Most Humble Apologies for the delays,..
There has been plenty in the Air to comment about, the focus this time around will be on piercing events in the News with the Action in the heavens,...

otherwise for more personal data as always,..
Kind Regards,.. and tell all your friends,..