Loving Leo,…, the Art of Astrology"/>

28 July 2008

Loving Leo,…

All about Leo. The Leo, the Leo. Shine your light on me Leo. Don’t mess with me Leo. Bite my head off, Leo. Like a cat with its fur wet, Leo. A cat for all seasons really, you know how much fun they are. See, as long as the spotlight is on, you guessed it, the Leo, they’re all bells and whistles. Well until they bore of the attention that is, all seasons remember. Then when winter sets in, oh this cat is sooo bored, nothing to conquest, no love to win over, tsk tsk, where has all the excitement gone. The search for appreciation and blatant adoration, so hard to find good adorers these days. One wonders why Astrology is so estranged when archetypal “Garfield’s” are so widely to be found fitting that Leo stereotype. Some people will find those comments furiously funny really. It’s the same old Fire sign Jangle, “Notice me!,.. Look I’m a big bright light”, “oh feel my warmth and respond to my charms”. Leo is more about children though, the most loved child to be exact, the favourite light that warms the family household. So as such, the cat really comes out when there is not enough favouritism being dished out. Much of this can also be said for some Cancerians and Virgoans at times then too. With Leo, we regularly see the involvement of the Hair. The Lions mane, be it on the head or the chest. A Lions fight is about territory see, so a good strong façade is always in order. You know how that favourite child always looks so good in the family setting. Seeing as ‘odds are’ there’s no hard knocks though, often this is just like polystyrene studio shoot decorations. Looks good, sounds rather hollow on closer inspection though. So as such, have patience for a Leo near you, they are the flavourite plaything of the Zodiac and well we’re all so happy they could join us aren’t we. Play along, play along, just be sure to keep up the good face otherwise Leo’s going to bite your head off for not being a fitting sport. A tip in dealing with the violent ups and downs Leos experience would be to always reminisce over their up’s and how gloriously radiant they looked during such phases. That way you can be virtuously placed up there on the pedestal with them and can point down scathingly at those ungrateful mortals. Speaking about reminiscing, this is a good tip in dealing with any fire signs in general as opposed to the dreaminess of watery empathy. The reverie in reminiscence is what gets the warming signs heated, keeping them vital is a handy way of staying out of their wrath. Like having a light by your side perhaps, as opposed to a glare in your face. The Fire sign is easily led if you just keep feeding that ego, it’s prowess and all it can potentially accomplish. Be fully aware though, I am not responsible for any fires that get out of hand on you. For after pumping them to full-blown fury you may very well have a slave driver tyrant on your hands that now permits you to bow and curtsey timeously at their hinting. You may become their slave faster than you realize though. So, rather laughingly he suggests, just keep a decent valve available in case you need to tap the flame off somewhat. The Laurel an Hardy type cartoons of old are suggestive in this department. Where Hardy would always fuel Laurel until megalomania sets in whereby the Hardy is led to retort in a snotty manner reducing the megalomaniacal Laurel to breakdown. Slowly they build up their relationship once more only to break down again. So it is with a night time fire, constant maintenance as all is continually falling apart. But yes, in a nutshell, all watch for the cat that bounds in, steals everyone’s attention, gets bored starts a fight then skulks out vaguely agitated. As children of men, they gave a good effort, so a round of applause won’t do you any harm, it will certainly go a long way in lightening them up. Remember the good things with your Leo!


Blogger dion said...

loving leo,... nice title ,.. heh,..

At first one thinks its them that do it,.
then one see's its them that need it,..
amazing how these animal images work so well,..
kitty kitty,... hehhe,..

cool,.. glad you like it,..

Ok,. so i didnt mention in the article,.. but this week is eclipse of the sun week,. IN LEO,..!!
Friday is the day,.. i should have mentioned it,. but its eclipse "season as such,. so we will write on it the next verse,..

Yes,. so go back to other eclipse columns,.. late Jan early February articles,.. there i mention regular eclipse, threat/knee jerk scenarios,..

iv'e seen it around too of late in clients,. the threat of being fired is like sharks in these waters we know it of late,.. and well yes,. i assume this month is feeding time,.. few folks going to get the sack,. and well leo types,. so all the drama queens who aren't performing like they used to,..
those new brooms that look surprisingly dull so soon,.. hmmm,.. first impressions ey,. how they do beguile,..

Also Bone/Blood and Heart disease/s,.. watch the headlines for those in the next two weeks,.. Aids, hey me!? whoa, shocker,..

Wanda, dare i say,. but pluto into Capricorn says 264yrs worth of a health epidemic is about to unleash,... think it may be more November side 2008 in starting,.. but ya,.. don't mention too much on the health cos astrology says something like cortes into the aztecs could be about to go down,..
funny thing that in both the 15 and 1700's we have an invader bringing a health epidemic,.. hahahah what if aliens arrived wholesale and where all friendly,. but that bug they caught back in alpha zee wheeta,.. that one like our common flu,. been around for zeons,.. hahah,. poor ol humans didn't like that buggerooo,... like we were the aztecs or their northern peers,.. We all so safe and sound hey,. lucky us,.. no one to bother our chip of dust,.. fleck of dust,... lol,..

ok,. looks like im revving up for the day then,. lol,.. ya,. ut i better stop there,.. remember,.. the new me,. no blues, only sunshine,.. hahah
its leo month remember,.
ECLIPSE// remember,.. don't be duped by the ensuing drama ,...

i should be a soapie novelist,.. heheheh,.. cheers, and have a happy week,.. [friday:bullet proof vest]- hahah jokes,..

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep,. so it seems this eclipse just clips the North Pole then across down over Russia at sunset thru China,..
Hmmm,. Olympics,...

7:44 AM  

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