Dire Elite Nihilism,..., the Art of Astrology"/>

28 July 2008

Dire Elite Nihilism,...

First things first folks,.. Happy Anniversary to our Soul Living section in the Hilltop, drastically reduced in size, in fact I’m the only one left it seems. Getting tight I tell you, I can feel it. If I might have any requests at this time, feedback I need and want it. There are plenty of you out there that we bump into in our daily traffickings who allude to their thoughtful ponderings on my musings. Quite frankly being engaged in this column for such time now with a pithy 4 or so responses, Hey!? How can that be? If I was a plumber I would have had a better response!? Or is it that I must pander more to your consumer interests which I know would have me as boring a read as if I where indeed into plumbing. So please, even if you wish to swear at me, Email is a fabulous thing and my address appears regularly below the article. Many thanks.

Many people mention my difficult language. Those who still read me will have seen how I have endeavored to tighten up a little although still try to keep to a decent level of English usage as I feel we all should. r shld w use txt speke, I mean, we are supposed to be advancing as a species or not!? Otherwise, along such lines, the content is difficult I am an Astrologer for goodness sakes. The one person in society that is supposed to speak through cryptic analogies and riddles, does not the spiritual master answere through puzzles? As far as I recall that is the case, so as such, read light if that is what you are rather after.

Now a month back we skipped a copy. Reason being, glum glum glum, Iran was in my predictions as they are now test launching missiles and photoshopping some in further. Zim was in that copy, a ship load of weapons to fire. So as such, we ditched it as it was, repeat,.. glum glum glum. This month I am back with a vengeance however, t’s my Job see, so without further adue,….

Before we go any further with the whole current African story. No, the new “Black Elite” are NOT concerned one iota with the depraved conditions their brethren experience in the townships. Why else do you think such places even still exist 14ys into the NEW South Africa? I am done with being polite about it, we have eyes and we can see for goodness sakes. We have ears and we can hear. We know Elite Black businessmen and they have told us this as FACT.
The local peoples loose out whilst the local politicians take all the hand outs for themselves and their supposed elite families. Do us a favor and let your home helpers read these words please. Something has to happen. A slow killing is happening, a parentless generation exists. A deep nihilism is present in our government that we have neer seen prior. Hence we rub our eyes over and over just to make sure we are indeed seeing accurately. How can this elite stand by as an entire generation is wiped off the board, just so that they have no political threat in the future. Again, Mbeki mediates in Zimbabwe!? We question the resolutions as if we misread the text, stop rubbing your eyes folks. Welcome to the true African Renaissance.

Something I must point out that adds to our current predicament and it has been a long time in engineering. First it was Bible that we dared not question. Slowly the schools and institutions supplanted the idea of Gods Book with a Governments Laws, so one dare not question them then neither. The last phase of this movement is where Governments Laws are supplanted by the Elites Society. From a Bible to a Law then to a Society, we have transferred this inherent respect. Don’t question!, don’t argue!, Zuma is innocent of any corrupt wrongdoings,. The befuddled Society will want it so, the law will prove it so, and of course, God would obviously thence have had it so. Think about it, if you’re allowed that is.

Other than that, wow, what a year, and please do drop me a line, I promise I won’t try to sell you anything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.

1:45 PM  

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