Out with the Olde [Hilltop 15th - 29th Sept], the Art of Astrology"/>

12 September 2007

Out with the Olde [Hilltop 15th - 29th Sept]

What can we say about the Recent Venus retrograde?.....
It’s all about departure of the previous and now the arrival of the new. This rings true for August/September in so many ways.
The comments I have regarding this August month’s Venus retrograde - readers will recall the title of the column, "Venus set to do Battle". How true this has rang!? If we see Venus in the night sky as the woman leaving. It was in Virgo near Saturn you recall. I mentioned Saturn was a father figure - view Thabo's role in the Manto liver story. If one were to depart, we would expect a replacement, seen here as in a transplant. Venus in the morning sky. So this is Manto with her all-new liver, and similarly Routledge being that of the spent and disposed liver.


Blogger dion said...

We even See Helen Zille's recent collar reshuffling by Sir Thabo here. Again a photo opportunity as with the Queen of England a month or so prior. Such arbitrary similarities point to how the colours run with these heavenly mechanics.
Not that I tend towards the political. For commonly observable material, I have bourgeoisie personalities like politicians or sporting heroes to choose from. These are the most obvious places we can turn to and see the mechanics of the planets played out on the ground by regular human beings.
So floor crossing MPs between 1 and 15 September - the floor-crossing period - and subsequent political chicanery makes a whole lot of sense to mention. In our last column we spoke about frauds and the dissolving of boundaries/structures. The dissolve of the hierarchy, the 36-year Neptune Saturn trend we mentioned. Neptune's move into Aquarius by 1998 heralded the dawn of Affirmative Action and Mad Cow Disease. Making one’s own assumptions, we'll be moving on.
Of obscure interest further here is the similarity of MP3 music format and cluster development trends. Looking at people and songs as units of soul. Regularly there were twelve or so per record, now with MP3s, one disk carries 80 songs or more. Fancy the similarities in those two situations. So many different feelings packed into one unit. Dare we mention the reduction in quality? To a tone deaf culture, it may very well sound the same. Ask your nearest music teacher about the rise of the tone deaf.
I often joke nowadays how we are all upgraded as year models are. My son has the MTV983 installed. It works really well and gives him this Eurocentric cool that seems to just follow him everywhere. Lovely unit! Pity I couldn't get that version software for my daughter. She got the PIERCINGS987. Yetch! We do battle with that one, tsk tsk! Never mind the cellphone INFINITY model that seems to be default installed for most 90s kids.
So the saying, "conditions are ripe," in the changing of our social seasons, conditions become rife. The reason why Astrology will still work for cloned humans might lie in this passage. The world around us and its conditions are like the Petri dish we swirl around in. Conditions they are rife, and these change ever so slowly, almost like the seasons.
That Hillcrest has never been subjected to such stress, could be a good example here. I mean, remember before "the" robot/traffic light. Walking across the road was just a nature-reserve apart from what it is today. Pity we don't think so hard before adding to the Petri dish.
Is this the state of our planet - poor governance, Mad Cows, bad excuses, dire consequences? No problem, look around we're advancing! Not very far mate. That road looks awfully clammy, rhetorical of sorts. A busy road must imply prosperity and development - ahh, so we're a success!
Mind-numbing stuff indeed. Are Hillcrest residents actually aware of what has happened, or are we blind to the pure hearted developer/investor and his "homely" intentions?
A last word for now would be to take it easy over the period 17-20 September. Until next time then, it's your home they're wrecking!

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Further Content Exclusive to Email Edition,.. [not for the feint hearted]

Looking for to the day observable events more sensational than an eclipse say,… If you want to give regular vibe spotting a try,… Watch 19th , 20th September,… Should have something nasty in-store for many situations on the ground,.. the lead up to it the 17th and 18th naturally,.. but yes do take it easy on the 19th,… Collisions in general,. Vehicles etc,.. the General Instability in Cape Town Surrounds would fall under this token,...
Even if its just irritability arguments and anger,.. If someone's edging for that High Road,.. Take the tactical low road,..
Wednesday the 26th could be tough too,… Similar theme to the earlier 17,18,19th,…

A deeper look into why we might say these,...
Pluto the Newly reclassified Dwarfe Planet is Moving into Capricorn "the Business district" over December 2007,…. Jupiter Passes by at almost the same time,.. With Mars coming through into early Cancer,. Conditions are similar to those found in personages such as Nelson Mandela, Malcom X, Noam Chompsky, and even the 26th April William Shakespeare of 1564,..

The fact that as Mars passes this early Cancer he too is Opposing Jupiter passing Pluto into Capricorn,… Adds Fuel to the fire initially really, all in all, one could say,.. But Mars introverted in a water sign is truly like as in Mandelas Case,. How long was he bound for,.. This is classic Introverted Ego. Delayed reaction type of scenario we are looking for,.. William Shakespear and Delayed actions is a good one too,.. I mean we all play out his thoughts and actions 400yrs on,.. He moves through our muscles,… So what am i saying??,... DRAMA,. Heckish drama over Xmas 2007,.. with all these things going on in SA at the moment,.. i feel the time is really seeming ripe,.. What seems to be a slowere downer here,. is as i say,.. Mars in Cancer is a more subterfuge Mars,.. So as opposed to an outright bullet being fired,... its a hidden bullet shall we say,... The hottest dates for Mandelas Passing are indeed to be found Year end 2007,...

But further,...
In Fully Antiquated terms here then, we could say that there is a revolutionary child being born over this time that 28 years on in 2038 will be standing up to some pretty tough challenges for a whole lot of repressed people,.. If Christmas this year is to have that special bang we’ve been suspecting, I would further assume such birth to be the case, as a struggle always breeds it's liberator,… Pretty much from now through April 2008 then is the general span of birth,… Dare I say things of this magnitude!!,.. I will surely eat my hat,.. But seeing the passing of events coming closer to the time,.. we have been waiting years in anticipation for the xmas 2007 blast, seeing as I came so close to the wall of water in Christmas 2004,.. I thought I might give this one a go,..

Very Interesting How Ghandi Too Is Mars in a Water Sign Scorpio,.. Inward Mars as opposed to reckless Outward Marring expression,.. Literally why they termed it “Ego” - Such flailing attempts at impressing oneself upon the sands of time,…

Further along SA's seemingly demise of a footpath,...
I say "seemingly" for i too hope for that pearly prestine outcome,...

But yep,.. one thing struck me yesterday,.. let me find the article,..
Protest chaos shuts N2
"Thousands of South Africans from mostly black townships and informal settlements have taken to the streets in recent months to voice anger over the lack of electricity, water and sewage and other services in poor neighbourhoods"

Now key Suggestions in Articles a month or two ago,. Re: Saturn's Passage into Virgo,... these were the exact conditions mentioned,.. these movements in the sky mention that this is the START of this sort of issue,.. the START !? you're kidding me,.. Go on a rural holiday this Christmas,...
Now we all love being that cultured "cool",.. you know,. don't buy into the fearmongering fellows, it doesn't go well with the look... Naah worries chaps,. sitting by your telly with your KFC bucket is gonna protect you plenty when the starving masses are flooding your suburban streets,.. and look the police are so able, keen and willing,.. To arrest the Mayor!!
http://www.mg.co.za/articlepage.aspx?area=/breaking_news/breaking_news__national/&articleid=318759&referrer=RSS Hello!? LOL,.. You have just got to be kidding me,.. No,. in fact it was the Nando's special that saved my life,.. There i was chewing away,. as if in an advert,. nothing ever goes wrong in adverts you see,. so i was safe,..

Welcome to the New American Fascism Folks,.. eish, dion do you have to embarass me like this,..
Seriously though,.. Welcome,.. The bourgeoisie is a Fascist Class,...
http://www.etext.org/Politics/MIM/wim/cong/fascismdef.html No,..!!....you don't say,.. those bug sprays in your cupboard,. that new kinda kleen that detergent just smells so good,.... its all analogous,.... "No live rounds were used, only Rubber Bullets",.. ok!?.... that sweet smelling detergent,.. Spray it at your leisure,.. all those dirty bugs,..
"Due communication processes have been followed with community leaders and residents."
"Development will continue and cannot be thwarted by narrow individual interests," he said. ",..
he's calling a cockroach an imposter, get it,..!? they we were here first,... Archaic Millenia prove this, so who is the imposter!? and why does it sound like Palestine we are dealing with,. i thought these New SA folk were all in it together, where's the enemy?.. i thought it was a poor bunch of bastards who took over in 94 to help their poor bastard buddies out,.. forgive the bad humour,. but it really gets the point across,.. whats with all this violence?, or are we slowly waking up to the fact that Africans can exhibit degrees of fascism too!?,..

"it's clean violence okay!" -chuckle,..

The New Media Fascism protects us like a Condom,...
The comfort in our own home,. Like the Robot refurbishing Unit,.. The telly is the closest we will get to the violence,. However, seeing as most of the revolution won't be televised, you won't have to get too depressed,.. skip along to work now, keep those big ol friendly corporations chugging along,...
theres no big wolf here,... just a barking dog or two,..

the Medias Cool,..!! -it's this guy embarrasing himself with this column who's wrong,...
the Media is owned !!, it's advertised to be cool,... like, "16's just that much more fun,."

Jacques Pauw resigns from SABC
SABC accused of being ANC lapdog
Now SABC video of Manto goes missing - report

like,. right,. 16 satelite channels is better than the whole Gamut,..
Never mind Manufacturing Consent,.. These are the Merchants of Cool we are dealing with,..

8:24 AM  

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