The Powere Broker,.., the Art of Astrology"/>

17 October 2008

The Powere Broker,..

The Power Broker,..

This week we pay ode to the scorpion, the wily Lawyer, Estate Agent, Stockbroker and Prostitute. Dare I mention, in this neck of the woods, ignorance of the law is not an excuse. The Eagle is the symbol and the prey is done for.
The two are separated by a great distance in height. We all know that height is a most primal form of advantage so hence, our Eagle is one of the most symbolically potent images of power. The other key
Scorpio theme is that of power through secrecy, for this is fundamental to the maintenance of power.
Lets shuffle about though before we hit the nail on the head. Lets use the Wall Street brokers and carry trades for our analogy. First off you need a patsy country that is really throttled to the ground and held there in check. Japan suits here as an example.
Let’s say our thrifty broker receives funds from a gerbil like myself. I ask him to really look after my treasured future by investing my savings for me. What does he do but immediately use my funds to secure a loan in Japan for next to nothing. Doing so he expands his power by 10 say. Now he heads off to invest my monies/ plus a whole
stash more. I, of course, know nothing of this and simply assume that his spanky new Merc means he must be real good at looking after his clients’ interests.

Now he does need to be obviously shrewd, but believe me, after being so ostracized from the strata of the simple workings of society, for things they cannot possibly know or understand, his mind begins to play
tricks on him. He is secluded, left out, ill respected. He eventually comes to know himself as the eternal victim, such
is his inner persecution. For no one can know of my burdens aka secrets aka feudal lies that I need further, thus keeping the illusion of separation legitimate.

But yes, in the broker story he makes the dollar on his trades and pays back the junk Jap loan when he feels the need. Believe me as in days like these, the need exists for suddenly the fee to service such debt becomes more of a burden than he would like. His mates dash for the last carcass so he has no choice but to follow.

Opec turn around and say, hey, the price of black gold is lacking, we need to create an artificial shortage. So the volume of food in my little gerbil fridge is affected by who/what exactly? Outsource power and you find yourself in a kung fu death grip. Simple human folk, meanwhile assume all to be above board and resort to prayer to solve these real odd circumstances, for goodness knows how we landed here! Point being that we here attempt to outsource power here again. For the prophet offers us 10x yields the same as the Broker.

Now you wonder why the power broker has such a hand over us. Being complacent and Hopeful as we are. As a Gerbil to an Eagle! Act like a gerbil, think like a gerbil sit still in nervous contemplation, just like a gerbil. I mean, who would feel thrice about driving over a frog, in busy traffic?

Folks, there is a very serious message in Scorpio. Take control of your places of local power before you find yourselves in the hands of plutocrats. Read specifically the way I phrase that line. For lets not deny, not even a week after trillions of dollars are
freewheeled into the back door of your local banks, the self same authors of such helpful policy turn around and admit it was all in vain. The market crashes further.
Oftentimes, intellectual commentary is sited as misleading from the mainstream. The Power Broker deals in power. Simplistic advice offers the power in you, to see how small periodic investment in yourself, may not offer 10x yields in the short term, but you sure won’t be prey in for the long term.


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