Recent Strengths
As you have all probably seen in the last two weeks, since 24 September, Mercury has been reversing through the heavens. As such, the regular chaos ensues with misplaced items, re-routed journeys, confused conversations, disagreements and re-negotiations. Direct motion will return by the 16th Oct and we will very probably see the final effects by the 27th Oct. Very classic to the reverse motion was the stepping down of our ministers and indeed that of our President, literally on cue as per the motions of Mercury. People wonder how we as Astrologers are able to foretell events and well Mercury’s motions are so easily observable in the real time that with experience of such one can really odds are forecast event circumstances in the future based on forward calculations of its movements. As I have mentioned prior, it is every 4months that Mercury orbits in between the Earth and the Sun. Hence we can date these well off into the future.
Understand then that if you have noticed these effects in your worlds as we have mentioned them in the past. Having much that could depend on good logistics and co-operation between members, we can give you ample warning of when such similar conditions will pervade your future. Not through any sort of voodoo either, or esoteric wanderings, but solid calculations and simple past observation records. Simply put, Astrology really does track actions here on the ground as signalled by radio from the heavens.
Anyone looking to query such can simply look at the bounty of Astrological predictions that told of the current worldwide financial fiasco, remember Saturn’s entrance into Virgo and the Northern Rock falling to within two weeks of that. Even I had mentioned it prior. Funny though how people still persist in assuming we are in some way inaccurate or purveyors of falsities. Such people should actually look at the current situation realizing they are the ones who got it wrong as more Banks have indeed fallen in all this time and the Financial system is indeed further teetering on the edge of an abyss. Is it only the media constantly parroting the “possibility” of recession that keeps folk assuming such. If so, you have to ask, are folk really interested in the truth, or happier with the consumer slumber. “Don’t question what you cannot change”, some people say. You know that just sounds awfully Bovine to me. All the cattle in the abattoirs still assuming their mates are just being shifted off to different fields. No no, nothing to see here 4 tummies to feed remember, have to keep on chewing.
But yes, I must admit I have recently been through one of the toughest experiences of my Career at the 4day International Astrology Festival held at the Suncoast Casino. Not that I agree at all with such a venues etc, or Hollywood readings for that matter. I did mention to most patrons that they should undertake such prophetic in a serious light and use them in earnest. Rising above my issues, as it took me a while to settle into the short sessions on demand format at such an event. I decided to service the public as they desired. I tell you, to pass through 40+ individuals in a day doing straight “off the cuff” readings is one heck of a feat. I’m no psychic or anything, all I do is read dates in the sky. But wow, what an experience, Astrology is one of the most solid partners you will ever have in your life. Such experience only boosts ones confidence further. With Astrology you can see through walls and you can dive into 40+ scenarios in a day always learning somewhat more even about the actions of the heavens. Hence I back track here a bit on the point that serious Astrologers like myself have indeed stayed on topic for many years now whilst the supposed regular intellectuals actually seem to be in the depths of denial.
If you want to look at these past observations and advice rendered on how to steer clear of the financial recession, do go to my blog at
Take care and hold responsibility firmly in your hands.
Understand then that if you have noticed these effects in your worlds as we have mentioned them in the past. Having much that could depend on good logistics and co-operation between members, we can give you ample warning of when such similar conditions will pervade your future. Not through any sort of voodoo either, or esoteric wanderings, but solid calculations and simple past observation records. Simply put, Astrology really does track actions here on the ground as signalled by radio from the heavens.
Anyone looking to query such can simply look at the bounty of Astrological predictions that told of the current worldwide financial fiasco, remember Saturn’s entrance into Virgo and the Northern Rock falling to within two weeks of that. Even I had mentioned it prior. Funny though how people still persist in assuming we are in some way inaccurate or purveyors of falsities. Such people should actually look at the current situation realizing they are the ones who got it wrong as more Banks have indeed fallen in all this time and the Financial system is indeed further teetering on the edge of an abyss. Is it only the media constantly parroting the “possibility” of recession that keeps folk assuming such. If so, you have to ask, are folk really interested in the truth, or happier with the consumer slumber. “Don’t question what you cannot change”, some people say. You know that just sounds awfully Bovine to me. All the cattle in the abattoirs still assuming their mates are just being shifted off to different fields. No no, nothing to see here 4 tummies to feed remember, have to keep on chewing.
But yes, I must admit I have recently been through one of the toughest experiences of my Career at the 4day International Astrology Festival held at the Suncoast Casino. Not that I agree at all with such a venues etc, or Hollywood readings for that matter. I did mention to most patrons that they should undertake such prophetic in a serious light and use them in earnest. Rising above my issues, as it took me a while to settle into the short sessions on demand format at such an event. I decided to service the public as they desired. I tell you, to pass through 40+ individuals in a day doing straight “off the cuff” readings is one heck of a feat. I’m no psychic or anything, all I do is read dates in the sky. But wow, what an experience, Astrology is one of the most solid partners you will ever have in your life. Such experience only boosts ones confidence further. With Astrology you can see through walls and you can dive into 40+ scenarios in a day always learning somewhat more even about the actions of the heavens. Hence I back track here a bit on the point that serious Astrologers like myself have indeed stayed on topic for many years now whilst the supposed regular intellectuals actually seem to be in the depths of denial.
If you want to look at these past observations and advice rendered on how to steer clear of the financial recession, do go to my blog at
Take care and hold responsibility firmly in your hands.
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