Accountability reigns,.., the Art of Astrology"/>

09 September 2008

Accountability reigns,..

Very interesting time indeed,..
This being Virgoan month one expects to find issues surrounding clean ups, maintenance and good old overhauls, dare i mention catastrophes as well here. The scrap yard we mentioned last time around regularly gets a sifting through to see what’s of use and what’s ready for the can. Diets too, could come under the spotlight now as this is the sign that governs general health and the intestinal tracts. All the filtering organs of the body, if under prior stress can find their overload here. Expect tummy bugs then too.

This then moves over to the general working class of a nation, as such again then. As the working organs of the body, we should see strikes etc here as they attempt to assert their weight as such. In the USA for example we can see all this in the recent party conventions which saw considerable disgust from these working organs being displayed. As such then again with astrology, the microcosm and the macrocosm are similarly affected.

This indeed should be a month the well resonates with our introductory articles over a year ago when Saturn made his entrance into Virgo. All the issues I spoke of there hence should come to light here. Health issues the world over, Earth shifts and odd weather behaviour, crop failures and issues with pests on a grand scale. Further regarding the dearth of the economy and that of our corrupt officials should come here too.

There is a very interesting period focusing around the 13th September. One can see large gatherings. Issues over individual rights and laws and then well, I gather, the new deal in that there are no real rights left for many folk in the modern democratic façade. For example I cite the recent hard hand displayed by police in the USA at these conventions.

The issue of the peer group trust failure should be high on the agenda again for our kids at school. Again, there is something about the parameters being to broad or vague, the group too large. Again the issue of depression ensues for how real can I possibly be whilst my friends still aren’t interested in my company. The posh seems to prevail here and well, might this just be the time for youngsters to get over it and be themselves regardless of feeling accepted or not, although odds are I see them all flocking to the same ice-cream van. We don’t teach our kids independence anymore. We urge them to conform, to deny their independence. Even if we have to force feed them chemicals as we “lovingly” steer them in “right” direction. Funny how cocaine derivatives aren’t suitable for us, but seem good enough for our children.
Think individuality, think Ritalin. Think drug-dealer, think your friendly pharmacy. I don’t know what the big fuss is about really, I mean this is democracy. If I want drugs, I want easy access to them. If I want to drug my children, I want support from my social institutions and accord from my drug dealer to avoid all that inner turmoil you gather. I mean, im free to choose right!? Wrong, you will pay if you want any choice and odds are society will be the first debtor at your door, creeping in to remind you of your guilt for not pandering to established norms.
Think individuality, think Life! If you argue that coke doesn’t possibly add life!? Just check in at your nearest government primary school, you will be surprised at how chipper all the kids look and well look at how quickly your society can take control of your very own life nowadays.
Think individuality, think for yourself!


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