Ready, Steady, Go,.., the Art of Astrology"/>

13 January 2012

Ready, Steady, Go,..

Right folks, welcome to 2012 and i don't want to hear another word about the end of the world prophecies. Somebody show me something tangible and well, like the ongoing worst ever industrial accident on planet earth in Fukushima, Japan. Without a doubt its the end of the world for them, workers are falling over cold dead on the job even. All thankfully due to 'unknown causes' though it would seem. The Gulf of Mexico too, rather near the end of the world for them. The Mayans even documented an upsurge in cancers before they fell from grace. But a flat out end of the world? We have more chance of seeing six legged frogs in our lifetime than falling off the edge of time i would assume. I am being serious on that one, seriously!!

So as i have mentioned before, this year will seem to be locked and loaded from the get go. We have a Mars retrograde now starting at the end of January, 24th to be exact so as such, all those little boys who think they are Chuck Norris. Well don't they have a surprise in store for them. Yes they may have been able to get away with murder for quite some time now, but no longer i say. With this Mars retro, seeing as he is in Virgo, it really could be nasty for some as Virgo is the real nuts and bolts sign. So it seems a few breakages or issues will set the year off to an anxious start. All the major planets lay posited at the starts of their various signs so it looks like there is great apprehension about to get going. As if all is set with everyone ready to jump into gear at the start gun.

Given all the frustration about since September last year, we can truly say, people just want to get going on all these various projects already. I see much action and busyness then. Although to be honest, its all for show, its all out of frustration. By June the said targets will be met and by October folks will realise they were the wrong ones. So i see a whole heap of wasted energy and assets this year i believe. Really, its unbelievable that this information is free because if you have managed to follow my odd story lines and the manner we tell them in over the years you will see and know exactly where i am coming from. Moms even on their glory trail to freedom, i would settle down if i were you. This rendition above applies especially to you. Young girls too, this emotional pan handle with your social group that you pull. If only you could call them a social group. True friends require real grit, currently though its a diet of instant mix friends, just add true character. Which really, stop sobbing about all the trust defects and get real. Generally the best way known to attract other moderately reasonable folks into ones life. As far as dad goes, he is still coyly awaiting his grand penny dropping moment in October, so i would expect a lot more same old from him for now, copious doses of silence. Drives you crazy doesn't it.

So really, the word is this year to sit about and watch everyone looking real busy, by October they not going to be so avid they were right on the money. More planning, realistic planning and less in jest i do suppose.

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