Muddy Waters, the Art of Astrology"/>

09 February 2012

Muddy Waters

Hi again folks. Really great observations to be had of late, all lending toward October 2012 side of the year. Much of those skies are actually becoming very evident on the ground floor already. Which concerns me then regards the depths we will see later. Anyone who follows my regular banter knows i have been going on about Saturn's entrance into Scorpio later this year. Recall Saturn represents our authority figures and established world capital, traditionally played through male characters in modern times. As he has passaged through the signs these few years, i have been with you at the Hilltop, we have literally, sign for sign, seen his actions unfolding. Saturn in Leo 2006 was all the fraud frothing to a head as the housing bubble blew sky high. Saturn in Virgo 2008 saw the actual credit crisis ensue the parallel dearth of Zimbabwe and the vote of the leader we knew was crooked to the core. Saturn in Libra must be the stepping in of the state to pay the poor banker who blew all the poorer peoples money. The rise of Whistle-blowing Wikileaks. Remember in Greek Mythology, Teiresias feels obligated to give the most impartial and truthful answer in his judgment regards the courting of Zeus and Hera. His flaw is the silly assumption that the gods are actually just. Libra tends to collide with the injustice and unfairness in life for he is struck blind out of rage by the gods for his simple verdict. Hence Bradley Manning still sits in jail in the real world 2012, Julian Assange, tagged under house arrest awaits extradition hearings. The literal land of myth alive in our very times.

Now as the most nebulously nepotistic Neptune moves into Pisces, recall recently the News of the World, Rupert Murdoch revelations, for 168 years the paper was printed, Neptune has a 164yrs orbit, Pisces is his traditional home as Poseidon the ocean deity. Pretty much indicating it was sensational tabloid, gossip and mystery, real Neptunian style. The point is, we have seen Neptune's arrival into Pisces on the ground and as per expected. It was not sweet, Saturn the head honcho, he lied. Note the Italian Cruise Liner on the rocks recently had Venus right by that very Neptune in early Pisces,.. Recall the Ballerina who was not on the passenger list? For all his assurances, utter fooey as it all unfolded! So we have a clear picture of our authority figures actions of late, in the sky we pretty much see them real well.

Saturn into Scorpio trine to Neptune into Pisces will bring in the new age of scum. As if even laudable legislation of no bid contracts for instance. Kind of like our killer Saturnian sulphuric death bug in the Neptunian, Pisces Durban ocean of late. The beauty of astrology truly being that if you can see these chains of events in one world you can pretty much speculate them in all that show marks of strain around that given period in time.

Case to mind recently of the Islamic word or number 786 and the Mars retrograde cycle. Now as in Christianity and Catholicism, in the eyes of Islam, Astrology is outlawed. Yet 786 is the amount of days it takes for Earth and Mars to meet up again in our solar system. Its a astronomical observance, its a physical fact. Imagine folks told you not to count 365 day cycles. You would be trying to take a summer holiday in autumn a few years down the road.

I have been saying it for years, notice the fall of the 'adult' around you. The state plays gods harp and pertains to eradicate corruption et al. eThekwini the metro with the dizziest rates levies in the country irregularly spends billions of its own poor starving peoples money. As such, gods apparent harp gives them right to moralify every greedy law or back hand contract they wish to espouse. This is literally degrading to kiddy land around us while we speak.

Put your garden boots on folks, this marsh is about to get real boggy. The cape town bouncer scene is frothing too, i wonder how Russol manages to stay safely coped up in a cell. Virgo's symbol being a M and Mars retrograde indicates Malema in the current period. Most simply, he has to be in with the Saturn Neptune structures else he wouldn't even be in the news anymore. Can i even mention ATM bombings and secret wings of political establishments raising funds in the press!?

So yes, a rather interesting showing around us at present. I would have said 'put on your hard hats' but i think that was more 2008's line. This is sloshy defrauding muddy waters variety we are about to head through, expect lots of singing and dancing by an authority figure near you. Do follow my twitter feed on dion786 for irregular earthbound updates. Take care.

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