Cooler side of things,.., the Art of Astrology"/>

23 March 2012

Cooler side of things,..

Welcome to the cooler side of the year then. The Equinox has brought with it its fair share of pressures and these will wholly dominate our year as such. Mercury is still apparently travelling backwards and in early Aries, as we could see a bit of miscommunication and argument really hereabouts. It is on the waning end now so we should find some resolve arriving imminently, 7th of April arounds there. Normality could return, but its always going to be a 'new' normal. This time around though it could feel very personal to us all. SANRAL Gauteng would be a fitting example there, all the huss and fuss democracy fanfare dispensed of, tolling ensues.

Pluto and Uranus cover key areas of the sky through 2016 will surely keep every issue a rather warm potato for some time i would say. Management in highly stressful conditions will become part of the new normal in South Africa from here on.

As we have been following the mother figures trajectory over the years, we have literally seen how this March has been a key month for her. Right now again, if she portrayed the authority figures as a monster, she will have now over the year a monster to further deal with. If she realised there was more trouble here than not and subsequently backed down a little. She could have realised the room to play the sucker for the goose he probably is. As in the world economic situation, everyone by now knows the financial elite are involved in some white collar sorts of deviancy. Iceland is even healthier than other nations having frankly said enough is enough. Simply allow the house of cards to fall, engaging in debate over it all allows the stealthy opportunists argument. We don't like arguing and will inevitably back down as the town hall turns to utter disorder. The Bible taught us so. Loud bullies know it is so. We could apply this in direct regard to the recent E.Cape Student 'refugee' comment by Helen Zille. The opportunists had already surfaced and burn't the school rooms of and fought running battles with other races of our dearly beloved country. There was nothing to add, no dialogue could compete with how badly some politickers behave nowadays. That we talk to them about it, that we entertain it. We know the switch will trip and we have to live our lives all the while in solemn preparation for the very reality.

When there is a ghost in town, the collective ghost of our fears, like the pungent smell of gasoline, we don't all race for the matches do we? Let that smell waif on through to such an extent that they inevitably set the whole thing alight themselves. As the coloured community in Grabouw have experienced, to the point that they physically had to defend their school yards. Thats all the defence needs. The aggressive acts veritably displayed for all to see, enemy exposed, media headline or not. If we simply engage in our regular behaviour toward the common good without lighting all these fires on the periphery, we will meet our goals. Calling your father or boss all sorts of defamatories really only makes for an anxious household or workplace. You know his ways, don't set him off. Walk the walk, talk the talk and let the crooks hang themselves over time. For time exposes all things.

As such then i am saying that obviously through clientele over the recent period we really have been seeing anxiety and trials for the women of authority and mothers in general. The ones who are succeeding and rising above their beasts now are the ones who managed their anxieties towards his repressive ways over the course of time. They have wised up to their father fears in life. Apply further as, June month has it that many may have to turn from their aggravated stance which may be a rather public thing. Causing not only personal embarrassment, but will be rather unsettling in light of the 'apparent' progress you have made these recent years.

The young guys have certainly been in their share of the wars of late too with physical injuries challenging their prowess somewhat. Mars retrograde in Virgo will be toning down by mid April where we should see far more docile masculine energies about. As for the prominent female figures then, for the guys theres a bit of embarrassment here too.

Dad however is still on his perch awaiting the point where he can unveil his staid resolve in October month. This dating must then have some bearing on the revealing of Zumas 2009 secrets in true Scorpio fashion. Maybe at some point we all forget that high profile people are just that, people themselves. All being toyed with by the greater community and economy. On with the checks and balances then.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for this! An interesting read

3:57 PM  

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