Pass the Hot Potato
Hi folks, very interesting skies of late drawing out some rather acute situations. I sincerely hope folks are gleaning some things from this now monthly column. If anything, one of the chief aspects i try impress upon folks who pass my way is in fact that most of this life is all transitory. That is, in passing, yet it is us who engage in the various aspects of it ourselves willingly. In other words, some of this stuff of life would fly right by if we did not engage in it. But note perhaps there is a whole lot of background social 'cloud seeding' as such that makes us feel more or less inclined to engage, or not, in any particular circumstance. Fact is, as soon as we individually step up to the plate, we are thenceforth in the line of fire, under the hammer as such. What we try to point out is that prior, there was actually little even holding us to any particular notion in the first place. Just big impressions really.
So like the bank home loan that only takes 2 or so days to sign into, yet 20 years to pretty much get out of. Much of this life and its circumstances or conditions are very similar. We all find ourselves in some situation or other. We are all surrounded by folks who are trying various approaches to common situations we too face. Not everyone will be successful in their attempts, this can be said for certain. So the point often is that, and the contractual environment is a perfect analogy here. You can only buy into so many contractual debt agreements until your salary certainly cannot cope any longer with the reality of more. What happens when your friends change mobile providers? Can you just go out and get a new phone? When after the house they buy the houseboat? Can you just drop on off an buy one too!? Odds are no. So very much indeed this can all be reduced, well much of it to, novel social games. "I really do love the new BMW and now that Ronny has one,. well, whew, i am so tempted." No one see's our 'Ronny' sweating nightly about what he has gotten himself into financially, sure he plays the part socially when driving his snazzy new BMW, but no, its hardly ever as glam as it seems in the long run.
The point here, which falls in line with our currently tense skies is that in many social instances it is purely about passing the buck. I am richer than you perhaps and the more you buy what i have, the more i will actually be richer than you for you are now more in the money hole as such. So if you could just keep your mind off what i apparently have, then as such, the desire and subsequent hole digging wouldn't be of issue. Think perhaps about all the people who's friends said, 'buying is much better than renting in the long run'. Think about the folks who trustingly bought houses in the early 2000's at premium prices. Whew, underwater mortgage in 2010 you say!? Fancy that then, just like the Ponzi scheme of old, whomever would have thought it was all social confidence tricks.
As the current skies heat up to hells extent, we have many a situation brewing over the years where there are far too many chiefs in many institutions and far too few indians. Currently i have been alluding to the sky as a game of 'pass the hot potato'. So now, you have to remember that there is a whole slew of impressions out there that in fact the manager or boss are there through merit and really you should respect that. Then through their apparent wisdom in the field, they employ indian after indian to do their bidding in the firms business. As things tense up, tell me, who is under the hammer here? The lowly employee, or the high up employer. So in the game of 'pass the hot potato', basically the managers and employer classes very much need to keep the ranks of indians in line and impress upon them that in fact, it is their hot potato. Basically, until you step up and take responsibility for it all, its anybodies guess who's potato it in fact is.
When folks tell you, it's more complicated than that. This is pretty much because they are bought in to their necks deep in the situation. The less skin in the game, the more the observer status you hold. Really, empathise as they might, that potato may as well be glowing hot red for all you care. Point being, when stress in the air, most folks are trying to pass it off to the next fella, so odds are, its heading in your direction if you are simple and honest. Till next time, take great care.
So like the bank home loan that only takes 2 or so days to sign into, yet 20 years to pretty much get out of. Much of this life and its circumstances or conditions are very similar. We all find ourselves in some situation or other. We are all surrounded by folks who are trying various approaches to common situations we too face. Not everyone will be successful in their attempts, this can be said for certain. So the point often is that, and the contractual environment is a perfect analogy here. You can only buy into so many contractual debt agreements until your salary certainly cannot cope any longer with the reality of more. What happens when your friends change mobile providers? Can you just go out and get a new phone? When after the house they buy the houseboat? Can you just drop on off an buy one too!? Odds are no. So very much indeed this can all be reduced, well much of it to, novel social games. "I really do love the new BMW and now that Ronny has one,. well, whew, i am so tempted." No one see's our 'Ronny' sweating nightly about what he has gotten himself into financially, sure he plays the part socially when driving his snazzy new BMW, but no, its hardly ever as glam as it seems in the long run.
The point here, which falls in line with our currently tense skies is that in many social instances it is purely about passing the buck. I am richer than you perhaps and the more you buy what i have, the more i will actually be richer than you for you are now more in the money hole as such. So if you could just keep your mind off what i apparently have, then as such, the desire and subsequent hole digging wouldn't be of issue. Think perhaps about all the people who's friends said, 'buying is much better than renting in the long run'. Think about the folks who trustingly bought houses in the early 2000's at premium prices. Whew, underwater mortgage in 2010 you say!? Fancy that then, just like the Ponzi scheme of old, whomever would have thought it was all social confidence tricks.
As the current skies heat up to hells extent, we have many a situation brewing over the years where there are far too many chiefs in many institutions and far too few indians. Currently i have been alluding to the sky as a game of 'pass the hot potato'. So now, you have to remember that there is a whole slew of impressions out there that in fact the manager or boss are there through merit and really you should respect that. Then through their apparent wisdom in the field, they employ indian after indian to do their bidding in the firms business. As things tense up, tell me, who is under the hammer here? The lowly employee, or the high up employer. So in the game of 'pass the hot potato', basically the managers and employer classes very much need to keep the ranks of indians in line and impress upon them that in fact, it is their hot potato. Basically, until you step up and take responsibility for it all, its anybodies guess who's potato it in fact is.
When folks tell you, it's more complicated than that. This is pretty much because they are bought in to their necks deep in the situation. The less skin in the game, the more the observer status you hold. Really, empathise as they might, that potato may as well be glowing hot red for all you care. Point being, when stress in the air, most folks are trying to pass it off to the next fella, so odds are, its heading in your direction if you are simple and honest. Till next time, take great care.
Labels: ponzi
Good advice!
You gotta know, having punted some of this advice to a corporate client recently, having them feedback regards how the 'too many chiefs' are now sending the 'too few indians' on courses and threatening them with retrenchment if them dang lazy indians don't achieve certain scores,.. Purile diciplinarian techniques from old school days more like it,..
'Indians' the world over are forced to pick up that hot potato even if its none of their doing this market depression,. Bloated 'cheiftains' just keep the ponzi illusion going,..
Never mind a potato, we should dub it, 'pass the bad apple' ;)
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