Remember November, the Art of Astrology"/>

24 October 2011

Remember November

New moon is 27th of October bringing with it two progressive weeks before the Xmas bent really starts to set in. As such we will see how these two weeks, especially this year, will be real action packed. November, the month of relationship trust issues as one bunks down for the maximum of the seasons antics. Looks like a real soap opera this year as everything is still so heavy or 'controlled'. In the affairs of state we can clearly see this with the ANC trying to politicise near on everything as opposed to actually settling to the tasks at hand. In this environment, someone is lying, its just who that's the question.

It looks like November the 1st will be a potentially rather foul day, akin in many ways to October 2004. With that lets break off into how these days will affect the various member of your household or world in general.

Daddy banker is still the man in control playing the role of the silent dragon this month. He still has the whole floor more than attentively aware of his massive dispensation toward stability and upholding the status quo. See European banking measures as parallel here to the amount of subtle control the father currently wields in many a situation. Everybody else's world pivots on big ol papas shoulders, regardless of how much the family has been broken down over the last few decades. If i were fibbing here, we would not be in a recession right now, facts are facts. The cosmetic frills decorate the cake, they are not nor will never be the substance of the cake. Just like the old man south africa, as historic, slowly setting himself down as the cosmetic infrastructure really starts to fail and we all slowly realise that we are indeed living in Africa. A veritable fact, however much we attempt to negate it.

As for moms massive momentum through this year. Coming into contact with the behemoth of a wall street reality. As with SA's DA va ANC tussling, we all know there is history, but who would Helen Zille or Patricia de Lille and now be if not for standing up to their histories!? Lindiwe Mazibuko is the woman now in the headlights that brings up the images of the mettle required to traverse these formidable 'draconian' obstacles. Momentum, gravity, pressure, no amount of force, explosion or demonstration are going to shake the beast that represses you. I still see much angst for the moms who have been in particularly pressing positions this year already. By September this year the progress that had already stalled, further anxieties will focus now around 30th, 31st Oct and the 1st of November for your group.

For the boys and girls, well its becoming a real torrid affair as we have seen over the last few months. Apparently i have been rather accurate of late regards the young girls penchant for showing up mom and dad when it comes to loose relationships. Frankly i find it rather obvious that kids are showing up their divorced parents. The war of the generations subconsciously rages on and our kids will definitely show us up as they have age on their side. The scary part is that in many instances, its literally a case of the youngster trying to win mom or dads approval. I.e. Look mom, it's ok, as a women of the house i can also pick up guys. Which yes, i mean, the audacity of it all to think your kid is actually trying to show you up in that context. Wake up to the very reality that the kids try fill our gaps. Either divorced couples are sleeping at the wheel regards commitment, or really what channel were we on when we pick that man in the first place!? Leaving the partnership is a failing, but our literal expectations were so unreal in the first place? Where is the middle line? The your kids are picking this up lesson after lesson and applying it party after party. Point being, the young females seem adamant at this stage and will apply as much coercion as necessary.

With regards to the lads dealings in the matter, i don't think the truth is currently possible between either of these two. If you ask me he is lying to save her. She is lying to protect the illusion of the perception of the parents divorced control oriented reality. Neither of them will tell the whole truth and he just can't believe this is the young girls modern reality.

Really, i see one heck of a period up ahead regards the philanderings of the kids, as i have been accurate here prior i expect to be again now! Fact is it our issue as parents, not societies. As we allow them to be eaten alive by media content impressing a popular reality on them. One which really bears little resemblance to real life where your husband actually snores, partners age, curiosity wanes and entropy eternally requests repair of your physical goodies. Realities that actually require commitment and perseverance, not just a new upgrade on an old package.

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