Octobers Relationships, the Art of Astrology"/>

09 October 2011

Octobers Relationships

Well the young boys should surely be coming out of their shells then. A rather classic period so far as we had the Mark Esterhuizen outburst on radio 702, BBC reportage from an apparently attention seeking junior speculator looking for nothing but kicks. As we could see from both these two incidents, there is still plenty of frustration in the air. Further regards, good evidence regards Leo's often childish outbursts, given the 'boy in the water' period he has been through over the last few months,. The leo stretch really shows him trying to shed his veil as such,. or simply his depressive introversive factors. In both the instances above the young chaps were lamenting the past as such. So right on cue there, i see the boys getting into more trouble than what is worth by Feb 2012 if they do not find more productive ways of dealing with their emotions.

Venus leaves Libra and enters Scorpio this week so enter the relationship trust issue phase for all the young girls, daughters and sisters who classically fall for this sort of routine or have recently experienced relationship issues or doubts. Expect a deeper vibe from some of your young female colleagues. That little more emotional edge and silence, key note of silence. If silence persists this week at all from any young females in your circle, know she has recently had a real big doubt whammy and as such is rather sensitive, if anything she could give very duplicate signals over the next few weeks.

It seems too that i have been rather accurate regards mums and anxieties, even regards the financial angle here regards. 13 October will be highlighted regards as well as the 20th, so prepare for some hard decisions and assume the worst that you can minimise the fallout. Pretty much i see that the mothers and elderly women will very much be introversive or back tracking all the way till Christmas this year. As if just biding their time, trying to be polite as such. Possibly doing it for the kids sake. Post Xmas 2011 though i fail to see the mothers holding back any longer. Already i am predicting a dire or anxious xmas this year. Simple hint regards would be to get the xmas shopping done now before prices get hiked given petrol and next years economic outlook, this is going to be like a last ditch duck hunting attempt at a commercial xmas. Another great tip would be to actually await January sales because believe me as per my previous January sales predictions these last few years. This January might well herald a fire sale! Not that this all necessarily relates specifically to mom's, but it is all in the finance picture at present along which we see mums at present.

As for Dads, well this has seemingly been spotlight on dad month however as i say, by 13 October this could face a quick mom or pops switch as mom tries as hard as ever to force dads hand. Dads hands are as tied as they they have been since 2008. Nothing in the economy has changed and hence literally, without cash you cant even get a decent divorce, so really lets watch all those who lay their faith in money reel in anxiety as the dad characters literally hold their own as never before. Advice to dads and male employers is literally to hold your ground as the kids throw toys left right and centre, the pressure should move off you now over the short term. Dads big moves fall over February 2012 through October 2012 so really, pacing oneself could be critical this October.

Otherwise in general, remember we have tense skies for near on 3yrs further now so really if you want anxiety and explosive action in your local environs, press ahead at will, explosions you shall surely encounter. The pursuit of happiness is largely being unveiled as rather the capitalist pursuit of economy. Hence the result that spending seldom equates to happiness, though folks are mystically always left with the impression that surely that little more cash will make all the difference to their happiness quotient. Less is more folks, less is more!


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