2013's June turnaround,.., the Art of Astrology"/>

08 August 2013

2013's June turnaround,..

Right, back at you with the second of the three predicted periods now complete. Please note that contrary to paparazzi astrologers as quoted New Years 2013 Natal Newspapers, this year has been abysmal as far as Emotional Anxiety goes,.. Further note paparrazzi are wholly entwined in the corporate media complex and will do anything to keep the Love trade rolling,. Note what a romantic year it was 'supposed' to be when in fact Valentines day saw stark psychopathic behaviour unleashed on the fairer of our kind,.. MSM and even various 'popular' esoteric providers will promote anything that presents more opportunity for capitalist profiteering,. Heavens no, we couldn't tell them the truth nor warn them sufficiently, they wouldn't buy as many chocolates or roses this year, heaven forbid!

This is running riot this year where we have such dark skies, Neptune Pisces, Saturn Scorpio and now Jupiter Cancer all pointing to Mothers and women in general under incredible emotional strain,.. So much so that any card reader or clairvoyant a woman lately mistakes to visit, she is told, ooh y goodness i see such negative muck about you that, errr, 2 and 2, $$$ you must have 'muthi' on you, call the next guy in line immediately,. lets spin some misery, make some bucks for the industry,..

So tell me, how is it i 'predict' these conditions/symptoms in January already, that would come up late June early July,.. Even giving the reasons for such,. Yet no, now it's panic stations, it's got to be something else,. No one could possibly have my condition, me i'm unique,.. I'm so special, why it has to be real!..

Generally no, we are all floating about in a massive wave pool as such, waves having cyclic returns, we can track their synergies as such,..

Neptune Pisces Saturn Scorpio was last seen in 1688 with the bloodless revolution in the United Kingdom where the bankers capital is moved from Amsterdam to London,.. William of Orange and the King that ran away, read about it, makes sense given how globalisation unfoldeth,.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glorious_Revolution

Then we have Neptune Saturn Jupiter in "Perfect" triangle around us,.. This was last seen in 1787,. Literally,. Too it was in the Air Element which speaks of the US Constitution even further,. But yes the year of the USofA's constitution,.. A cool tidbit regards this terrain we traverse with Astrology and history,. As if that date/period was a hill or cliff, a prominent outcrop/scene in the rearview mirror as we drive into the future,. The size/perfection of the planetary arrangement, the rarity of that specific constellation of factors,.. Was so grand that folks still constantly refer to it today,. Two Centuries later,.. So it's a pretty significant pip on the radar as such,..

Yeap June 2013,.. Big Winks here,.. Yet this time it is in Water Element Zodiac Signs so as such its darker water we are heading through than light airy agreements oriented stuff,. No now we have Saturn our leaders, Silvio Berlusconi as prime example, in court for pimping chicks, literally the younger females of the species,.. We have pope involved in sex scandals,. We have a BBC fiasco leading directly to 10 Downing streets door and lobbyists historic efforts to bend MP's over young girls lending them to garner publicly in big corps/bankers favour,.. When you find one Scorpion under a rock, wheyyy you find more at short notice,.. GOld bars with Tungsten in them? When Saturn, our authority, our guide, our rule, our measure, is found to be lacking?… Well thats what is so big about the News of the World scandals timing,. Perfectly to Neptune Pisces 164yrs return,.. As the Scorpions are found their lies run through the ink of the tabloids paper, the letters appear on the front page seemingly notifying the public to the devil in the details, yet subduing response, managing the news at the same time,..

No Mr Cameron, the only witch hunts were ever directed at the commons, lets not be mistaken on that,… http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2012/nov/08/david-cameron-warns-witch-hunt-paedophilia

Long live the memory of  Robert Kett,..
Kett's Rebellion - The Norfolk Rising of 1549

As such,. Nelson Mandela's passing brings into view, given last pip on said radar was a grand constitution in a capitalist 'new world',. Hmmm isn't ours this globalist engineered most significantly humanistic constitution on the block? So as such,. Mandela's passing brings the '52 Freedom Charter into view here too,.. Well into my view as such, loose threads but if its this rare an event,. Note Zim, note the brethren to this nation,. What will the ANC, the replacement regime of Globalist choosing do with our hallowed constitution!?…

Perhaps this is the writing of the new technocratic 'constitution' a need for an "Arron's law", the tightening up of the internet commons,..

So no, it's not a cool year at all and this June was not a cool month at all,. If only folks were warned of potential consequences,. But no, misery is a far more consumable commodity it seems, without the scarcity model, lord knows they might stop working so hard,.

So now we await October November,.. All the unfinished business from June, expect a retake on these issues in November,.. An no it's not magic, it's just the snakes in suits pretending all is normal in the world, media illusion backing them up all the way,. The trickle down economy literally trickles down,.. The masses living on the manufactured illusion of freedom all the while eating a variation of 'soylent green',..  When reality hits, 'it can't be real' how can it be real!?..

At some point you really do have to stand up for your kind, even if it's by simply not supporting a particular corporate franchise,.. Go ahead, like in the transition from feudalism to capitalism where the state intercedes in the feminine birthing process rendering them simply a source of "primitive accumulation" through the "labour" process,.. Understand the male doc is there originally to make sure the women don't hide the child from the state, your friend, modern capitalism where our children are literally well 'educated' corporate items,..

If there are ghosts and ghouls, they are those of our failings in our attempts to stand up to the enemy within, much like in H.G.Wells - Time Machine,..

Pressures off for now but the ground has shifted,.. Current stressors can as such be managed perhaps until November,. As such, try make the changes prior to November perhaps in order to not get wholly slapped around in November,.. The closet needs cleaning this year, face up to that sooner than later,..

--     ...the Art of Astrology  Cell:  +27 82 745 3078  E-mail: dionvanzyl@saol.com  Web: http://dion786.blogspot.com  Twitter: dion786  Skype: dion786  Gtalk: dion786  


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