Nascent Ascent,.., the Art of Astrology"/>

08 March 2010

Nascent Ascent,..

Right folks, back to the heavens then for a low down on the ground. So much of happiness regards my last column copy. Funny to see how many folks react to a more positive copy from myself, although basically in the face of everything so dire about them. Does go to show how us humans just love being optimistic, even in the face of all hell. Kicking off the week we have a very stressed 8th and 9th of March, Mars actions kick in on the 10th and then by the 11th this should be observable in your latest nemesis calling and giving you that final what for. Pretty much though, i expect the full force of the action to be from the 16th March onward. Happy New Year, all the best for your projects in 2010!

Regarding certain elements in our society that are threatening to get back at whitey for all the jobs and wealth he provided back in South Africa’s hey day. We are warning of a possibly violent March. Some folks recall my story years ago about Stompie Supey and Winnie Mandela having all the say on the future of SA and unfortunately it seems our Julius Malema just has to be this reincarnation, if not his actual ghost coming back to haunt the country to its full extent.
Violent March dates would be of the following, this is simply given as forewarning, not panic material, just to be fore warned. 8th, 11th, 16, 17, 18th, 23rd to the 25th.

Absolutely bizarre all of this, but if you take a copy of George Orwell's Animal Farm out of the book shelf you will see all your favorite ANC characters in full technicolor glory. So sad half our nation is illiterate.

So then yes, more about the recent Mars Leo Action in the sky, it seems many egos are getting a makeover, many persons forced to take a back bench approach in the last few months. Many bruised cats out there. So yes, late March April is new year for all, but from what we are seeing, many stories are coming back online with the theme or roles somewhat reversed or altered to some extent. As Leo and Mars both have to do with the ego and ones face. It is becoming obvious how many folks are walking into opportunities that veer somewhat from their regular application.

Basic point, when things kick off, don't be surprised if your role is somewhat different than you originally thought. If more ambitious a post is offered, well, you wanted change, you wanted growth, you wanted a whole new kitty. In other words, don't complain, rather look at the bright side, you have an opportunity to further your capacities.

On the basic then further, we can see the kids will be coming out far more positive after their spates of depression, from the 7th of March again one will start hearing stories of young girls getting up to all sorts of spring mischief on the playing field, it will be dated, so really, rather deal with the fact that we are all actually sexual beasts, if not, we would not have arrived at 2010, fact. Lets all stop pretending we are more pious than the pope and actually enjoy our lives whilst their dismal days decrease as we speak. Really, last year when we spotted a very spring sort of sensation amongst the kids, if you know what I mean, folks were going nuts left right and center. “My child wouldn’t do a thing like that.” Got a surprise for you then, your child would and best you educate them honestly else they will be having kiddies far before their time. Lets face it, if Brittany Spears is a child’s role model, my word, sex is on the public plate far earlier than when we were all youngsters. So please, as this year finally takes off, face the facts, no prudes please, it’s 2010 and we have plenty explosive topics on the table to garnish our dishes with. Till next time, make it count.


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