Our Vital Organ - the Sun
Seeing as we spent so much time looking at the natures of the Zodiac signs, I thought we might spend a while looking at the planets over the next few months.
The First Planet as such then to discuss would not be a planet at all but the very Sun our Earth revolves about. The Sun obviously rules over everything that is bright shiny and Glorious. A masculine figure obviously for it burns one and is well, rather territorial and aggressive, every one knows when the Sun is about, a bit of an ego head then really. The Zodiac sign Leo is said to show up many of these Solar qualities in its personality. Hence you really can draw many parallels between the austerity of a Lion and that of the Sun.
The funny thing about the Sun though is that it disappears everyday. One minute all radiant and glorious, the next gone. If you have a look at the Leos you know you could notice this quality present there too. One minute the show is really on the road, the project is happening, in fact booming. Boy its hotting up in here, next minute, hey wait a second what happened to all that enthusiasm, seemingly departing rather quickly now. Oop, there she goes, well a bag of hot air that was. Scorcher while it lasted.
The Sun then too has rulership over the pulse of life in our veins, beating ever constantly. The Vitality and Vital force dealt with in Homoeopathy, this is seen via the Sun in ones Horoscope. To such extent that when there are bad positional relationships to the Sun in ones chart, it indeed indicates Hereditary health concerns that will dog the vitality in life. One is surprised each time when one sees this feature in persons charts, how accurate such is. Then too obviously if one looks at ones parents charts in such cases and indeed there you will most often see that same planet dogging the Sun/Vitality of the individual.
On the whole though we we see how the Sun in each of the Zodiac signs then renders an area or organ of choice that becomes the focal point regards Vitality in ones life. Generally these are given as below.
With Arians its the head and the quality of ones blood. With Taurus its the ear, nose and throat department. In Gemini, we see Arms, Nerves and Breathing Apparatus affected. Cancer is of the Womb, Stomach, Breasts and Epigastric region. Leo, the Heart, Gall Bladder, Lower Back and Spine. Virgo is classically the whole Abdominal/Processing region. Libra the Kidneys and Scorpio the Regenerative organs. Sagittarius shows the Hips, thighs and coccygeal vertebrae. Capricorn, the Skin, Bones and Knees. Aquarius the Ankles, Nerves and Teeth. Pisces the Feet and regulation of the bodies fluids.
As such then all in all, when any Sun sign is afflicted by any planet in the chart, we will find issues in the system in those regions indicated by the Sun Sign and the Sign from whence the afflicting planet is located. Homoeopathy works wonders here as one can often work on the selected areas without too much prior hassle and indeed work on them to boost their vitality prior even to any symptoms emerging. There are also Tissue Salt Remedies that suit each of the signs. If anyone seeks further regards Homoeopathy, Dawn Holland at the new Checkers Centre in Hillcrest is a great source of natural wisdom with the qualifications to back her up. Without even practising Astrology as such she is able to see from your look, the constitutional typing that most obviously suits you and thence the regions of your system that should need tweaking in your days. So much for the Radio Active Xray procedure, somewhat like a Caterpillar Bulldozing a new building site. We practice in the subtle really and that's the way it will stay quite frankly. All the best, until next time then.
Another really bizarre feature is that of ones passing and how often such occurs at well predictable times of the year relative to ones birthday. As such those times for all of us are the week before and after our birthdays, then if you were to imagine the year round as a circle. odds are great at the opposite end of the year and also at 90degrees to these positions, so as such, like a cross and at each point, the odds of us ailing or falling prey to accidents etc are really heightened.
From the above two we can see how it is a real winner to make sure ones vital levels are always at a maximum. Foods and Drinks that suit our constitution/body type are hence greatly recommended, as if an engine, some people can do with things that others can't, hence the Granny that has smoked cigarettes for 80 odd years. In certain cases such habits can actually increase the vitality in a being. Although that is a way controversial topic.
The sky seems to indicate moderation in all we do, not too much, nor too little. Eastern Philosophy literally goes so far as to say that the intake of too much food stuffs is much of the reason for our untimely passings. Thin folk actually seem to live for longer as their systems are given less of a hard time in processing foods.
But again, that Gander over there is chuckling along as his constitution says he can eat all he likes.
The First Planet as such then to discuss would not be a planet at all but the very Sun our Earth revolves about. The Sun obviously rules over everything that is bright shiny and Glorious. A masculine figure obviously for it burns one and is well, rather territorial and aggressive, every one knows when the Sun is about, a bit of an ego head then really. The Zodiac sign Leo is said to show up many of these Solar qualities in its personality. Hence you really can draw many parallels between the austerity of a Lion and that of the Sun.
The funny thing about the Sun though is that it disappears everyday. One minute all radiant and glorious, the next gone. If you have a look at the Leos you know you could notice this quality present there too. One minute the show is really on the road, the project is happening, in fact booming. Boy its hotting up in here, next minute, hey wait a second what happened to all that enthusiasm, seemingly departing rather quickly now. Oop, there she goes, well a bag of hot air that was. Scorcher while it lasted.
The Sun then too has rulership over the pulse of life in our veins, beating ever constantly. The Vitality and Vital force dealt with in Homoeopathy, this is seen via the Sun in ones Horoscope. To such extent that when there are bad positional relationships to the Sun in ones chart, it indeed indicates Hereditary health concerns that will dog the vitality in life. One is surprised each time when one sees this feature in persons charts, how accurate such is. Then too obviously if one looks at ones parents charts in such cases and indeed there you will most often see that same planet dogging the Sun/Vitality of the individual.
On the whole though we we see how the Sun in each of the Zodiac signs then renders an area or organ of choice that becomes the focal point regards Vitality in ones life. Generally these are given as below.
With Arians its the head and the quality of ones blood. With Taurus its the ear, nose and throat department. In Gemini, we see Arms, Nerves and Breathing Apparatus affected. Cancer is of the Womb, Stomach, Breasts and Epigastric region. Leo, the Heart, Gall Bladder, Lower Back and Spine. Virgo is classically the whole Abdominal/Processing region. Libra the Kidneys and Scorpio the Regenerative organs. Sagittarius shows the Hips, thighs and coccygeal vertebrae. Capricorn, the Skin, Bones and Knees. Aquarius the Ankles, Nerves and Teeth. Pisces the Feet and regulation of the bodies fluids.
As such then all in all, when any Sun sign is afflicted by any planet in the chart, we will find issues in the system in those regions indicated by the Sun Sign and the Sign from whence the afflicting planet is located. Homoeopathy works wonders here as one can often work on the selected areas without too much prior hassle and indeed work on them to boost their vitality prior even to any symptoms emerging. There are also Tissue Salt Remedies that suit each of the signs. If anyone seeks further regards Homoeopathy, Dawn Holland at the new Checkers Centre in Hillcrest is a great source of natural wisdom with the qualifications to back her up. Without even practising Astrology as such she is able to see from your look, the constitutional typing that most obviously suits you and thence the regions of your system that should need tweaking in your days. So much for the Radio Active Xray procedure, somewhat like a Caterpillar Bulldozing a new building site. We practice in the subtle really and that's the way it will stay quite frankly. All the best, until next time then.
Another really bizarre feature is that of ones passing and how often such occurs at well predictable times of the year relative to ones birthday. As such those times for all of us are the week before and after our birthdays, then if you were to imagine the year round as a circle. odds are great at the opposite end of the year and also at 90degrees to these positions, so as such, like a cross and at each point, the odds of us ailing or falling prey to accidents etc are really heightened.
From the above two we can see how it is a real winner to make sure ones vital levels are always at a maximum. Foods and Drinks that suit our constitution/body type are hence greatly recommended, as if an engine, some people can do with things that others can't, hence the Granny that has smoked cigarettes for 80 odd years. In certain cases such habits can actually increase the vitality in a being. Although that is a way controversial topic.
The sky seems to indicate moderation in all we do, not too much, nor too little. Eastern Philosophy literally goes so far as to say that the intake of too much food stuffs is much of the reason for our untimely passings. Thin folk actually seem to live for longer as their systems are given less of a hard time in processing foods.
But again, that Gander over there is chuckling along as his constitution says he can eat all he likes.
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