Of Mincing Words,..
Right then, Well, it seems everyone is becoming aware of the new world emerging. The island of dreams emerging out of the dearth of world indexes plummeting through 2001, 2003 low points one thing is certain, a new terror threat/war is within months from us. I have held for years that the 26 January 2009 Solar eclipse has in it all the imagery of the Christian Bibles, Revelations Chapter 9.
The blowing of the 5th Trumpet may well be apon us. Let me point to the Satellites being shot out the sky and the collision of Satellites over the North Pole as key tokens of these similarities. Doubting this, read up on Claudie Haigneré 51yr old French Doctor Politician and one time Astronaut. Let me leave that there though, you can search more regards if you like to peer out the box, but yes, this is not really the place for such.
Regards local events and what to watch out for, Diarise the 19th of March, seeing as, that real angst patch we have been tracking monthly. Well Friday 20th February was such, locally there was absolute chaos on the morning ferret to work. Many having to cancle their morning ferrets in fact,. not usual that. So yes, in line with previous Moon passing Pluto in Capricorn we have such anxieties on the ground. 19th, 20th March coming to a theater near you,..
Before we kick off with the future, lets touch base with recent predilections, fraud and the financial black hole emerging,...
Investor Stanford in the USA managed to rack up $8 Billion and try make a run for it, blithering fool, Stanford sponsored Twenty20 international cricket events could be found shot in the foot for a while it seems,..
Next up we have the sterling attempt by the Indian tech tycoon family at Satyam Computer Services Ltd for their raking through 40 Billion Rubles,...
Carl Niehaus is our local ANC loverboy having even made it into Sun Cities dungeons for evening naps in his heyday,..
Lets cap this off then with the USA military carrying fraudulent payments around Iraq in Pizza boxes amounting to $195 Billion at the end of it,.. Caw Blimey !?!..
Now these chaps bring sweet music to the embrace of capitalism, have to hand that to them,..
One wonders why i often battle to mince my words!?...
The main feature to discuss this edition is the upcoming Venus retrograde in Aries. From 28th of February it should become observable although the main of the action is March 6th through April 17th, the midpoint being 26th March.
Now if you thought Mercury made shifts occur,. Watch for for this one. Regularly Venus tends to show less diplomatic exits. As in, “I am tired of discussing this issue, i'm out of here”. The clear distinction is that Mercury Discusses things, Venus feels things to the very core and hence when she turns, your whole body turns, one just can't put up with it any longer.
So as such, what are we looking for on the ground, initially Venus points to the Girls. That's your daughters and sons girlfriends,...
“it's over”, “i need more independence”, “I'm done with it”. Generally too then it should be a good dose of will power and self determination to be found here, some brawny type women should make it to the world headlines then too. Some real stand up type of survival against all odds screenplay,..
Funny that, first of all its your regular fallacious friendship storyline i have been on about in 2008, then it lends this time to the boyfriend. I see that mid March through mid April he won't be around any more, give it till around 22April and you will see him back on stage, or will there be the new rendition of the man who makes me feel real and alive. Odds are it will be the new guy, but yes, how similar is he really to the old guy? Have a look here for you will see traits in your daughters you couldn't quite pin down prior. These boys are reflections of their masculine qualities really and well the last one was so taken by the crowd, “i need a man who is himself”. Soap Opera stuff there guys, goodness gracious is this below me. So yes then, guys, expect troubles in the coming months from your girls, it just won't be acceptable any more and whoa help your friends, you just have to do something about them. The key note should be the new birth of personality in the Girls,..
Unfortunately so much issue with bloodstreams at present, dare i say, we increased cancers, nerve disorders, blood disorders, brain disorders, sad cows really. The bit i still battle with is what the point of a medicated society!? Unless you truely want to rule a retarded populus, the planet of stupid people, neurologically destroyed, badly bred. With the ink harldy dry on the Obama Bail out 789spin, adverts already started appearing on network tv shows, "no proof of income" required,. come on in an get your next mortgage folks,.. Hell, alls fine and dandy,... Sorry excuse me!? I thought experience was about learning from mistakes!? Dare this ship of fools attempt to convince me otherwise, or maybe yes, why not sedate in these mellow waters,..
Other than that i am afraid the storyline for the year is still rather glum, unless of course your sedative has kicked in already, indeed mine appears to have just about now,..
Keynote being, imagine the world two decades back, ahh the simple things, yes, that's it, nice African landscapes, cheap holidays, big open scenery, that's the life we all know and love, ahhh,.. Let the hair down as the banks collapse folks, bananas all round. Societies mores will loosen their grip and we can all walk round in sandals and baggies again. Looks like surfer lifestyle is back in vogue shortly, eta 9 or so months one would say,..
In this environment, letting go is easier than the stress of holding on. Lets face it, life is for living, not just getting by. So best we live it before social servitude, the draft or sterile holding cells call us to the new style of queue culture emerging,.. I'm a free range kinda chicken you know,.. free shower and hairdo on the way, slick transport facilities, if you want we will even say a pray over you, no problem!
The blowing of the 5th Trumpet may well be apon us. Let me point to the Satellites being shot out the sky and the collision of Satellites over the North Pole as key tokens of these similarities. Doubting this, read up on Claudie Haigneré 51yr old French Doctor Politician and one time Astronaut. Let me leave that there though, you can search more regards if you like to peer out the box, but yes, this is not really the place for such.
Regards local events and what to watch out for, Diarise the 19th of March, seeing as, that real angst patch we have been tracking monthly. Well Friday 20th February was such, locally there was absolute chaos on the morning ferret to work. Many having to cancle their morning ferrets in fact,. not usual that. So yes, in line with previous Moon passing Pluto in Capricorn we have such anxieties on the ground. 19th, 20th March coming to a theater near you,..
Before we kick off with the future, lets touch base with recent predilections, fraud and the financial black hole emerging,...
Investor Stanford in the USA managed to rack up $8 Billion and try make a run for it, blithering fool, Stanford sponsored Twenty20 international cricket events could be found shot in the foot for a while it seems,..
Next up we have the sterling attempt by the Indian tech tycoon family at Satyam Computer Services Ltd for their raking through 40 Billion Rubles,...
Carl Niehaus is our local ANC loverboy having even made it into Sun Cities dungeons for evening naps in his heyday,..
Lets cap this off then with the USA military carrying fraudulent payments around Iraq in Pizza boxes amounting to $195 Billion at the end of it,.. Caw Blimey !?!..
Now these chaps bring sweet music to the embrace of capitalism, have to hand that to them,..
One wonders why i often battle to mince my words!?...
The main feature to discuss this edition is the upcoming Venus retrograde in Aries. From 28th of February it should become observable although the main of the action is March 6th through April 17th, the midpoint being 26th March.
Now if you thought Mercury made shifts occur,. Watch for for this one. Regularly Venus tends to show less diplomatic exits. As in, “I am tired of discussing this issue, i'm out of here”. The clear distinction is that Mercury Discusses things, Venus feels things to the very core and hence when she turns, your whole body turns, one just can't put up with it any longer.
So as such, what are we looking for on the ground, initially Venus points to the Girls. That's your daughters and sons girlfriends,...
“it's over”, “i need more independence”, “I'm done with it”. Generally too then it should be a good dose of will power and self determination to be found here, some brawny type women should make it to the world headlines then too. Some real stand up type of survival against all odds screenplay,..
Funny that, first of all its your regular fallacious friendship storyline i have been on about in 2008, then it lends this time to the boyfriend. I see that mid March through mid April he won't be around any more, give it till around 22April and you will see him back on stage, or will there be the new rendition of the man who makes me feel real and alive. Odds are it will be the new guy, but yes, how similar is he really to the old guy? Have a look here for you will see traits in your daughters you couldn't quite pin down prior. These boys are reflections of their masculine qualities really and well the last one was so taken by the crowd, “i need a man who is himself”. Soap Opera stuff there guys, goodness gracious is this below me. So yes then, guys, expect troubles in the coming months from your girls, it just won't be acceptable any more and whoa help your friends, you just have to do something about them. The key note should be the new birth of personality in the Girls,..
Unfortunately so much issue with bloodstreams at present, dare i say, we increased cancers, nerve disorders, blood disorders, brain disorders, sad cows really. The bit i still battle with is what the point of a medicated society!? Unless you truely want to rule a retarded populus, the planet of stupid people, neurologically destroyed, badly bred. With the ink harldy dry on the Obama Bail out 789spin, adverts already started appearing on network tv shows, "no proof of income" required,. come on in an get your next mortgage folks,.. Hell, alls fine and dandy,... Sorry excuse me!? I thought experience was about learning from mistakes!? Dare this ship of fools attempt to convince me otherwise, or maybe yes, why not sedate in these mellow waters,..
Other than that i am afraid the storyline for the year is still rather glum, unless of course your sedative has kicked in already, indeed mine appears to have just about now,..
Keynote being, imagine the world two decades back, ahh the simple things, yes, that's it, nice African landscapes, cheap holidays, big open scenery, that's the life we all know and love, ahhh,.. Let the hair down as the banks collapse folks, bananas all round. Societies mores will loosen their grip and we can all walk round in sandals and baggies again. Looks like surfer lifestyle is back in vogue shortly, eta 9 or so months one would say,..
In this environment, letting go is easier than the stress of holding on. Lets face it, life is for living, not just getting by. So best we live it before social servitude, the draft or sterile holding cells call us to the new style of queue culture emerging,.. I'm a free range kinda chicken you know,.. free shower and hairdo on the way, slick transport facilities, if you want we will even say a pray over you, no problem!
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