Lets Twist Again,..
Hi again folks, i hope we are all doing well, as you probably have noticed there is something up in them darn skies again. Yes, our 4 month count is up and dear sweet Mercury has turned into reverse gear once more. The official start date there was the 7th of May although as per usual we started to see the effects from prior to the 1st already. Always making a big impression before actually going into full swing. Regular effects to observe there would have been the erratic too'ing and fro'ing as tickets to keys are misplaced and forgotten behind, leading us to have to loop our way through the day.
Thru the 31st of May then this feature should be with us and looks to be the first of the season where earthly matters are involved. 2008 saw Mercury retrograding through the Air signs and hence relationships took the spotlight in those periods. Now, however, the attention is being shifted toward the fundamental cash money basis for those relationships. So the framework of relations should be targeted somewhat this year and well, do you take from your neighbour/brother/peer or is there actually something mutual on the go there.
This month of May then should have money/order book calamities written all over it. So as such, do double check all your arrangements during this period as you are bound to be disappointed, frustrated and delayed otherwise.
Our second huge conjunction in the heavens from 2007 thru 2010 is taking place as we jot these words down. The conjunction takes a while as the planets involved move rather slowly. The effects may wane a little through September, but by November, December there should be no stopping it. Yes the mighty Jupiter is meeting with the equally mighty Neptune, whoops, i hear thunder and waves crashing as they aren't too happy with being referred to as equally anything really. As i mentioned in prior columns, the effects of Jealousy, fraud, massive flooding and waves, drama like none seen in a long time, fraudulent erosion burrowing swathes through public institutions. Lest we finally forget the 'Black Hole' i am expecting to rupture in the world of Finance, it should be vaporising world assets shortly. If you thought Enron was big, think Credits at the world banking casino!
Interestingly enough, pharmaceutical drugs fall under this banner as well, you recall me mentioning a Pluto position that was last found in the years 1770 and then 1520 before that. You recall i mentioned the potential for widespread health pandemics. Well fancy how the Sun and the Moon did a dance in relation to that Pluto position and bingo, Mexicans are swine's with snotty noses threatening the rest of the planet with their foul aire. Very interesting to observe really, if you actually read beyond the mainstream scriptures you will find that in fact it is factory farming that has neglected to clean up its muck contributing to chest infections from the beginning of the year already. Yes, local communities in those areas have been placarding and demonstrating since February already trying to get the fat piggies to clean up their acts. But no, they had to get all those vaccines on the store shelves, so they could synchronise with the media and attempt the next big mass panic fury. Yes folks, fashionable blue face masks are in, all the mainstream dj's are spinning it.
Do us the favour, take control of your lives before someone takes control for you. Whatever choice it comes down to, are the criteria real or imagined?, is fear being used as a ploy to buy you in further? For instance, have you heard the phrase nowadays, and it's really rolled off the tongue in such a blaze manner. “You know, my child has a 'learning disability', he needs to go on some uppers the doc says”. We all know the Hillcrest town board has a 'Planning disability' and should be mainlining the hard tack, never mind our kids! You leave them to the birds and the bees to bring up. Robots stand on street corners, children are meant to play, not get choked up in 'letter land'. Who's commodity am i raising here anyway? Choices cannot be left to other here, there is too much money at stake.
Thru the 31st of May then this feature should be with us and looks to be the first of the season where earthly matters are involved. 2008 saw Mercury retrograding through the Air signs and hence relationships took the spotlight in those periods. Now, however, the attention is being shifted toward the fundamental cash money basis for those relationships. So the framework of relations should be targeted somewhat this year and well, do you take from your neighbour/brother/peer or is there actually something mutual on the go there.
This month of May then should have money/order book calamities written all over it. So as such, do double check all your arrangements during this period as you are bound to be disappointed, frustrated and delayed otherwise.
Our second huge conjunction in the heavens from 2007 thru 2010 is taking place as we jot these words down. The conjunction takes a while as the planets involved move rather slowly. The effects may wane a little through September, but by November, December there should be no stopping it. Yes the mighty Jupiter is meeting with the equally mighty Neptune, whoops, i hear thunder and waves crashing as they aren't too happy with being referred to as equally anything really. As i mentioned in prior columns, the effects of Jealousy, fraud, massive flooding and waves, drama like none seen in a long time, fraudulent erosion burrowing swathes through public institutions. Lest we finally forget the 'Black Hole' i am expecting to rupture in the world of Finance, it should be vaporising world assets shortly. If you thought Enron was big, think Credits at the world banking casino!
Interestingly enough, pharmaceutical drugs fall under this banner as well, you recall me mentioning a Pluto position that was last found in the years 1770 and then 1520 before that. You recall i mentioned the potential for widespread health pandemics. Well fancy how the Sun and the Moon did a dance in relation to that Pluto position and bingo, Mexicans are swine's with snotty noses threatening the rest of the planet with their foul aire. Very interesting to observe really, if you actually read beyond the mainstream scriptures you will find that in fact it is factory farming that has neglected to clean up its muck contributing to chest infections from the beginning of the year already. Yes, local communities in those areas have been placarding and demonstrating since February already trying to get the fat piggies to clean up their acts. But no, they had to get all those vaccines on the store shelves, so they could synchronise with the media and attempt the next big mass panic fury. Yes folks, fashionable blue face masks are in, all the mainstream dj's are spinning it.
Do us the favour, take control of your lives before someone takes control for you. Whatever choice it comes down to, are the criteria real or imagined?, is fear being used as a ploy to buy you in further? For instance, have you heard the phrase nowadays, and it's really rolled off the tongue in such a blaze manner. “You know, my child has a 'learning disability', he needs to go on some uppers the doc says”. We all know the Hillcrest town board has a 'Planning disability' and should be mainlining the hard tack, never mind our kids! You leave them to the birds and the bees to bring up. Robots stand on street corners, children are meant to play, not get choked up in 'letter land'. Who's commodity am i raising here anyway? Choices cannot be left to other here, there is too much money at stake.
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