Floating round the Sea’s of Unconsciousness,…., the Art of Astrology"/>

11 August 2006

Floating round the Sea’s of Unconsciousness,….

Fabulous Pisces dreams then?,….
Floating round the Sea’s of Unconsciousness,….
The Groups of People,…. the Masses,...


Blogger dion said...

Institutional Helper folk,.. the Braun of a Culture,… Islam do have some credence here with their move forward with clinics approach,… any political constituency is most obviously leveled by the facility to look after the Public, the “at Large”,… Clinics, Libraries, Schools,.. Sporting facilities,.. Night time events Co-Ordinators,..

In one of these environments?,… then Pisces dreams would beget you,…
Big Water Dreams,…

BIG,.. and the water is the vibes,.. the emotion,.. the sea of emotion,..

The level of the water you are in generally reflects your position,… sinking dreams turn to swimming dreams, turn to boat dreams then ships, or yachts,.. General public Servants,.. this ranges through the ranks,…

8:26 AM  
Blogger dion said...

You guys need ocean liners,.. like a nurse dreaming of a torrid shore,… no good,..
She needs the stability of a good hospital say,.. her father the spine of the vessel,..
See the distinction between her world, and the world factors she lives in,..
The hospital you would say is a reflection of her father experience, and putting up with less would be prone to that experience,.. so the boat’s stability would definitely reflect deep realities in the father/stability/trust trend,…

You may not have an ocean liner,. But that could very well be because you did not actually go to your leaders door and petition him to the task,…

If our leaders sing a song that is not to the collectives tune,.. it is the collectives Soul Responsibility to swing that into line,… We are forgetting this,…

8:27 AM  
Blogger dion said...

Go to Your Homoeopathist and ask for Organophosphate Toxin, and Fluoride/Chlorine Remedies,… Go,… Flock,.. Drove,…… For the Sake of our teeming Mordacity,…

Nowadays,.. the Kinda problem is,.. that whoever holds the Reigns, can exercise more control, as his privy are doped,… effectively doped,…. Fancy a glass of water?,…

Dare I say,.. where is this going,..

8:27 AM  
Blogger dion said...

Speechless,.. the Ocean,… the Collective is singing,. Well this is of course open to speculation,… and what Song is it,.. Mbeki?

One more night [11Aug] of Pisces Dreaming then, do enjoy,…

8:28 AM  

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