2013 Trust mayhem looming,...
Welcome to the first fully independent column copy by myself as the paper i have written for has been chewed up by a larger one and all of us smaller contributors got the sack,.. It is a fine sack at that, natural tough fibres and all,.. Frankly, apart from the loss of additional income from such, i am glad for the experience in toning down my presentation, but in all honestly for what!? For corporate advertisers who already own much of the media spectrums never ending irreconcilable insecurities regards their products placement in the consumers mantle-eye-piece,. Yawn,. Give me a break,.. They own the whole show, but lord damn thee if you utter a word against our product or the brainwashing required to get folks mindlessly sucking it up,.. Then the other side of the coin, i really don't like reading his stuff, irks my sense of composure it does, i was quite happy playing Barbie and Ken till this dude blew the dream to shards,.. Wakey wakey,..
Like 'greening the economy' for instance,. Its economics folks, moer-all to do with actually saving planet Earth,. Goodness knows you might have noted the world economy collapsing progressively after each boom bust cycle, it's good economics to spin up a new yabba-dabba-doo novelties for sheeple to mind numbingly satiate them moral fabric in,.. Greening the economy is a modern classic,.. Has any one reader got evidence of Shell oil or BP for instance actually closing down earth polluting operations?. Nada, not, not a sausage,.. In fact when BP blew their Macondo well, hell they simply used illegal stockpiles of super toxins to add more chemicals to the glut they made,.. Zero ethics displayed other than profit,.
A special word out to the nuclear industries,. Goodness knows there is no Heavenly Creator about these parts else yea fellas would surely be struck by lightening,.. Fukushima melts to this day with 10 000% strontium readings based on their 2011 measures,.. You think i'm talking out my service portals? Fukushima is becoming known as the House of Fungus with North American forests now taking the hit with atmospheric fungus breaking into the trunk structures,.. Folks they are killing this planets biosphere at a rapid rate, all the while peddling all this environment yap designed to tax you more whilst they keep on keeping on,.. The tress literally appear as the inverse image and function of our lungs,. 2+2 means that with trees battling under the load, our atmosphere won't cope,.
This is wholesale biospheric contamination and we keep this up by being socially correct and buying into the greening of the economy banter,. I mean, i do feel so much easier buying 'green' lines in the stores than those older less 'civilised' products,. What a scam, exactly that, peer pressure,. you feel good at the till point not because you are saving the planet with your 'educated' purchases, but because the media fuelled peer groups eye looks favourably on you,.. When you arrive home the proof is in the pudding, years back they added foam agent to your detergent to bollox you it's working that much better,. Now they take the agent out all together and ure like, yeah this sh..t's green alright,.. Ah, anxiety free, what bliss!.. Man up to the reality, we have been suckered wholly, psychically placated and the environment is paying daily,.. Fear not folks, the highly toxic Mercury in those 'green' energy saving bulbs is recycled after it leaves your residence,.. Think water table sleepwalker ;-) Chuckle or should we say, sleepworker!..
Right, whats up in June July then,.. Well you might recall i have highlighted 3 periods this year, late Feb early Mar,. late June early July and late Oct early Nov,..
Welcome to June July period where as such, all hell should be breaking loose around about 26th June onwards,.. 'All hell',.. Well i don't see violence perhaps,. What i see is more to do with trust,.. Partnership trust issues,. Sibling trust issues,. Family trusts,. The Mandela Coconuts seeking to rip daddies fortunes apart before the man is even in the grave,.. Oh what a noble fledgling elite class we have here in our country,. Lies,. Lies and more lies,. Deceit is coming to town in a big way,.. Everybody climb on board, all in this together,. So really we are seeing all sorts emerging here, from SANRAL eTolling to Edward Snowden's PRISM revelations, to Mr zumas taste for the SA Indian elite's banking skills,… Dare i burst out laughing, but the dishonourable pres zuma's laughable comments come to mind, 'I am allowed to have friends', referring to his cosy relationship with the Guptas,.. What is further more noted here is the dumbstruck parliament which is so hammed in from every direction that literally, the bloke cannot be fired,. No no, as if the Potus from on high,.. It's not you palooka, but your office that is most certainly not allowed to entertain friends,. But no, in the next breath zuma is the anti corruption head of the ANC,.. I use lower case Z in protest of his 'authority',..
Face it folks, and June/July 2013 and November further will helps us understand the true extent of the lie we are living,..
As far as the revelations currently stand,.. Aren't you all so happy you took the plunge and put all your secure personal cloud synched data on Google, Microsoft or Apples Servers? I personally am 100% vindicated in my years worths of rantings regards the folly of such a naive premise,..
In the 'land of the free', you are free to get suckered into inane ego fluffing consumer purchases,. Free to rack up debt, free to work,.. Free to get up real early day after day, year after year, free to work mate,.. Whilst the dudes at the top of the pile simply print the cash they require, literally causing inflation and furthe,. Yeap you are free,. free to work,.. Word is in we need some overtime guys,. As we know you have some debts to cover, surely this can be seen as an opportunity for you to 'get ahead',.. Freedom truly is Slavery as fascism unfolds,..
Same harvest in square meters and raw tonnage,. The price though is vasty hiked since the start of this capitalist project,.. It's laughable,. But no, we all keep this up because why? Apart from fear of homelessness and hunger obvioulsy,.. Social insecurities and the likes make it just that much more comfortable to flouride up and simmer down, hell i'd rather follow on quietly and 'do my bit' than actually bend some accepted norms,.. Heaven forbid i'm not accepted onto the ship of fools, yikes!..
Question is, who is more green these days, the economy or the morally hammed consumer,. My money is on the consumer ;-) Penn and Teller's Bullsh…t episode on Recycling comes to mind,.. When Charlie Munger says folks should "Suck it in", he is not referring to biting the bullet in your first career move, he is referring to your hard earned pension being blown by your 'financial services provider',.
Hold tight this July as modern day serfdom settles in somewhat further, here's looking at you SANRAL for where would we be without a elite predator class,..
A final note, as Mercury is apparently turning in motion [retrograde] by the 26th June, we again should have our eyes and ears on the look out for logistics issues, communications failures and transport hiccups,.. 'Make alternative arrangements' applies,. Given it is occurring in Water signs and Cancer specifically, we can allude to comments from within the family coming up to bite one,. Quarrels over true feelings exposed in the home,.. Secrets in general rising up within the family or peer group,.. So it may be more about teh truth of whats under the hood than actual logistics failures this time around,.. Syaing that though, if SANRAL does come on line here, it bespeaks logistics failures on masse and for some time,.. Goody goody,..
Like 'greening the economy' for instance,. Its economics folks, moer-all to do with actually saving planet Earth,. Goodness knows you might have noted the world economy collapsing progressively after each boom bust cycle, it's good economics to spin up a new yabba-dabba-doo novelties for sheeple to mind numbingly satiate them moral fabric in,.. Greening the economy is a modern classic,.. Has any one reader got evidence of Shell oil or BP for instance actually closing down earth polluting operations?. Nada, not, not a sausage,.. In fact when BP blew their Macondo well, hell they simply used illegal stockpiles of super toxins to add more chemicals to the glut they made,.. Zero ethics displayed other than profit,.
A special word out to the nuclear industries,. Goodness knows there is no Heavenly Creator about these parts else yea fellas would surely be struck by lightening,.. Fukushima melts to this day with 10 000% strontium readings based on their 2011 measures,.. You think i'm talking out my service portals? Fukushima is becoming known as the House of Fungus with North American forests now taking the hit with atmospheric fungus breaking into the trunk structures,.. Folks they are killing this planets biosphere at a rapid rate, all the while peddling all this environment yap designed to tax you more whilst they keep on keeping on,.. The tress literally appear as the inverse image and function of our lungs,. 2+2 means that with trees battling under the load, our atmosphere won't cope,.
This is wholesale biospheric contamination and we keep this up by being socially correct and buying into the greening of the economy banter,. I mean, i do feel so much easier buying 'green' lines in the stores than those older less 'civilised' products,. What a scam, exactly that, peer pressure,. you feel good at the till point not because you are saving the planet with your 'educated' purchases, but because the media fuelled peer groups eye looks favourably on you,.. When you arrive home the proof is in the pudding, years back they added foam agent to your detergent to bollox you it's working that much better,. Now they take the agent out all together and ure like, yeah this sh..t's green alright,.. Ah, anxiety free, what bliss!.. Man up to the reality, we have been suckered wholly, psychically placated and the environment is paying daily,.. Fear not folks, the highly toxic Mercury in those 'green' energy saving bulbs is recycled after it leaves your residence,.. Think water table sleepwalker ;-) Chuckle or should we say, sleepworker!..
Right, whats up in June July then,.. Well you might recall i have highlighted 3 periods this year, late Feb early Mar,. late June early July and late Oct early Nov,..
Welcome to June July period where as such, all hell should be breaking loose around about 26th June onwards,.. 'All hell',.. Well i don't see violence perhaps,. What i see is more to do with trust,.. Partnership trust issues,. Sibling trust issues,. Family trusts,. The Mandela Coconuts seeking to rip daddies fortunes apart before the man is even in the grave,.. Oh what a noble fledgling elite class we have here in our country,. Lies,. Lies and more lies,. Deceit is coming to town in a big way,.. Everybody climb on board, all in this together,. So really we are seeing all sorts emerging here, from SANRAL eTolling to Edward Snowden's PRISM revelations, to Mr zumas taste for the SA Indian elite's banking skills,… Dare i burst out laughing, but the dishonourable pres zuma's laughable comments come to mind, 'I am allowed to have friends', referring to his cosy relationship with the Guptas,.. What is further more noted here is the dumbstruck parliament which is so hammed in from every direction that literally, the bloke cannot be fired,. No no, as if the Potus from on high,.. It's not you palooka, but your office that is most certainly not allowed to entertain friends,. But no, in the next breath zuma is the anti corruption head of the ANC,.. I use lower case Z in protest of his 'authority',..
Face it folks, and June/July 2013 and November further will helps us understand the true extent of the lie we are living,..
As far as the revelations currently stand,.. Aren't you all so happy you took the plunge and put all your secure personal cloud synched data on Google, Microsoft or Apples Servers? I personally am 100% vindicated in my years worths of rantings regards the folly of such a naive premise,..
In the 'land of the free', you are free to get suckered into inane ego fluffing consumer purchases,. Free to rack up debt, free to work,.. Free to get up real early day after day, year after year, free to work mate,.. Whilst the dudes at the top of the pile simply print the cash they require, literally causing inflation and furthe,. Yeap you are free,. free to work,.. Word is in we need some overtime guys,. As we know you have some debts to cover, surely this can be seen as an opportunity for you to 'get ahead',.. Freedom truly is Slavery as fascism unfolds,..
Same harvest in square meters and raw tonnage,. The price though is vasty hiked since the start of this capitalist project,.. It's laughable,. But no, we all keep this up because why? Apart from fear of homelessness and hunger obvioulsy,.. Social insecurities and the likes make it just that much more comfortable to flouride up and simmer down, hell i'd rather follow on quietly and 'do my bit' than actually bend some accepted norms,.. Heaven forbid i'm not accepted onto the ship of fools, yikes!..
Question is, who is more green these days, the economy or the morally hammed consumer,. My money is on the consumer ;-) Penn and Teller's Bullsh…t episode on Recycling comes to mind,.. When Charlie Munger says folks should "Suck it in", he is not referring to biting the bullet in your first career move, he is referring to your hard earned pension being blown by your 'financial services provider',.
Hold tight this July as modern day serfdom settles in somewhat further, here's looking at you SANRAL for where would we be without a elite predator class,..
A final note, as Mercury is apparently turning in motion [retrograde] by the 26th June, we again should have our eyes and ears on the look out for logistics issues, communications failures and transport hiccups,.. 'Make alternative arrangements' applies,. Given it is occurring in Water signs and Cancer specifically, we can allude to comments from within the family coming up to bite one,. Quarrels over true feelings exposed in the home,.. Secrets in general rising up within the family or peer group,.. So it may be more about teh truth of whats under the hood than actual logistics failures this time around,.. Syaing that though, if SANRAL does come on line here, it bespeaks logistics failures on masse and for some time,.. Goody goody,..
Labels: degradation of the bio-sphere, Mercury Retrograde, odd decade, Orwell, PRISM
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