Not with a bang, but a whimper,..
Hi again and thanks for following my column over the year, lets have a last look then at remaining end of 2012 and what's in store for all. Regards the hotly debated Mayan prediction, i should obviously sum up with a few things regards. Now in my regular way i attempt to join a few dots in a realistic manner to come to a fairly mundane conclusion that should bear more weight than a lofty 'end of world' conflagration. I have mentioned my thoughts over the course of the year but recently even more understanding has dawned on me regards. Again, it's simple facts all adding up here. The fundaments of this is a situation where 'processional shift' moves the starry background at 1degree every 72 years. So whatever 'event' we are looking at it has a roughly 72 year period 'lead-in' time. Given recent events, they got me thinking, 2012 - 72yrs = 1940. This takes us back to humanities endeavours to split the atom and all that has come from such tinkering. This is then where my interests are directed given the horrific ongoing situation in Japan. Considering the Mayans were discussing the long term traversing of a solstice point by an area of greatly magnified radio frequency and 'radiation', our central galactic point. I wonder, how is it different to replace radioactive for radio active!? So in my eye, with our atomic experience turning one processional degree old, the story is now coming full circle. Like a child in the universe, where the parents told us not to touch for the consequences would be dire. Quibble as much as we like regards media and 'officials' touting 'no immediate threat to ones health', quite rightly, Cancer takes 8 years or so to fully show itself after a high radiation dose. Enough said, i believe Cancer is coming to this planet in a big way, bigger than even currently evinced through decades of fossil fuel exposure. This scenario makes the simplest sense to me.
For the male authorities in line with my whole years worth of predictions, it seems Saturn into Scorpio really did yield it's fruits what with a 'Professor Ponzi' even busting up Hillcrestonian's financial lives now recently. Facts are folks that however sophisticated a member of society appears to be, if it sounds better than it should, it's probably a trumped up lie! For the male authorities themselves then, this period is filled with great distrust, grief, remorse for which nothing can be done immediately. Hard reality is biting this class of candidate here now.
Female authorities and mom's are still in a somewhat 'either or' state of mind at present. Too much change for the wants of the peer group lend to too many irons in the fire. To this class of candidate we sincerely advise cutting down the options at hand. Yes this may mean ambitions lost in certain regards, yet truly, some of these ambitions if you analyse them correctly are wholly out of personal reach in the first place. Revert perhaps to a single point of focus as sitting on the fence will simply ache and other more substantial foundation grows will be missed out on.
The young guys and girls look to be lining up for a great carefree summer indeed with much travel and friends on the calendar. Not that holidays aren't ever just that but we see perhaps moreso here now that the action will be light hearted as opposed to the darker more serious patches we have recently seen them in. For the boys its particular to friends and escape, to the girls it's more about the future and long distance travel. By 9 January the vibe could become a little tougher for the girls as the brick wall of reality settles back in. This probably indicates a wiser future stance as the fun could have gotten a little out of hand over the main of the holidays. The boys will see the dearth of a friendship or two come February 2013.
Other than that, do take care and keep your head on straight this silly season.
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