In the Family and at the Office,.., the Art of Astrology"/>

04 December 2009

In the Family and at the Office,..

Right then, a somewhat earlier issue this week covering some ground we already covered in the last copy. So lets go over a few of the recent moves in the sky and update based on what we have been witnessing on the ground floor so to speak.
Lets start with Dad, he has had some great issues on his plate now in the last month and really these are only on the increase. By the 6th of December he could be increasingly stressed as the time is fast approaching where he needs to have his final modus operandi set out for the upcoming year. I can’t see any easy route for papa, it’s control or be controlled really, so he is going to be forced into some tough decisions I gather. Expect a stressed dad in the early December weeks.

Mama on the other hand has her hands full with the more fickle things of society. Does she believe the lies? In fact are her hands really full or is it all just draining out as she stands attentively waiting the next prompting. If anything, I assume it is a long slow drain that if she does not accept such, with no skin off her back, pretty much depression and energy loss is all she can expect. So really the advice is for mom’s experiencing anxiety to really just leave the topics alone as one does not assume there is much to be done other than tightening your own inner circle really. Long-term energy depletion is an illusive killer really, apply to your own interests while the current conditions persist, they will find a swing in the latter half of January. If you suspect trust issues in your social life, expect this presumption to be true and cut ties and or reduce truth emissions before the gossip mill really gets a hold of your privates. By February at the latest you will know your fate regards, I can’t promise less on the strong emotions, but at least you will know where you stand.
Brothers and young boys next, we expect that really there has been some great sexual energy and or simply exuberance since 18th October arounds. I see a swing coming whereby many of them may indeed now be experiencing some remorse regards, say even 5 days prior to the 20th December we may begin to see this. Issues of personality, issues of identity are to be expected, the hair and face may come into focus naturally then. If this is discipline issues for the real youngsters whilst on vacation, I expect so, put the reins on earlier in the season then to avoid any great retribution for the young lad through the Christmas week. Notice here too for most adults we will expect a change in regular egocentric patterns at this same timing.
For the daughters and young girls we have it that this odd darkly introverted sexually preoccupied period should now be coming to a close from around the 2nd December onward. To much great relief of some parents who seemed a tad concerned at her efforts to handle such mature topics, we see her coming out of her shell somewhat with a more mature impression of her social personality. If anything, expect some modern commentary and some great ideas on how to spend the Christmas holidays, much to moms horror possibly, as she goes long distance with friends. If anything, there is still an alert out there for young pregnancies so as such, keep the content of discussion real as you will well find the sarcasm a result of your daughters knowing more than they are letting up. The more you try to hide, the more they may assume they have to take matters into their own hands, so own up! Mom and Dad obviously had intercourse folks, like Santa being a fraud, sex does happen and has it’s consequences, no amount of fairy tale will alter this fact. For most adults this will come as a nice lift regards ones personal feelings, one may indeed feel bolder early December, less inclined to the traditionally comfortable.
Other than that, yes, why not boycott a commercial xmas this year and give your loved ones cash to spend in the discounted flurry malls will be offering in the post xmas weeks to follow, you won’t go wrong, I promise!


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